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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Ethnopiate

  1. Ethnopiate

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    I have N. tabacum seeds that originated from NZ. Very large leaves, fast growing, white flowers with pink frills. Rustica have yellow flowers as I recall... Mine look like this; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana_tabacum If you are interested, PM me for details to send an SAE and I shall send you a thousand or so seeds. I recently received some variegated mugwort recently, "Oriental Limelight" variety, but it will be a while before it goes to seed or is big enough to take cuttings from, 4-6 weeks I'd say. The seeds, if viable, revert back to the normal, non-variegated variety from what I understand, so a rooted cutting would suit I would suspect. I'll keep you in mind for when it's ready for propagation though!
  2. Ethnopiate

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    Has anyone got any phalaris var. australian seeds, or preferably, Yugo Red? It's been hard to find good phalaris information and seed sources as it seems to be an "emerging market" I guess you could say. I have seeds to trade, feel free to PM if you can be of assistance and I'll let you know what I have on offer. Cheers all, hope WA is thriving despite it's thread.
  3. If tobacco and alcohol were discovered today, I wonder what would happen there? Both carcinogens, both highly addictive, both cost billions a year in health care, both cause more deaths than any other "drug" and neither have any real benefit whatsoever to the overall health of people... But they are awesome sources of revenue, so why ban them? Hypocrisy at the highest level.
  4. Evil G, if ya need blood sugar info I am happy to help. Got myself diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a while back and have been researching since!
  5. I think you hit the nail on the head Yeti, it boils down to the money factor. As soon as certain individuals see an opening to get in on a market and make profit, they go all out to make as many products and "extracts" as they can, all just to line their own pockets, regardless of the stigma and inevitable banning/scheduling of what could have been a researched and beneficial contribution to the greater community. I am getting to be just like ol' mate EG, a grumpy bugger when it comes to the capitalization of the ethno scene! Sick of the gluttonous few fucking it up for the responsible many!
  6. Ethnopiate

    Some Simple Tryptamines

    I would be very interested in a signed copy of your work, trucha! How would i go about ordering and paying for such? I am in WA by the way... I would rather deal with you direct than go through a vendor or website as I don't really trust putting my financial info out there for the world to see, should they choose to look. The teasers look great! I'll admit that due to financial constraints I have often been tempted by the PDF versions, but they lack the tactile enjoyment of paper and like you mentioned, PDF's are electrically dependant and computer dependant... I enjoy life without both sometimes! Plus, encouraging the activities of the aforementioned smegma doesn't sit well with me and I also fear the aplication of knowledge gained from such a source would result in a cosmic ass kicking, rightfully so! I am now an avid mycology and ethnobotany student and have just cast aside my chef and painting quals to pursue a career in enviro science and sustainable development. Feel free to PM me if this discussion doesn't fit the thread, and thank you for putting so much time and effort into such valuable works. Cheers.
  7. Ethnopiate

    Perth meet 2012

    Anyone keen on a 2014 meet in April sometime, or after the first rains? I know this thread is old, but such a damn good idea. Feel free to point me in the right direction if someone has already put the idea in motion for this year...
  8. Add Trich pachanoi to thata list too... :-( Used to work for Chevron on Barrow Island rebuilding and servicing all the oil pumps. 550 oil wells and counting, plus water injection sites, plus the "traffic"of all the aLNG processing from offshore all on an island approx 35 x 5kms yet they intend to leave no footprint and damage no ecology? Pfffft! Glad I am heading into horticulture and sustainable development!
  9. Ethnopiate

    Pap som giveaway

    Da fuq with the negatives? Only want to grow for food, as do we all, right? Great on top of home made sausage rolls, cakes etc. 1, if I'm eligible...
  10. Ethnopiate

    Pap som giveaway

    I did utfse, hence the lots of reading, hence different opinions, there isn't really anything definitively answering my question, hence me asking the question here. Maybe I'm not holding my tongue right when I type. Previous experience was planting on the surface of shallow tray in seed raising mix, exposure to direct sunlight to germinate, plants grew first pair of leaves, collapsed but never popped back up, just stayed down and died. I tried the second time using compartmented seed trays that were deeper hoping that it was a tap root problem. Same thing happened again. I am remiss to try a third time due to availability of seeds in my area and I don't want to waste the last of them. Sufficient information I hope?
  11. Ethnopiate

    Pap som giveaway

    A bit off topic... Got told today poppies do not grow well at all in pots. Now obviously all plants thrive in their natural environs so I started doing some research before I asked what may be a simple question, so I thought! ;-) But after all the reading I am doing/have done my grey matter hurts as there are many different opinions. So; . Has anyone any thoughts based on experience or observation regarding this theory? Cheers!
  12. Ethnopiate

    Beginner's Microscopy Specimens

    Wow! I am truly blessed this week! Also got some Heimia seeds too as well as a gift from another benevolent soul on here, I really can't wait to be able to return the favour and get reciprocity swinging through the vines, great quality of people gathered on this site. Love it. After the first rains I will be off on a camping trip and shall collect a few wild spore prints from down south if anyone is interested? Would make for great diversity under your objective lenses! Thanks again endorfinder!
  13. Ethnopiate

    Pap som giveaway

  14. Ethnopiate

    Free seed to a good home

    That's ok. I would love some Melissa Officianalis if that is OK with you? Shall PM details tomorrow once I hear back. Currently starting my "Give Big Pharma The Ass " garden. Some essential veg, fungi and many medicinal plants, It shall be a grand year for all concerned! :-)
  15. Ethnopiate

    Cubensis pack giveaway for 2 words :)

    I know it's gone but just had to share a few choice ones; Just-in-beaver & Stench trench Womb broom & DNA ejector collector I love these random giveaway ideas!
  16. Ethnopiate

    5 seed packs to give away

    Received today and shared with my Dad and his neighbour. 3 very happy campers, thanks very much!
  17. Ethnopiate

    Free seed to a good home

    Do u have any papa somni's and phalaris left? I just found my glory box full of all sorts of goodies. Once I have sorted I;ll post what I have. Reciprocity is king! :-)
  18. Ethnopiate

    Beginner's Microscopy Specimens

    Keen as mustard, if they suit a beginner. Always pleasantly surprised by the generosity of fellows/fellow-esses on here, for advice and goodies, much respect.
  19. Ethnopiate


    Cactus porn!
  20. Ethnopiate

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Hmmm... Today... Moved cacti off property "just in case". Flood watered and then used a 1/10th of the recommended strength seaweed fert on my cacti for the first time in a while. They have definitely taken root. Taken on advice that neglect is best. Took pics, got paranoid about posting them, here I sit pondering... Potted up prickly pears that have been healing for a few weeks. To chop and multiply or leave the poor stringy buggers alone? Smallest shall stay in it's pot. The other two (both around 6ft but barely thick enough to hold their own weight) have very healthy new growth, one has pulled itself upright and away from the wooden plank it was leaning on. Tallest and thinnest refuses to stand on his/her own one foot and continues to be a lazy bugger and lean against the tree it against. Thinking of chopping down to lay flat in fresh mix and start pups...
  21. Ethnopiate

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    Hi Striterax, welcome. As was suggested to me when I first joined, before asking a blanket question, Google it or look up the relevant regulations on the wa.gov website. It's all there in more detail than anyone here can provide and more up to date. Also, this is a trade and sell thread, not legallity. I would suggest locating the correct forum by search with the tool to the top right of the screen or just start at the main forum page. There are many awesome people here that will help provided you do some legwork first and don't require spoon feeding. After all, they have had to do all the hard work for themselves first and have shared that knowledge, it's just a case of locating it. If you can't find it, then ask. Good luck, and welcome to the state where everything fun or medicinal is illegal!!
  22. Ethnopiate

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    Noooooo! Hope whoever got em is a benevolent soul who will propagate and share, been looking for some for a few months now as I can't touch coffee, caffeine etc... Oh well, now I know where to look, morning, midday, evening and midninght, every day, maybe just troll constantly... hehehe Thanks peoples for the heads up. Not going for the cacti bearing in mind their status in WA. If ur interested tho... http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-perth/san+pedro/k0l3008303r250
  23. Ethnopiate

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    Interest? I nearly lost my load! Thanks terra, going in for the khat but steering clear of most of the rest. Thank you squire!
  24. Ethnopiate

    5 seed packs to give away

    Any Heimia seeds left squire?