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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by upside

  1. upside

    Post your track of the day

    Carpe diemt to this,,, http://youtu.be/JIYdRodxf5E
  2. as the title suggests,, but wondering if it's a certain variety?? 😊
  3. upside

    free tricho seeds..

    Yes plz. Don't fear the border,, nothing has ever gone astray this way
  4. upside

    Nimbin/Kin Kin - plant swap - 4th March, 2015

    Don't need a movie to see Nimbin in its glory
  5. Or just a glass of something hehe
  6. upside

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    I know exactly what you mean,, it's so difficult just looking and not doing! Mixed results with the root formation and shoot growth. Depends a lot on location I feel. My circumstances, I'm still new to this plant and after a year I'm just becoming comfortable with knowing what they need where I am. Saying that, I'd think what you heard is a good indication, "if" conditions are satisfactory. I've had leaves in a tub in my greenhouse for over 12 months now. As an experiment I just let them be. The soil they're in has dried out many times, I've dampened them off many times and only in the last few weeks has a shoot formed!!! They're very tough lil dudes. I've noticed on here that pyschotrias and Caapi like similar conditions. Can someone here let us know if this is correct?
  7. upside

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Here's my tub o psych,,,
  8. Thanks Amazonian and Cubism for the links. Oh and someone should take up swampy's offer,, it's a roooly nice cut! Maybe I'll just have another mate
  9. upside

    Meet up: Perth

    Would love to get to a meet up one day,, if I'm up there at the same time lol Just wondering if anyone is down South ways, near Albany, Denmark, Walpole areas? Possibly synchronise a gathering in the forest or whatever lol be great to meet and trade.
  10. upside

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Looking forward to seeing your results ☺️I gave this experiment a go myself with Viridis, Cartha and Alba leaf. For myself the perlite and soil worked the best. Zip bags did get results but the double handling and transplanting into pots held things up a bit. I've had them placed all over the property in different areas, in partial sunlight and out of direct sunlight,, blah blah,,,, but over time they showed me that in a nice big see through plastic tub out of direct sunlight with the lid slightly cracked open for FAE worked best in our location. Once again I fussed over my plants and in the end just leaving them alone most of the time is my best option lol but I guess I had to learn that Edit: I'm now at the point of just putting the leaves anywhere that's damp and humid and out of direct light (Crass jokes aside haha😉) But the lil buggers throw roots out no problems. I thought they were a bit tricky at first.
  11. upside

    Garden insect ID thread

    I have these lil fellas on my acacia. They don't seem to be doing any damage Edit: well they are doing damage! Sucking the very fresh tips. Somewhat beneficial I guess for "tipping" to create bushier growth 😜
  12. upside

    advice sending cacti in mail WA to SA

    As Pimento said,, an Aust post satchel is flat rate for postage. You can squeeze whatever u like in there. Shape doesn't matter. Just find a box or something you can fit the cactus into, which will fit into a satchel and then u should feel comfortable knowing they will arrive safely. It really is more cost effective.
  13. upside

    advice sending cacti in mail WA to SA

    Wherever plants are sent in Australia I'd go express. Only 2 nights from East to West, I'm guessing the same NW Wa to SA. Cactus could spend a week in transit no probs I'd say, but just make sure they're firm in the parcel, ie, doesn't move around in there. Make sure any cuts are well dry/calloused. You shouldn't have any issues. I think the bare rooted cactus will be fine unplanted, out of direct sunlight for a few weeks at least.
  14. Absolutely mate,, and that sweet pach is pupping now too I keep seeing references to trouts book,, must get a copy. Cheers
  15. upside

    Advice on sick Khat

    I found in Perth they grew really well. Quite a hardy plant IME. And the local councils planted them in quite alot of suburbs as a hedging plant back in the 60's thru to the 70's so I've heard from a number of varying people. Anyway, I only usually water mine now when they start wilting. They are very durable. The Khat farmers of South Africa would strip them back to almost nothing, leaving only a few active shoots. Info taken from Dragibus magazine vol 1 issue 2. The plant that was in the front yard of the property I was renting in Inglewood use to get hammered by those in the know. It always grew back bushier and stronger. Don't smother it with too much love
  16. Hi Cubism,, I don't think so as I have at least a dozen of those in different stages and it doesn't match. I'm thinking after a Google search it could, maybe,, be a Stenocereus?? Still unsure......
  17. Hi laughing owl,, what type of light setup are u using? They're looking really good.
  18. Thanks EG. I'm pretty happy with it.
  19. upside

    Pot up?

    Thanks for the info. That's all I needed to hear they do seem quite happy as is, so that's where they'll stay! I was telling myself to just leave them, but had to be sure. You guys have given me the confidence to do nothing but keep an eye on them lol cheers
  20. Solved,, it's a t.bridge,variety-green one lol ;p kermit perhaps?? Thanks Ace, I'm not that fussed, was just wondering. Appreciate ur feedback and will have a look at that info. Cheers
  21. Added these cuties to the collection also. Anyone help with the unlabelled on the right?
  22. Sweet as mate. I'd love the free Yowie x PsychoO and the other 2 x freebies also thanks no probs on the waiting either.
  23. Potted up a stack of seedlings. PsychoO x Paradeyes PsychoO x TPM PsychoO x N1 PsychoO x Super Pedro TPQC xTPM Peru Super Pedro x J3 PC x Scop Tarma Huay T.P Arica T.Bridgesii Unkown Trich's & A.Myriostigma