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The Corroboree

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  1. Quote Sorry mate, I didnt sample it. The flowers dont seem to be self fertile & I was so stoked to see a fruit I processed it for seeds. ___________________________________________________________ Any seed available? Cheers
  2. Thanks, according to Desert Tropicals it has many synonyms. How are you finding it as a grafting rootstock? So far for me it seems to accept Hylocereus hybrids though it does take some time for scions to start growing and I find new A. subulata shoots need to be removed so they are not preferentially supplied with nutrients. Cheers
  3. Anyone seen this before? Is it Austrocylindropuntia subulata? Cheers
  4. Hi Anyone tried using a variant of Keiki Paste using Vegetable oil as a carrier rather than anhydrous Lanolin? Cheers
  5. Zelly Be most interested in what the selenicereus ptranthus tasted like. I have an Echinocereus pentalophus clone which, provided the fruit is picked when fully ripe, has a Banana like flavor. Plant is not self fertile which is a bit of a pain. Cheers
  6. search forever


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