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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Conv3rgence

  1. Conv3rgence

    Picked up a bargain

    Picked up 2 decently sized Trichos for $20 from this friendly Mexican dude. Pretty sure it's a Pachanoi. It's about 1.2 meters tall. I think it's a Peruvianus, it's got a weird shape bending out sideways from the bottom like that, I'll need to repot this poor old guy before he falls over. But he had a healthy pup at the bottom. He's about 1.5 meters tall. Here's the pup, but he looks kind of Cuzco and different to the parent? This guys also got wired stuff happening, looks like roots coming out of the stem. Wtf are these things coming out of the stem? They are pretty high up in midair.
  2. Conv3rgence

    Picked up a bargain

    Not down on Cuzco, it's just that I already have one. They are very sculptural plants, I think Cuzco and knuthianus are the prettiest Trichos. I was just seeking Peruvianus. Fortunately, some WA SABers have offered cuttings, this is a great community.
  3. Conv3rgence

    Picked up a bargain

    Great advice, I might well do that soon because the bend at the base of this guy is somewhat alarming. And I assume this well established root system would then explode the pup I leave behind. But... Is it a Peruvianus?
  4. Conv3rgence

    Legality of Acacia confusa root bark NSW

    Having tannin powder for dye making purposes sent to the prison state of WA has not been difficult for someone I know, it came within 3 days and without hassle.
  5. Conv3rgence

    Trichocereus Australia Seed List 2015!

    Amazing crosses, well done
  6. Conv3rgence

    Ordering legitimate medication overseas

    How is 'psychoactive' defined? Isn't caffeine psychoactive? I thought alcohol and even tobacco by definition were psychoactive.
  7. Conv3rgence

    Rivea Corymbosa seed give away *ENDED*

    I'm special because I'm a unique focus of conscious energy amidst the ocean of infinite unconsciousness. I'm special because I create. I'm special because I'm learning to be a father. I'm special because I'm from WA and I'm disobeying the rules of your giveaway. But really, its ok to send seeds just not live plants! Thanks!
  8. Conv3rgence

    Tobacco seeds giveaway (Shirazi)

    If this is still available, i would love to try growing these. Thank you!
  9. Conv3rgence

    N. Rustica Giveaway

    if theres any left, id love to sow these seeds
  10. Conv3rgence

    Acacia Seed Giveaway!

    A is Acacia Confusa? aka Acacia Formosa Just in case i got that wrong, E is Acacia Maidenii? aka Maidens Wattle Welcome to SAB, and Im also another new member. Thanks for your generousity.
  11. Saw this on facebook. So what happens when theres a front-on collision? I hope the airbag discharging doesn't create a cactus grenade.
  12. I've heard much talk about the glowing benefits of urine as fertiliser, usually diluted of course. However, I have often wondered how ones diet affects the quality of urine fertiliser, as well as perhaps more importantly, how the supplements and medication one takes impact the urine. I know that after my morning multivitamin my piss turns fluro yellow, apparantly due to excess vitamin B3 (or one of the Bs). Are these extra vitamins and minerals in the urine are beneficial or harmful, and what about the overall pH? I also know that after a particularly punishing night of drinking, the morning piss can be somewhat acrid and eye-watering. (although i dont really drink any more) Furthermore, what about meds? I admit to regularly take dexamphetamine. It helps in many ways but I hope to ween myself off at some point. How do amphetamines impact the urine quality? What about other medication, there must be heaps to consider. Also antibiotics, or if someone is sick, does this need to be considered? I also take the supplement L-Tyrosine, a precursor to Dopamine. I take this as an attempt to support my overall dopamine levels that are drained by regular dexamphetamine use. Given dopamine is a precursor to the holy active content in some cacti, could this in someway make the urine help increase the potency of the pant? Thoughts?
  13. Conv3rgence

    New members giveaway

    PMed, hope i got it in time! thanks so much Glaukus.
  14. Conv3rgence

    I have just signed up to the forums

    yep, another happy new member here. After 3 months and something like 12 emails I was about to give up! Thanks for the validation.
  15. Got a few extras that I'd like to trade for diversity in my collection. As far as i know, from researching and checking multiple forums, this is a Spiny Scopulicola, aka Super Pedro. The cuttings are from thie massive 2 meter mother plant, pictured. Fast grower, that picture she was 6 years old, grown from a single log. I moved this plant and the root ball and base is buried in my garden but the transportation meant chopping her up sadly. I'm looking for Peruvianus cuttings primarily, but am interested in named clones of any available, also seedlings are cool. Also interested in Astrophytum and seedlings. Happy to work out a suitable trade for a fair offer. 30cm cutting (has scars that have healed) -GONE- 25cm pup 20cm pup 63cm massive tip -GONE- 35cm log 32cm log 25cm log 24cm log All up for trades, but I don't intend to get rid of the lot. And yeh, WA only.
  16. Considering digging this up if i can save it and nurse it back to health. (With permission of course). I think it's a pachanoi but I could be wrong. What's the diagnosis? It's mid winter in Perth, had a fair amount of rain lately but also loads of warmth and sunshine. It was even 29degrees over the weekend. Anyways, is this guy salvageable?
  17. Conv3rgence

    What's wrong with this cactus and how to help him

    So it would be better to nurse it back to health than take 2 cuttings and plant the stump in a pot or the ground? I'd heal the root ball for 2 weeks of course.
  18. Conv3rgence

    What is this yellow neglected thing?

    Shhhhhh that is my plan!
  19. Conv3rgence

    Original Drawing Thread

    A few by me, new SAB member, joined today! Geometric abstract art and childrens illustration.
  20. Conv3rgence

    eBay/Gumtree finds

    Was looking like a good deal here on ebay, but the bids are starting to pile up. This is a nice guy, I've met him and his cacti are in beautiful condition. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/221851953891?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  21. Conv3rgence

    eBay/Gumtree finds

    Wow... this is how much people try to rip others off in Perth... http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/canning-vale/plants/5x-echinopsis-pachanoi-san-pedro-cactus/1087127777 These tiny things for $100? I get 30cm rooted pachanoi from sunday morning markets for $15!
  22. Conv3rgence

    Meet up: Perth

    Hi, new member here from Perth. Mostly interested in cacti/succulents for my own garden but I am a lover of all things ethnobotanical.
  23. Conv3rgence

    New member, heres some of my cacti

    Regarding the 'gnosis' being a cuzco, which I can definately see now that I look at it, I'm curious as to why the Shaman-Australis website has it listed as Peruvianus? In two lisitngs as well, its somewhat deceiving! http://shaman-australis.com.au/shop/echinopsis_peruviana_gnosis_peruvian_torch_small_plant_pr_245.php http://www.shaman-australis.com.au/Website/Pictures/TrichocereusperuvianusGnosis01.htm Its also been traded between members here as a Perivianus. http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15804 Nonetheless it is a pretty cactus, I just wouldn't have chosen it in the cuttings bundle if I had known.
  24. Conv3rgence

    Seed grown Lophophora for sale

    Where are you sending from? PM