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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Auxin

  1. Auxin

    What do you eat?

    The largest portion of my diet is bagged like animal feed. Triple cleaned (human grade) whole grains and beans in 11 kilo sacks. With my garden supplementing a large portion of my vegetables my food budget is about $75 per month- home cooked whole food plant based everything. It costs a fortune if you try to buy lots of pre-prepared stuff or all organic, etc. a sack of animal feed and a bit of kale shouldnt be too expensive tho.
  2. Auxin

    What do you eat?

    SELFNutritionData is a fun searchable front end for the USDA database of average food nutrient content data. Basically if there is info listed its an average of something like at least 5 tests by the USDA. Many foods include data for all standard proteinogenic amino acids- essential and non-essential. You are not likely to find a plant listed in there lacking any essential amino acid, tho some may lack test results. The 'protein quality' score thing is handy, its a proteins percent compliance with the USDAs theoretical 'ideal' protein that they use for giving protein intake recommendations. Like in oats its 81 (oats is a bit short on lysine relative to fried human leg meat) so if you ate nothing but oats, and ate 2,000 Calories, the 87 grams of oat protein therein would correspond to 70.5 grams of the theoretical 'ideal food protein' with the left over 16.5 grams of protein, presumably, being burned off as calories. So oats is sure a good protein source! You can do the math for any vegetable or grain, for instance I remember doing the math out and determining that you could eat nothing but carrots and if you supplemented with vitamin B12 your only problem would be finding a way to eat 5 kilos of carrots every day, well that and the possibility of your skin turning orange from carotenodermia And I also remember being a bit creeped out by millet, as it might rank down there with african yams and cassava roots as things you wouldnt want to live on. Leafies tend to have a quite 'high quality' protein, like with kales protein score of 92, they just dont often have tons. Somewhere I have scientific papers from a project to teach africans to grow and eat cowpea greens as a protein supplement to their grain based diet punctuated by occasional famine. Turns out the greens contain more protein than the peas, and harvesting a bit of greens during growing encourages higher eventual yield of peas! Plants are good.
  3. Auxin

    What do you eat?

    Many plants take up B12 by their roots and translocate it to different tissues. If barley is fed manure barley grain will contain B12. If certain vegetables are fed lots of manure they will contain B12 in their leaves. This is a well established phenomena. The assay that showed (an almost trivial quantity of) B12 in ashitaba was almost certainly done on material from well manured ground. You can not expect ashitaba farms to be manuring so well. You can manure your own garden well and get B12 into veggies that dont cost you a pocket full of money There are non-animal sources of B12, its made by bacteria after all. As said above, small amounts get into veggies from compost and manure, larger amounts can enter the diet from fermented veggies. The latter isnt heavily researched, supplementing is still a good idea and is easy to do. Piss-cheap way is to get strong pills, the cheap kind so they'll be chalky and less coated, powder them, and recompound it into some spice or powder you can add to your daily food. Iron deficiency in vegans is a greatly overstated threat and is easily corrected by adding fresh fruit and/or alliums to the diet to improve non-heme iron assimilation. Calcium deficiency in vegans is a myth, and in 'vegetarians' is an absurd myth given the huge quantity of dairy they tend to consume ('vegetarians' consume 2/3 as much animal protein as regular omnis, but almost all of it as dairy) All plant proteins have all essential amino acids. No joke. The only food protein known lacking an essential amino acid comes from an animal. The relative proportions of certain essential amino acids differs from that of animal sources, yes, but if a persons food calories come from actual plants rather than refined fats and sugars protein intake is high enough that even the relatively 'deficient' essential amino acid in a plant food is usually supplied in sufficient quantity. Exceptions exist, but are rare. Trying to live exclusively on african yams or tapioca roots, and in quantities just sufficient to supply adequate calories, account for nearly all occurrences of veganism-induced protein deficiency. You can live on nothing but potatoes and cabbage, for instance, and there will be no issue whatsoever with protein. Diversity in the diet is good for many reasons, and its not really something you have to tell people to do... who the hell would want to live on nothing but potatoes and cabbage, or rice and bok choi, after all So people making a big deal about it in regards to plant based diet should be suspect. When people (even the junk-food vegans) shift to a whole food plant based diet they tend to underestimate how much lower the caloric density is and thereby consume far too few calories, I see this all the time. Its the usual cause of exhaustion and dizziness in new veg*ns and it happened to me at first too. Also, never forget that those are signature symptoms of sodium deficiency. People in warm places like my little desert or Oz can easily become sodium deficient in the summer heat when they try to be healthy and keep sodium intake low as recommended by wise physicians who practice in ice pits like massachusetts or england. Right on.
  4. Auxin

    What do you eat?

    Keep in mind I'm an american. I dont know how oz is but virtually all food here thats sealed in glass jars is packed full of dyes, preservatives, car antifreeze, etc. and some known carcinogens can be added without even being mentioned in the ingredients list. For a time I would read the labels until I found a 'safe' food and the only food I found without that junk was one brand of green olives so it was my exception, then a year later I just happened to see its ingredient label again and son of a bitch, at some point they started putting carcinogenic fungicide in without changing the front label. After the urge to go into an apoplectic fit passed I just decided I should avoid glass to save myself the bother. Now when I walk my dog on recycle day I pick up any big jars, take them home, and just make my own damned pickles. Mine taste better anyway And here even fresh vegetables in plastic containers are liable to have chemicals spayed on to prevent wilting or browning, chemicals which have never been tested for human toxicity.
  5. Auxin

    What do you eat?

    I'm a herbivore... now. My diet used to be shit, based solely on meat and junk food it was so bad that I had heart disease and arthritis by 18 but was just too perpetually stoned to care. I sobered up in time to be caregiver for my father as he died at 66 after years of excruciating pain from abusing his body the same way I was- drug abuse and a suicidal diet pattern. The rest of the family just shrugged, said lifes cruel, and jumped into the nearest pile of cheeseburgers and donuts. I'm not entirely sure who snapped, me or them, perhaps that depends on perspective, but now I eat no animal products, nothing from factories, nothing from glass or plastic containers, I dont drink anything sweet, and I dont eat anything sweet unless its alive, and my garden has grown to be as large as some peoples whole property. Cardiovascular disease is gone and I can run for miles, gut problems are gone, no more arthritis flareups, and I'm living to see other family members cheeseburger themselves to death... and be inexplicably angry at me for not following the family tradition of doing so The total avoidance of animal products was originally only intended for the active reversal of CVD, a small bit in my diet would probably be safe now, but since I'm a buddhist and now entirely used to never eating animal bits I'll most likely just stay this way.
  6. Auxin

    Show off your freaks

    Thats the short clumpy form, it tried to foreskin out several times but the triple strength grow ferts made it push out a new cluster of areoles and resume growing rather than pup. I'm hoping that trick is replicable, it'll make for some great beginnings on degrafted plants.
  7. Auxin

    Show off your freaks

    Enjoy my 25 cm penis, I do TBM/Pereskiopsis grafts respond well to occasional dosing with triple strength grow ferts.
  8. Many of you may have noticed that the 'free ethnobotanicals' thread was recently converted to an aussie-only trading thread, a quite understandable move to prevent inadvertant violations of import/export laws. It also keeps aussies safe from unexpectedly high shipping costs. That is why I am creating this new international version of the 'free ethnobotanicals' trading thread. I have changed the name enough to make it very difficult to mistake the two Because this is for people of all nations to exchange seeds and material across borders some guidelines must be made clear. All offers, without exception, must be both legal in the country of the person making the offer and legal for that person to export beyond their borders. It is up to the offerer to follow those rules and moderators may intervene in any clear violations. Before someone accepts an offer they are required to make sure that it is legal for them to receive the offer from its place of origin keeping in mind local, national, and international laws. The format for this thread will be the same as the 'free ethnobotanicals' thread. I will offer something to start it up with my offer encased in VVVVVVV A clear marker VVVVVVV, whoever wants it and has something to offer will respond to accept it and include their offer in VVVVVVV A clear marker VVVVVVV, then someone will respond to accept that and offer something else, etc. Its fine to offer a specific item / set of items, or to offer a limited selection from a list of available items (like listing 20 things and saying the next person can choose up to four items on the list, for example). If a selection is offered it must be clearly stated as such. All selections must include items you are willing and able to ship to other countries. If you are offering a selection it is allowable to include an item your only willing to ship within your country or region (provided that you are also offering things you are willing to send to other countries) but if such an item is offered it must be made clear where you are willing to ship it, a kiwi probably wouldnt want to get stuck mailing a live TBM cactus cactus to israel. OK, I think those are all the basic guidelines. Let the international orgy of trading commence
  9. Your spot on equating the american will to get involved with your resources. Glitch is, as you said, they will do whats in their best interest. In WW2 the americans wanted to become a global power and to establish or maintain lucrative trading ties. The japs were a rival global power and were less profitable/reliable trading partners. And supporting them was politically incorrect. Give the US good long term deals on oil and uranium and yes, they'll be allies for as long as your profitable. Start demanding competitive prices, human rights accountability, and respect for your sovereignty and you better hope no more cooperative entity tries to take you over. Venezuela has great natural resources, but they want fair trade and equal rights, the US has called them enemy for how long? Saudi Arabia has great natural resources, and they are willing to bend over for more than just prayer, the US calls them an ally despite their horrible record on human rights. Isreal was founded on genoside but theyre economically 'cooperative' ...ally Iran has not aggressively attacked another nation in over 400 years, but they insist on a fair deal for their minerals and they demand respect for their culture... enemy So yes, as long as oz is the inferior to america and smiles and serves like a good little house ni**er the master will be magnanimous. But if you want to see the limits just ban GM, legalize a slew of drugs, mandate that food megacorps supply only healthy fair trade food, and charge 5% above average for your minerals- you'll be the next iran.
  10. Great, a more permanent US military presence in Oz. So when we attack iran or bangledesh, or whatnot you'll be a legitimate military target for retaliation due to your complicity, thus slightly softening their blow against us. A bit like a sacrificial electrode. Why you guys agree to it is beyond me, we wont protect you. You must really love our cheeseburgers or something.
  11. Auxin

    Herbal supplements found full of fillers

    Not at all surprising or new. I have pharmaceutical books from 70 years ago listing common adulterants and identity/purity tests for what people now call 'herbal supplements', its a problem as old as trade. This is why I prefer to buy herbs in chunks large enough to individually examine. It immediately reduces a certain amount of fraud. .. or just plan ahead and grow the herbs myself.
  12. Auxin

    Acacia Acuminata

    Good information to know, thanks
  13. Auxin

    Acacia Acuminata

    A few surviving to seed is all I need I wont entirely abandon them to hail and snow drifts, I'm figuring on mounding dirt up around the bottom 5 cm of stem and putting a miniature hoop house row cover over with thin plastic sheeting on. Thicker translucent plastic covering would raise the interior by a full USDA zone, the thin stuff will at least buffer out the nightly extreme low and as I only get 2-3 cm of precip per month in the winters row-covered ground doesnt freeze to a sheet of ice. And I toyed with the idea of putting christmas lights in there to turn on for the nights of the coldest three weeks, but my dog might chew the cord so I doubt I will. I'm fully aware I'll be risking total failure, but where would we be if no one risked total failure now and then? If it fails I'll mostly just loose a bit of effort, if I succeed my country will gain these Acacias!
  14. Auxin

    Acacia Acuminata

    I couldnt really bring that many little shrubs in over the winter, even in 9 cm square pots I'd have to not graft any cacti next year to have enough space for that. I dont just get frosts, it easily gets 20 below 0 on the coldest night and some years at least one week will be below freezing all the time without a 1 minute break. I'm planning for massive plant losses, counting on it even- I dont have room for 72 trees What you say is encouraging in a way tho, it sounds like if any survive the first winter they will be quite likely to survive the second and third. If I can get any survivors to seed, the next generation may be easier. I guess I should try to get them growing a few months earlier than I planned tho. I could make room for that.
  15. Auxin

    Acacia Acuminata

    Next year I'm planning to start a mini-project testing to see if I can get any A. burkittii and A. acuminata 'narrow phyllode' plants to survive my winters. I'm hoping to have them ~5cm tall at transplant, then placed 30 cm apart in 60+ cm wide rows to allow for 36 of each species in the ground I'm preparing for them. I expect most to die in the winter and I could move around any survivors in the following spring, so would the above spacing be adequate for 6 months of growth after transplant? How many years (or how tall do they get) before flowering?
  16. Perhaps he uses firefox with adblock, such people never can tell what might cause spam for others, being nearly immune themselves Great progress naja, that first one is like a line up of different monsters. Really fuel efficient, lol
  17. Auxin

    Show off your freaks

    In my experience, pereskiopsis left on too long will eventually have the graft union become more of a problem than a help, culminating in causing rot to go right up the center of the scion. I've lost half of several, and all of a couple big 12+ month old scions that way. Less common with columnars, but I still dont like the risk. That TBMC will be awesome in 5 years.
  18. One possibility would be low grade hyponatremia caused by sweating out salt when you only just have enough. Progression of symptoms is typically: tired > weak and tired > weak and tired and dumb > weak, tired dumb and sick > > > coma > death Most people get too much salt, so this wouldnt apply to them, but hyponatremia happens in some. Open minded doesnt mean no judgements, it means willingness to re-evaluate judgements.
  19. The person that wrote that article seems a bit confused. They say its a hybrid, but in the next breath they say its a graft rather than just two plants in one pot. They say 'both ends' are free of solanine, an alkaloid from both plants, but solanine is only in the potato plant- its not a tomato alkaloid. Good that the toxin isnt in the ripe tomatoes, but they seem to indicate that unripe tomatoes and leaves were not tested, making their safety unknown. Why are journalists universally unqualified to report on scientific or medical issues?
  20. Auxin

    Show off your freaks

    Yeah, rooting isnt such a problem, my primary concern would be any engulfed section of pereskiopsis eventually rotting, if they grow like balls with the graft union in the center that would be a lot to cut away to get the pereskiopsis bits excised. I was envisioning something along the lines of maintaining a cone of aluminum foil on the graft to shade the underside so the blob grows like a cone.
  21. Auxin

    Show off your freaks

    Question.. on pereskiopsis grafts of cristates what kind of training or guiding is best to make the thing nice for eventual degrafting and rooting? I dont want them to swallow up the pereskiopsis and turn into giant amorphous blobs of crest.
  22. I do 50-60 crunches and 15-25 weight bearing squats each night to keep a reserve of muscle on for when I need to do lots of digging or hoeing in my garden, and for when I want to go on 15-30 km plant hunts. I also do daily stretches to keep a pesky IT band from kicking up shit in my hip and knee, I walk/run my dog at least once a week which counts because he insists on 4-5 km walks/runs, and recently I found a big deposit of nutrient rich basaltic sand so I'll go on a 10 km hike, returning with 4 kilos of sand on my back. Four kilo loads will build up, eventually, and make a nice mass of cactus soil by april. I also travel around on a kickscooter. A bit unorthodox for my age, so I wear a feather tiara and lots of sparkly bits so people wont stare at the scooter. I dont need to do anything for fat loss, I'm an herbivore who doesnt eat junk food... after instituting that lifestyle change I lost a kilo I wanted to keep Worth it tho, as now I can eat unlimited quantities of food and stay a solid 53 kilos and have more stamina and...pleasures than I ever had before. Yeah... I did that for a while, I wouldnt mind having a nice posterior or a healthy backside either. A bit time consuming tho, doing enough to feel it.
  23. Auxin

    I use cactus as a plural

    Just be careful what company you talk about cacti with, else you might inadvertently offend.
  24. Auxin

    I use cactus as a plural

    I know Peni in latin would be pee-nye (or Pen-eye), I was taking artistic liberty... its the prerogative of any man in a dress, didnt you know? Tho a feather tiara gets me the liberty too, it has to, I'm not in a dress, no wedding today. If I called myself pee-nye while in drag guys might think I was into guy pee, but in fact only girl pee is good. Perhaps mushroom pee, too. Cacti dont pee do they? Penii would be more like Pen-E-eye, or perhaps Pee-nee-eye if latin can tolerate two two letter syllables at the start in that case. I'll bow to EG on the german, I learned to be cautious with that after downloading a vid called Karin und Schaferhund from a p2p network.
  25. Auxin

    I use cactus as a plural

    I find it similarly amusing when people use the word cactis "I've got a good size penis plant, sporting a bunch of 'Peni'" If it ever again eventuates that I attend a social event in drag, I'll call myself Penny in your honor.