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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by bardo

  1. Lol if what I write makes you laugh than I am happy I produced some positive entertainment, can't take things to seriously especially your self : )
  2. bardo

    Road side drug testing

    F__king with your theology like darwinism in the bible belt. Is that directed at me Change ? or am I being vain in that thought ? it is estimated that 84% of the worlds population is religious http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/watercooler/2012/dec/23/84-percent-world-population-has-faith-third-are-ch/ So I see theology as a useful activity as it helps better understand the people of the world and there views and to understand history with more clarity. I can't see how you could interfere with theology? theology is a study not a belief. If its not directed at me than whatever.
  3. bardo

    Road side drug testing

    Way to be condescending, You cant see them with your naked eye but you can see biomolecules with your eyes when you use them to look with cryo-electron microscopy ya wally lol
  4. So any ideas why this has become so easily and widely accepted all of a sudden ? Maybe we are in pending doom from an asteroid or maybe the ozone is depleted or an ice age, global warming etc and having or trying to have people believe in flat earth may help minimise panic ? or an experiment to test gullibility or to see if a divide can be created through newly excepted ideologies that conflict with dogma and measure the effect ? Or a failure of the education system? It is interesting how this thing is spreading in popularity and so suddenly, So any thoughts about that ?
  5. I think the flat earth idea has potential to be a great thing in the way that it encourages many people to think outside of the box and could lead to great personal/internal and external discoveries or realizations. Well said, I can not argue with you on any of those points unless I was to be a prick and knit pick. I don't agree that a conversation can be retarded but I see how ideas conveyed there within may retard a conversation from progressing, Oh wait I am being a prick and knit picking : ) Thanks for the thoughtful response and all the best Paradox.
  6. Invested in what? And what is my position that I am trying to justify ?
  7. bardo

    100th Post giveaway

    Entheogens + me = A couple thing it has helped me to see clearer or equals to me is to have my own mind and to view the world through my own senses without needing validation from an authority figure, it has tought me to not completely believe in what anyone tells me unless I can verify it for myself because I have learned lots of people are full of it and parrot a lot of things. It has also helped me to love and care for others and realize we are all teachers tho sometimes it is hard to recognize the lesson. It has also helped me to be less reactive and more thoughtful, I am reactive at times tho I am mindful of it : ) It has also showed me or opened things to me that show how little i can really know while being in the body suit, and in saying that take everything I have previously said with a grain of salt : )
  8. Well I like to gain knowledge more so than understandings derived through education, education means- the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. Systematic means- done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical. I am more of an empirical type learner. And that is not my "idea" of interesting, interesting means- arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention. All things within this experience (life) fits that definition for me. Anyhow there is probably no point in us discussing or arguing any further, we have both stated our points and I believe both points carry some cogency and I am sure we both feel our view as having some validity from our own perspectives. On say saying that I bid you a good day sir and will not drag or encourage you to participate in this "boring & retarded" debate any further.
  9. True, maybe I should be quite, I prob got a bit of the dunning kruger effect going on here lol
  10. You're welcome : ) There is no one perfect way and has a lot to do with experimenting and one persons advice may not be appropriate to another's climate hence the importance of experiment. But this method will generally work with little issue, you could expect some losses during transplanting because they are quite fragile at this young stage but the loses are usually minimal. All the best with the growing : )
  11. You don't possess any truth? then what is the source of your stand point? I thought that the electric charge is what holds atoms together in the case of water hydrogen & oxygen but I don't understand how this has anything to do with my question? Your answer sounds abstract to me. What about upside down tomato planters , does this not go against geotropism? and if so then does it not give some kind of validity to my questions? Or is this just the type of question a "retard" would ask, that's a rhetorical question so need to answer. Maybe I am just uneducated in regard to this subject but when entertaining the flat earth model gravity is not required at all and becomes density. If you think this debate and/or subject is retarded then surely you have some standpoint which you think is true in order to derive that opinion? If there is no spheroid theory than what idea are you using to justify your course of action within this topic/discussion ? To me it is a theory because a large portion of the information and proofs presented to me on the topic I can not verify and there for to me fits the definition of theory. A scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation , if I have not had information verified than what is it ? I may appear silly or stupid for presenting such things but I am not what I appear there for care little on how I may appear. You say if I don't know what you mean than you will not explain it, I feel you and I are very different people as I would want to share my knowledge especially if it can bring illumination of some sort but your statement sounds like or feels like it presents some kind of superiority over the "retards" and that to me seems like an ego driven point. Also I do not like the word retard or retarded being used in a derogatory manner but that is beside the point and digressing from the topic and has little relevance to anything, just seems an unnecessary and lazy way to communicate.
  12. Precisely : ) cannot be spoken of
  13. The most rigorous realization of the holographic principle is the AdS/CFT correspondence by Juan Maldacena. However, J.D. Brown and Marc Henneaux had rigorously proved already in 1986, that the asymptotic symmetry of 2+1 dimensional gravity gives rise to a Virasoro algebra, whose corresponding quantum theory is a 2-dimensional conformal field theory.[16] 1986 years I was born, in basic numerology = 6 and 2+1 = 3, three sixes. Just joking (or am I) nuh sounds interesting, I know the basics of the theory but have not invested much time into it. Maybe another day
  14. Lol get some popcorn and enjoy the show : ) All I truly know as far as I have and can observe is that my body is in slow decay so I find this world and the arguments therein somewhat incidental but a great way to amuse and entertain for the duration, most my energy goes into in no particular order 1. preparing my spirit for departure although I can not be certain what that is exactly but my process, methods and preparation well It enlivens me : ) 2. To try be a positive effect on this realm and to share, care and love, to not judge or put people down and when I shake up or question things which I do very often I try not to respond with an ad hominem so if anyone gets personally offended it is not due to what I said but there reaction to what was said or at least the interpretation of what was said. Plus it is hard to speak definitive meaning when most words have a double-entendre. 3. My number 3 is something that can not be defined because it is mine and can not be communicated : )
  15. The flat earth theory and spherical theory are both extraordinary and worth questioning, as well as a myriad of other theories. When we are told we are spinning approx. 1600km/hr and the earth orbits the sun at 30km/sec 107, 830 km/hr and the solar system moves approx. 828,000 km/hr I am gonna question that because I think those claims fit the definition of extraordinary. Gravity is another that fits this claim that fits this definition , example why, when gravity can hold hundreds of thousands of tones of water down but a blade of grass grows against it. Density is easy to understand and provable with empirical methods and makes more sense to me. Also I see water flattens/levels out, that is what I can see and observe, empirical. I have never seen a model or experiment that shows/replicates how water on the outside of an object can stick to the surface while spinning?
  16. Cell phones transmit via land based towers - http://www.getgds.com/blog/cellular-vs.-satellite-understanding-the-differences . I have not once said the earth is flat but that I question the reality presented to us, I did say I am leaning toward an electro magnetic plane. Prob a simulation of some type, definition- (the action of pretending; deception. "clever simulation that's good enough to trick you) I would never claim to know the definitive answer to what this all is, I don't have the haughtiness for that but it is fun to speculate and there is lots of fodder here for the curious. here is a quote from a nasa employee Rich Terrile -Quite frankly if we are not living in a simulation it is an extraordinarily unlikely circumstance. Not that quotes mean or prove anything. That's a very negative and non productive statement, a terrible way to inspire truth and the pursuit thereof, all tho i believe your intentions were not to inspire truth but to insult those who question your truth. How about this one or this one this one Not very consistent and I don't feel they look or seem very legit. A good artist could paint photo realistic images such as these. This pic looks cool But who took the pic ? Who took this one ?
  17. bardo

    2015 Australian Perpetual Free Trade Thread

    I will take that thanks Tom, no need for the rue tho. I offer some seeds of painted mountain corn, sun opener, ashwagandha, Syrian rue, Acacia concurrens, Acacia floribunda and a few berries of P. Alba.
  18. Thanks siks3, if ya wanna make a video about something even if its been done, especially if its an important message I say go for it, the more voices the better : ) At the size nasa says the earth is you would need an altitude of over 50,000ft, commercial aircraft reach between 28,000 to 35,000 ft, the concord was designed for around 45,000ft, How did you see the curvature? or do you mean ypou have seen the effect of the curvature ? We or at least I am not claiming anything just questioning and that aint a slap in the face of science, if you tell me what it is without me researching and investigating then that would be me having a belief not scientific findings that I can verify, the definition of science- the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. That's what we are doing instead of just believing. I am an anti vaxxer and so are some people I know and we are healthy, healthier than many people I know who get those shots, I don't know what way is right or wrong and people can make up there own minds but I don't trust them to inject me with substances that I don't know, I rather build my own immune system and if I die from a disease then my genetics are weak and prob shouldn't breed them, but we all have our own opinions and views I respect yours and would hope you could respect mine ? either way I don't really mind if you do or not cause this experience is temporary and I try not to get caught up in much here, I mainly focus my energy on spreading love and care for people as well as preparing my spirit for the inevitable and like to share ideas but I wont squabble about them. Peace and love is my thing and I believe it is the only thing that truly matters : )
  19. We are not saying the moon is flat. I don't think siding with the masses is a safe bet, I think this quote from Einstein is relevant here - "The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before." Look at the masses here in Australia 63.4% are over weight http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/02/24/australia-obesity-statistics_n_9154422.html and many aussies are suffering from preventable and curable diseases and ailments. That's just one example of the masses, What about how many people buy and eat toxins because they don't read the ingredient list ? that would be most I would say, here is a vid I made about that with hopes people will read and care what they eat, many people are just way to trusting in my opinion.
  20. bardo

    Meet up: Brisbane

    I have been wanting to go to one of these, I can't go on the 11th but should be cool for later in the month, or early or sometime next month would be best but please don't arrange this around me, I am sure I will get to one someday : )
  21. They look good, I reckon you could pot up those trich seedlings, I usually pot them up and place them in a large plastic tub or mini greenhouse so they slowly and gradually acclimatize to less humidity and more sun, if they turn red they are getting sunburnt. You can slowly acclimatize them before potting up as well. I never use lights or heat mats but I am pretty sure they would crank a lot faster using a heat mat.
  22. I am leaning toward an electro magnetic plain, gravity = density, there may be no edge, an edge is a human construct but if you travel south or north you will hit an ice wall travel east and west would be circumnavigating the disc (in a circle) , tide only happens in salt water because it contains electrolytes, satellites may just be high altitude balloons/craft. What about terminologies sea level LEVEL, airplane PLANE, The sky's the limit lol. I wouldn't say its that far out that there is a massive conspiracy, have a heap of people who know something while the rest of the world is tricked with sci-fi videos and equations, good for the ego and superiority complex. I used to believe santa was real and even those I loved and trusted the most convinced me of the lie so why would it be so far out to think there are groups that conspire and lie, I don't trust anything nasa says and scrutinize there video clips, look carefully and also take note of how long they play before there is a cut or edit, look very carefully at every detail and take careful note to what they say in each clip or conference and cross-examine what they say/do, Truly look, listen and think about it. I am not saying I know what the truth is just that I am dubious what they say and present as truth is true. Santa was one of the greatest lessons I was taught, taught me how easy it is to be deceived when I believe without question and scrutiny, I trust no one completely because most are easy to buy and sell, most if not all can be morally and scientifically corrupted whether aware or not. Here is some quotes I like from Mark Twain (at least I have been told that he said these quotes? I can not verify in any way he even said these things lol) - Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect . Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.. And this one not because it is overly relevant, its just because I like it- If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
  23. bardo


    If you want one real bad than make many trips to nimbin, you may get one the first time or may take many trips but I am very confident you will get one from there eventually, the place is a great weekend visit anyhow : ) Laid eyes on her many times in that local : )
  24. bardo

    2015 Australian Perpetual Free Trade Thread

    I am going to do what waterboy did and add on to the last offer with hopes of getting this going again, so in addition to stona86 offer I offer some ashwagandha seeds, sun opener seeds, 10+ painted mountain corn seeds and some random seeds of whatever i have handy : )
  25. bardo

    Free trade/unwanted plant/seed dump

    Lol, is this the new perpetual free trade thread ? How is this working ? so Thisartismurder offers a couple of acacia plants and mole takes that, and then offers a cuzco to ? Thisartismurder ? then that's it ?