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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Auxin

  1. Auxin

    Enjoyable non-sugar drinks. Are there any?

    The first step is getting used to non-sweet things. Avoid all sweeteners, stevia included. That done I am now able to grow all my own beverages aside from coffee. I like to use dried lemon balm as a base and add more flavory herbs on top of it: thyme, oregano, sage, lavender flowers, etc. I use an espresso maker and can blast the same few pinches of herb 4-6 times. If coffee is too astringent ("bitter"?) try putting crushed egg shells or a single smashed lentil in with the grounds. The protein locks up some of the tannins. I used the lentil trick for a month when transitioning from sweetened to unadulterated coffee, its like a spoon of milk but way fucking cheap and with a shelf life of years.
  2. Auxin

    Some Simple Tryptamines

    Signed copies of entheogen themed books should sell better, as they'd have more collectable value. People wouldnt just buy them for coolness factor but perhaps also as an investment as books only go up in value over time if they are signed. To be blunt collectors would know Sasha Shulgin, for example, probably wont live another 10 years and even if he did he probably wouldnt be able to clearly write his name near the end so if he started signing copies for sale now it might be a quite limited commodity- and your books are low in production number, if 100 signed copies hit the market people might decide it would be a good thing to buy and re-sell in 30 years Is there a reason authors struggling to make sales dont autograph some to sell for $5 more on a legitimate site?
  3. There are aussie buddhist videos broadcast out of Perth too. Lots [Link] On the right theres also links to their live streaming broadcasts, recorded guided meditation vids, and sutta study vids. They also have the corresponding talks in mp3 [Here]. All free, of course, because buddhists are like hippies The main speaker is Ajahn Brahmavamso but there are other monks and nuns too.
  4. Auxin

    10%+ of tobacco cancer caused by fertilizer

    I'm not sure about other countries but in the US its illegal to advertize a tobacco product as less likely to cause cancer, even when its true. I think the logic is it discourages people from quitting, but the effect is that there is no profit in making a tobacco product less deadly. It would be a generous anonymous gift to humanity if the tobacco corporations made their products less lethal, but by law it could be no more than that. However, another US law says its illegal for a corporation to act in any way that would reduce profits to share holders... such as secretly spending money to make tobacco less-lethal. So in effect, in the USA its illegal to reduce the cancer causing potential of tobacco products.
  5. Mr. B's practice may have unintended consequences. He's training his mind to equate wizened old ladies with great sex. Tho I imagine his next girlfriend will be quite pleased. Personally I think fantasizing about girls you know is only bad if it manifests social problems, tension, or dissatisfaction with your real partner as a result. Being perceptive enough to be aware of any such problems as they begin to arise is the tricky bit, tho.
  6. Auxin

    what'z ya street name?

    man, I'm not sure if I'd like that. My friends call me Kal. Kally I could handle, its a bit feminine perhaps but its cute. Kalo, however, sounds like a roll-on deodorant.
  7. Auxin

    Happy Birthday Auxin

    Thanks everyone You were right on time Alice, its yesterday here
  8. Ok, so november is like sunny down there and getting sunnier, and most here are aussies. Its been clinically demonstrated that sun exposure in the months after birth is positively correlated with life long bone strength, IIRC the same was found for lifelong positive outlook on life. You know, lack of sunshine causes that SAD crap and so sunshine babies get like a lifes dose of antidepressants. So the way I figure is the happy people are statistically less likely to do loads of psychedelics, its us pasty weak boned winter-born melancholy types who blast our brains with psychedelics trying to find meaning or some path to contentedness in life. I wonder if the anti-november trend would be even stronger if you took all northern hemisphere members and inverted their birthdays across the equinox axis to make them seasonally the same as aussies.
  9. Auxin

    psychoactive salvia: FOUND!

    Your nine years late
  10. This law didnt appear in a vacuum. Years back a law was passed saying that any US citizen in another country who fucks a 17 year old is a pedophile and subject to arrest when s/he returns to the US. Flags were waved and people whimpered 'think of the children' and anyone who questioned it was regarded as a pedophile so no one with power did. Of course the feds here dont genuinely give a rats ass about people fucking 17 year olds (across much of the US its legal to fuck 16 year olds, in some places its even legal to fuck 14 year olds, the feds dont care). The federal 'sex tourism' law was passed as a precedent for future exploitation. I said that at the time and was called paranoid by americans and looked at crossways as if I might be a pervert. "Think of the children" Well heres the come-around. Americans can no longer escape even the most ridiculous of US laws, not even in other countries. Keep an eye out for when they set the precedent that foreigners breaking US law in foreign countries can be arrested upon entering the US. Oh wait, thats already on the books too.
  11. Auxin

    40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don't Know...

    By #11 I was expecting lizardmen overlords and red-white-and-jew conspiracies. Where are the lizardmen!?!
  12. Auxin

    Coffee beans in danger of extinction

    Ample time to breed new cultivars. And it sounds like they were just talking about farm land in ethiopia being reduced. I'll be turning 100 in 2079, I still plan to celebrate with a cuppa LSD spiked coffee
  13. Well damn, I see what you mean! Matucana madisoniorum X Echinopsis hybrid: It looks like a baby terscheckii but is flowering at ~15 cm tall, how cute is that. Thanks for the tip.
  14. No, our right to bear arms was intended to make it so we would never make the hideous mistake of maintaining a standing army spread across the globe wasting trillions of dollars, but rather had the ability to form local self-defense militias at a moments notice so we could fight off any invading army guerilla style with loosly interconnected, largely autonomous, state and county militias. "Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace" Thats the feds. Tho the feds allow states to do stuff like that too, like when Louisiana banned a whole entheogen encyclopedia, already illegal plants and non-existent plants included Unfortunately they dont allow states to do the reverse and allow plants. They cant truly force local police precincts to enforce federal but non-state bans beyond a certain point tho. I remember when a water main busted here me and the nearest cop stood around bullshitting until the utilities guy arrived. He was pissed because his precinct was being forced to waste time and limited cash reserves to bust pot smokers and private 4-plant growers while a mexican meth cartel was growing stronger than the local police force. I doubt that cop will volunteer much assistance to enforce federal pot laws after today
  15. The feds getting involved is guaranteed. Recreational drug laws is one of many state issues that the feds illegally usurped long ago. The feds are supposed to provide for national defense and to regulate interstate and international commerce and pretty much nothing else but they have their hand in every pot. They made drug laws very symbolic and if they were to give up control of them to the states they would loose their other illegal programs. This nation was supposed to essentially be 50 almost-countries under one small unifying top level government. Some how it ended up being 50 serfs serving under one perversely wealthy lord.
  16. And it also seems the law passed 8 months ago to legalize same sex marriage in washington was upheld by popular vote. Marijuana and equal rights, I see more tourism dollars for my state in the future.
  17. Auxin

    how old is too old?

    Theres logic in that, the western diet is too sterile. Beneficial and harmless microbes are the immune systems training ground (hard science has proven that) and anyway, not all molds are bad. Soy sauce is essentially liquid mold, certain molds are even eaten as medicines. When man was too primitive to preserve food we were hungry and ate rotten and fermented shit alot, when we learned to preserve food we used bacteria to help with that- even fermenting meats, we evolved for half a million years eating live microbes, its only been since the 40's or so that we've rapidly sterilized our diets. And we're only beginning to comprehend the results. It was funny the first time I got food poisoning after I started eating live bacterial cultures (it was from someones barbeque, damn other-people-food). For the first time the food poisoning pathogen didnt make it into my gut, I could feel it ramming the gates at my duodenum and my intestines were just like "HA, Bitches! This is a kimchee sauerkraut gut!" After a few hours the kimchee critters won, I wonder if they enjoyed their snack of salmonella.
  18. Auxin

    how old is too old?

    Margarine mold! Didnt you know, margarine mold likes fat (obviously) and mammary tissue has lots of fat, but molds need air to sporulate, so the result is a nasty case of nipple fungus. ...so if you get yellow stains on your shirt that smell of cheese, thats why. Its a good thing he didnt eat cheese mold, because cheese mold loves protein and guys have lots of protein in their balls, and oh shit He ate cheese mold too!
  19. Auxin

    Romney is 'yesterday's news'

    Yeah there never was a viable exit strategy for iraq and afghanistan and there never will be, so long as the US is involved, because the US is adamant that they be converted to american style democratic republics with american laws, american economics, and american customs. The foundations for making every country in the middle east into little-americas just doesnt exist. It goes against the cultural context, it goes against the momentum of their history, the infrastructure isnt there, and people are too illiterate to even give democratic elections the thin veneer of credibility that america has in its electoral customs. Given that, we could A) continue to make a mess there for decades more (out of iraq!?! we arent out of iraq! We werent even out of iraq under clinton, we were bombing it weekly, just the TV didnt bother to say so), or B ) apologize, promise humanitarian aid (and no weapons), actually follow through on it!, and just get the fuck out and let them be the architects of their own countries. Sure there will be in-fighting and maybe even civil wars but it will be of their creation and of their responsibility. No nation proudly stands on its own when its a slave to another nation, as long as we dictate their governance and their laws and their lives it'll just be a fucking mess. If they want something stable, let them build it. Pride in the accomplishment will make them want to maintain it. Look at india, the british fucked around there for a long time trying to make it a little subservient clone of england, it never had a chance of working because it wasnt england! Only when the indians decided to make their country for themselves did it work... it wasnt without pain but in the end it created stable countries. Similar examples are sprinkled all over asia, south america, and africa. Well that wasnt difficult, Bush was so horrible that the first person to come along who wasnt bush was guaranteed the new "Thank_God_He's_Not_Bush" Nobel prize. As it should be, as it damn well should be. They should also laugh at us because 75% of us are fat and 97% of us are diseased and its a thing we are gleefully doing to ourselves because of infantile addiction to trivial pleasures with no obvious measure of wisdom or maturity. Odd that so many still fall for the myth of american exceptionalism, and proceed to build mcdonalds's and buy cell phones and drink coca-cola so they can become fat and diseased like us. Laughing at us is fine, but I hope its followed by honest introspection.
  20. Auxin

    Romney is 'yesterday's news'

    Iran... Dont tell me you fall for the iran propaganda over there too? We get most of our oil from other people to begin with. Iran is happy to sell what oil they can export when we arent killing their children with murderous sanctions. Iran is not suicidal, they wont attack the US. They havent initiated a war of aggression on anyone in 400 years! Iranians may seem strange to outsiders, but so do my neighbors. I dont kill them. I'm strange, glad my neighbors havent killed me International inspectors have confirmed, over and over, that they are not developing nuclear weapons. Politicians have to misquote their findings out of context to even imply otherwise. Its only the jibberings of fanatical zionist war mongers addled with the lust for power that makes iran sound like a threat. Obama... Change!?! I didnt give obama $1 because I knew he'd never give me change If americans wanted change they would have voted for the girl I voted for (McKinney, not Hillary aka. Romneyette) Obama continued illegal wars, continued illegal sanctions, continued giving weapons of mass destruction to brutal foreign governments, and continued giving away our economy (bailouts are one thing but he didnt even try to regain control of the economy, he just tried to slap a bit of lube on our asses before we bent over to the corporations again). Obamacare is a ridiculous insult, more corporate pandering. Its now considered a TAX to FINE us for not buying a product from a private company. They actually got that penalty in the law books as a tax! If upheld that opens the door to being taxed for NOT owning property, or NOT buying liquor, for example. I guess that counts as change, but so would contracting herpes. Romney... I would have been surprised if he won anyway, The reps seemed to be blowing this election on purpose just like they blew the last one with a senile bigot and the incompetent caribou barbie. Romney is a bigot, a fanatic, and a obvious toad of the mega rich at a time when the majority are wishing billionaires werent getting all their money. I dont think the republicans want to actually be in charge while this country collapses again, it would be bad PR, they just want to stand off to the side and mock the democrats as they loose control.
  21. No electricity is a national emergency over here tho. I mean, no american idol, no oprah, no neon glare zombifying our minds, libraries are empty because everyone is too ADHD'd out to read books any more, etc. To be honest I dont watch TV so I didnt even know there was a big storm until people started dropping from sex chat and I got inquisitive... damn HAARP mussing with peoples groove thang! ...see this is why I vote 3 weeks before the deadline, who knows what craziness will happen.
  22. Auxin


    Not aussie, european. It was a cross done by Libertycaps of the nook. T. bridgesii X T. pachanoi The bridge being a typical one and the patch being a spanish (non-backberg) pach. If you see LC001 thats the same but with the parentage reversed.
  23. Its really unfortunate that C. ternifolia is apparently the proper name, because zacatechichi is just cooler. There should be an awesomeness exemption in name priorities. As for rules about discussion of plants uses, this is an ethnobotany forum, plant usess are the right thing to be talking about In your potent 1 leaf quid, just what size is the fresh leaf? And is there a ideal minimum of time to keep it in the mouth?
  24. Auxin

    Panda keepers dress as pandas.

    Well you were warned
  25. Auxin

    Panda keepers dress as pandas.

    Wow, either I've seen too much porn or youve seen to little But seriously, you can find it in any flavor, pandas, tigers, cats, bears, unicorns. We have whole conventions for it here, complete with lots of anonymous animal-suit sex. Heres a couple panda examples... Not safe for work: [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Frightening Link]