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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by -RC-

  1. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Yeah they shrink up aye. Fairly potent though, as I understand it... Should keep me busy for a while
  2. Hi all, Just wondering if it is possible to grow acacia floribunda from cuttings, and if so how? Cheers
  3. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Another heap this morning, which takes the total over the last 3 days to HEAPS give or take heaps. Easily the most I've ever found Happy hunting!
  4. -RC-

    Sunshine Coast meet (QLD)....

    I would tend to defer to Halcyon's local knowledge here for sure. I can't camp, but as long as it's not a 4 wheel drive, 2 hour from the Sunny Coast drive I'll be there.
  5. I'm very surprised that no one has really queried your inner work or meditative practice. Do you meditate? If not why not? I don't mean to sound condescending but historically it has been the basis for human self knowledge and realisation. I'm sure your psych team know what they are doing, which I guess is trying to help YOU KNOW you and your stuff. But everyone has that path open to them anyway. Again I don't want to discount the help of trained professionals and the real benefit they can offer, but we as a western society have the unfortunate tendency to give our agency away to those who 'know', particularly when it comes to our health, mental or otherwise. I guess what I'm saying is I would leave off any psychedelic/entheogen until any pharmaceutical band aids are withdrawn and the REAL issue/s stand clear to you in all their painful glory. Then you will know EXACTLY what your block is, and then begin to perceive a way to dissolve it that is individual and particular to your predicament. Pain is there to teach you, but we run from it all too quickly these days without taking any lesson from it whatsoever. There is no one-size-fits-all. There is just your size fits you. Our materialistic homogenisation of mental health is part of the reason we are so unhappy as a species today in the West. Schizophrenia is a perfect example of that. There are views out there that consider schizophrenia a result of awakening gone awry, or awakening that has come about unexpectedly upon the unprepared. As a society, we in the West are woefully under-prepared for such events, and our psychology only perpetuates that. Many would consider a spotlight upon your flaws coming from within to be indicative of a spiritual meeting with the so called 'Guardian of the Threshold'. Self knowledge leads to self mastery. Sacred plants can help you on your way and remove the veil, but they are helpers, not manifesters of our Ego's selfish desires as such. In summary my advice would be to take up meditation as seriously as someone who is medicated takes there medicine. Daily, same time, etc. Get clearer about who you are and then any help you receive from sacred plants, should you decide you want or need it, will be much more easily digestable and practicably applicable to your journey. If the mind is agitated then it needs calm, and true calm cannot be found externally. We must all generate our own, without chemicals from without, and according to our own intuitive and discerned understandings of our own being. Any true healing modality should be aimed at getting to the bottom of things, and that can't happen without some sort of painful confrontation with ourselves, generally speaking. Again, all the best, I certainly don't mean any of this as an admonishment. I truly wish you well, and if I'm being honest, I have written this after a 4hr mushroom journey, so I'm feeling fairly emphatic on the whole avoiding entheogens until you are clearer in yourself. Apparently for me it takes the form of chasing the serpent/dragon, which I guess is a metaphor for my fears and flaws, to force that confrontation, because without it I can't gain the victory over them that I seek. Peace.
  6. -RC-

    the future

    The future is what we make it. As Tathagata Buddha said "With our thoughts we make the world". Guess we just need to stop eating/drinking/smoking shit, and working in employment that rapes the earth, and eat/drink/smoke good stuff, and work for our betterment as a whole and individuals, being mindful of our thoughts as we do, and we can go anywhere. My children, and the children I teach, are already far smarter and wiser than I am, and all we need to do is keep them shielded during their development from the bullshit we call 'society', 'culture' and 'entertainment', and watch them unfold like the beautiful flowers they all innately are. Maybe..
  7. -RC-

    Oberon sub zero camp

    I would advise you get very specific with your intentions as per what you want to get out of your trip, pun intended, but not really. I mean REAL specific, as in "If I found X gs, then that would work out to be x amount dried, which would last me X amount of time. I really want X to be there too, and that many gs would be perfect for the future" You might be pleasantly shocked... I have been
  8. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Yeah there are a few different types out there, but the cyans are blatant to my eye. They almost already have a blue tinge to them before you even touch them. The others there are much whiter and shorter. The one above was definitely a cyan though, the last couple of hours has shown me that Very different to subs, closer to cubes I suppose, which is probably to be expected given they have a bit of that gold in them too.
  9. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Were the cubes and cyans in the same place?
  10. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Found lots of cyans Would've found more but the cows were getting a bit spooked I guess I'll go for the final round tomorrow, although afternoon might be best because this morning I had cows to contend with and a lot of slow cyans. Afternoon on the first day was flush.
  11. -RC-

    To Pan or not to cube?

    Cheers guys for your help. I'm 100% they are cyans. Probably should say it's not my first time picking, but in a new area I just wanted to put it out there. I have been very careful and selective, now I just have to dry some 200gs. Thanks again
  12. -RC-

    Sunshine Coast meet (QLD)....

    Don't know about the camping side actually, I would assume not though
  13. -RC-

    To Pan or not to cube?

    Spore print is black as. See below with cap responsible. The images I've seen of foenisecii look nothing like the ones I have here, and they don't have that skirt, veil or super domed shape of the papilionaceus. I have been very careful picking them, so most are slightly bruised blue on the caps, but are blue ink where I pinched the stem to pick them. Maybe the flash is making them look red? A little bit more detail - they have all been picked out of cow poo in SE QLD in low lying pastures after heavy rain and very high humidity. Here's one I found this morning - 6.51
  14. Heaps 'o Pans!!!!!!!!!!

  15. -RC-

    To Pan or not to cube?

    Sorry about that. These ones should make it easier.
  16. -RC-

    Sunshine Coast meet (QLD)....

    13th then? Buderim Forest Park is fairly accessible and beautiful, but I'm new to these parts and am easy.... just quietly
  17. -RC-

    Sunshine Coast meet (QLD)....

    *BUMP I can easy make the weekends starting the 6th through to the 20th I reckon
  18. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Um... just to be sure, an ID please? I found a bit...
  19. -RC-

    Metalheads Unite

    Got into Parkway Drive a bit there for a while. Go you Aussies!
  20. -RC-

    last night i smoked some weeds

    ... or just smoke some cannabis instead
  21. -RC-

    I'm still alive!

    Flamin' heck! Bloody good to see ya mate, we've been flat out like a lizard drinkin while you've gone walkabout, and now here's me yappin like a bloody drongo Nice to hear from you mate.
  22. At last some fucking common sense, this time in Colorado http://rt.com/usa/colorado-marijuana-reverse-convictions-929/ "The Colorado Court of Appeals has ruled that residents there convicted of marijuana possession before recreational weed was legalized may be eligible to have those decisions overturned."
  23. -RC-

    Acacia or Melaleuca?

    ^ thank you, and noted
  24. Not sure, although I'm sure it is obvious to those in the know. If not acacias what are they, and if they are which ones? Thanks in advance