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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by frozenthunderbolt

  1. frozenthunderbolt

    Subs 2014

    These are the bearers of inspiration? Ahhh . . . next season . . . Thanks for the pics - better than google or my guide book
  2. frozenthunderbolt

    900th post birthday giveaway

    Yes please :-) I'm in!
  3. frozenthunderbolt

    Argyreia nervosa Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

    About 9 months, we get enough frost that i think they will need to over winter in the greenhouse for at least the first few years.
  4. frozenthunderbolt

    Argyreia nervosa Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

    I have 3 growing from seed, from 2 different sources. All are in my green house and one has a vine now almost 6 foot tall - just about at the top the roof on my mini-GH.
  5. frozenthunderbolt


    I see sounds, and some words as colour wave forms and patterns, but not all the time. I always have. My mum does too.
  6. frozenthunderbolt

    Want to see something dum? Aka I think I picked a Sally D flower!

    Yep - I'm a lucky dyslexic; was home-schooled and learnt a way around the reading side of things. I read the shape of words, and even whole sentences at a go rather than decoding the letters and blends that make a word up. Perversely, I can skim read pages much faster than your average joe! I'm also gifted with great visual-spatial conceptual abiltity and memory, and can knack things fast. (My own use of the word to describe my odd ability to watch someone do something, handle the tools and then pick it up with the greatest of ease ) Dyslexics of the world, Untie!
  7. frozenthunderbolt

    Want to see something dum? Aka I think I picked a Sally D flower!

    Yes and no. I know it's spelt dumb, I'm also dyslexic and can't be asked 1/2 the time. Glad to here I've got a good shot of getting some more flowers out of them
  8. frozenthunderbolt

    NZ Salvia giveaway

    Just a note to those Kiwi's that PM'd me, the cuttings are just about ready, so with any luck you will see something in around the next week; keep them warm, wet and well drained when you receive them.
  9. frozenthunderbolt

    NZ Salvia giveaway

    This is pretty much it. Scrubbing your mouth, cheeks and tongue with a toothbrush to exfoliate dead cells and rinsing with an alcohol based mouthwash beforehand are said to make it more effective. You can either spit it or swallow it afterwards - it has next to no effect if just eaten though; it is absorbed trans-dermaly through the mucus membranes of the mouth
  10. frozenthunderbolt

    Soap Nut Substitute

    google 'soapwort' - its a species of herb that can be used the same way
  11. frozenthunderbolt

    NZ Salvia giveaway

    Just a note folks, chances of getting cuttings to survive a trip to Auz, AND their insane border control (it's my understanding that S.D. is #notallowed in auzzie no?) is close to zip. In the incredibly rare event my plants ever set seed, then they will be flying to auzzie so fast their little seedy heads will spin
  12. frozenthunderbolt

    NZ Salvia giveaway

    Fresh leaf is the only way i have gotten results, tincture, smoke and dry quid did nothing - i suspect i'm a bit of a hard head. Hopefully i will develop some of the much vaunted 'reverse tolerance' from now on! This said, I remember reading that traditionaly it was only used fresh, and that when the ethnographer brought up smoking it the shaman was appalled and said words to the effect that 'this is why people have bad experiences with it- they displease the spirit of the plant by burning it, then wonder why the experience is so scary' Rightly or wrongly it works!
  13. frozenthunderbolt


    If they don't make it let me know. I've got bulk red (standard) and purple (semi-ruffled?) ones and a very little of some rarer ones that i'll grow out this coming summer
  14. frozenthunderbolt

    Looking for Damiana seed

    Bought a kilo of the herbage (for $20 - a steal compared to what i've seen it advertised for elsewhere - but definitely the real deal) gone through maybe 50-100gms of it so far and have a couple of dozen seeds to try that look decent, and more that look a bit immature. I'll keep you posted if i have any success at germination :-)
  15. frozenthunderbolt

    Looking for Damiana seed

    Anyone have some that they are will to share swap or sell - im in NZ. Cheers
  16. frozenthunderbolt

    Smoking alternatives

    Damiana Tea has been indicated as reducing MJ cravings
  17. frozenthunderbolt

    Good Friday Seed Give Away - Rare Seeds One Pack Only

    I'm just starting down this path at the moment - made oregano oil in the past on ghetto style equipment, but now have a proper separator and i'm waiting on my tax refund so i can buy a decent sized alembic still designed especially for oil production.
  18. frozenthunderbolt

    Good Friday Seed Give Away - Rare Seeds One Pack Only

    I would give the person a remote. When they asked what it was for i would tell them; 'a shock collar'. They would say 'what shock collar?' I would say 'guess where it is!' and then wiggle my eyebrows at them. BOOM Instant trust
  19. frozenthunderbolt

    Wanted, Calea z seedling/plant

    Yeah but i get conflicting google results: Silene capensis also shows something that looks very much like this: Which is what i had down as Silene Capensis.This said, it is listed as silene unulata by Wikki . . .
  20. frozenthunderbolt

    Psychotria leaf cutting technique comparison

    Awesome cheers! my P. Alba seedling is almost big enough i might be able to start stealing the odd leaf for this kind of thing from it !
  21. frozenthunderbolt

    Wanted, Calea z seedling/plant

    First two pics are of the thing that was sold to me as Calea (but, obviously, isn't). Looking on google it could be something called 'lambs ear' maybe? I still got ripped off though! lol The last is possibly skullcap? I took labels out of what i thought was a dead pot then these guys showed up!
  22. frozenthunderbolt

    resistant starches to feed your gut biome

    Was reading about different probiotics today, dirt being one often neglected. Apparently SBO's (soil based organisms) can just about fix many cases of IBS and can assist in a range of other problems. There is one brand that has isolated a bunch of the common (and non-pathogenic strains) - it has the advantage of not being temperature sensitive and being able to survive stomach acids to actually reach the gut. It goes a ways to explaining Geophagy in some humans and animals - instinctive self medication?
  23. frozenthunderbolt

    Wanted, Calea z seedling/plant

    Sory, thought i did, but what i have growing (beautifully!) bares NO resemblance to the pictures of it on the web Leaves me wondering just what the heck was sold to me . . . - looks sort of like a cross between mullein and horehound shapes and type of leaf. Bummer
  24. Title says it all really, I'm kind of desperate to find seed of blue lotus to grow, it's way to expensive to buy in quantity in NZ and it might help save my marriage . . . Happy to pay a reasonable price for some seed, or trade for some enthno/medical herb seeds, or heirloom corn or bean seed. Can anyone help me out?