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Everything posted by ramon

  1. ramon

    crop circles

    The superhighways things checks out http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/releases/2002/rele...e_2002_147.html
  2. ramon

    crop circles

    I saw the documentary about crop circles and it definately sparked a interest in them. However the documentary was obviously very biased. I want to check out the super highways thing at NASA first to see if that was true . Also want to find some books by Lucy Pringle to read. what id want to investigate would be when they started, if there are reports in premodern era comminities of it hapenning whether the incidence is worldwide or limited to the west - for example does china,India, Iraq, Argentina or Saudi get crop circles according to this documenaty definately not premodern. I think that they mentioned first on in 1971 They have supposedly occured in Japan or China
  3. ramon


    Totally agree with the expanded sense of "self or I" as described. In my more enlightened momments I see things this way as well. However this is definately not the way I understood the concepts of "self and I" when I was young. So now when I use these concepts my understanding of them ranges from their original meaning to the more inclusive meanings. What I bemoan is that the is not a more inclusive type of I which is learnt when you are young as a concept. eg II seems to be a much better lable for the more inclusive concept of self. I think that even the fact that the lable of I ( the letter i ) is the shortest possible name for a concept makes it seem more singular and exclusive
  4. ramon


    The problem I have with I is that it implies a singular I Hence if you think of yourself as I you are reinforcing a false concept
  5. ramon

    Brisbane meeting

    I think that if we definately get some one to moderate the new list this week then we are doing well. Discussions about the future of Brizeb would be best held on that mailing list as this way all stakeholders have a chance to have a say instead of the ones who attend these forums or the meet this Thursday
  6. ramon

    Brisbane meeting

  7. Also what other cheese moulds (or other food organisms) might be worth isolating as pure cultures? The yeast which is used by homebrewers for later distillation can tolerate up to 20% alcohol or so. I think they pay around $9 a satchell for this yeast. Although the satchells probably also contain nutrients for the yeast as they multiply.
  8. Also what other cheese moulds (or other food organisms) might be worth isolating as pure cultures? I believe the rind of Brie is made using some sort of Penicillium strain.
  9. ramon

    riddle me terror

    I just find the timings of many of these events too coincidental or at least convenient. There is no coincidence involved. They were all highly planned. Al-Qaida have discussed on internet forums, the influencing of voting patterns amongst members of the coallition of the willing. Especially those countries where the leaders took the country to war against the wishes of the people. I think that the governments involved spin the events in whatever way suits their purpose. America could have invaded Iraq without 9-11. All the whitehouse had to do was send fighter jets beyond the no fly zones and let a couple get shot down. Throw in the scare of WMD and this is a much stronger argument for invading Iraq then trying to link Iraq to terrorists
  10. ramon

    Brisbane meeting

    I guess if anyone is still interested in the group we can talk about it at the meet... talk to you then
  11. ramon

    riddle me terror

    In the Beslan seige and the latest Jakarta bombing the people responsible have not advanced their cause - their actions only alienate most normal people. If their cause is to create a great conflict between muslims and non muslims then they are well on their way. The actions of America since 9-11 have played straight into these plans. Seems like the Russians are going to react the same way
  12. ramon

    riddle me terror

    What I find suprising and significant. The fact that the terrorism that was experienced by Russia was talked about in relation to its most probable cause ie. the war in Chechnya. Whereas there has been so such analysis about the causes of the terrorism which effects the west. When terrorist attack Western Targets it is because they are evil or hate our freedoms.
  13. ramon


    the devouring of life from the future is the driving force behind time sucking us forward. don't understand what you mean by this.
  14. ramon

    Spite! wins election for Bush

    excellent website Belfegor Economic Left/Right: -2.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.85 I am suprised about being so close to the centre. I feel positively normal now.
  15. ramon


    Actually not all that sure about the I part so am
  16. ramon


    I am pretty sure I am imagining everything. But yet, I am
  17. ramon

    Anandamide may dampen psychotic experiences

    So is it possible that People with this condition are self medicating with weed rather than the weed triggering the events? There is no doubt in my mind that weed makes schizophrenics more psychotic. I am not saying that weed caused their schizophrenia but it definately makes it worse as far as the symptoms of schizophrenia are concerned. Totally possible that although their symptoms are worse they actually tolerate the whole process better. This is no way suggest that those not predisposed to schizophrenia will get it if they smoke dope. I like dope and would probably smoke it every day if it was not illegal
  18. ramon

    Harvesting poppies

    Anybody have any idea about what sort of percentage of alkaloids are lost if you don't harvest them at optimun time and instead let them fully mature for the seeds.
  19. ramon

    Spite! wins election for Bush

    well I also think he's gonna get in... because... it's al bush, Bush, Bush... honestly i don't even know the name of the democrat's candidate... that speaks for itself... John Kerry
  20. ramon

    Spite! wins election for Bush

    Ummm, Ramon - so do you want Howard to win also?? Hell no I don't want "Honest" John to win. When I think of American politics I am swayed by what might be best for the world not what is best for America. The only place I wish to see Howard is in the dock of the international court. For commiting the worst war crime of the lot. Starting a war. I fully see your perspective of this, but I think it's a dangerous one. I think the 'collapse' is inevitable, regardless of whether the world has to suffer an extreme for another 4 years, or a moderate for 10. I don't think the end will come from the outside anyway, but from the inside - and that takes time. Could happen faster then we might think if the huge spending on defence continues to grow and the country effectively bankrupts itself. Thereby allowing the republicans to do away with welfare
  21. ramon

    Greens policy backs illegal drugs

    so plz explain whats diff 1st 2nd and 3rd are all equal value? or is the 2nd pref 1/2 the value of a first pref The way I understand it. If whoever you choose first has enough votes to win then end of story. If not your vote is given to 2nd preference. If they have enough votes to win then once again end of story. Else you vote is given to 3rd preference and so on [ 02. September 2004, 00:10: Message edited by: Ramon ]
  22. ramon

    Greens policy backs illegal drugs

    I dont know how id feel if i voted green and as a result the libs or nats won Im in a country electorate with the Libs running it, and national candidates sitting too so i think id better vote Labour first over Greens if If you allocate your preferences so as to vote for the greens first and Labor second then you would in no way be contibuting to another Howard victory. ( If I understand how preferential voting works )
  23. ramon

    Spite! wins election for Bush

    As far as this coming American election is concerned I don't think it really maters who wins. They sound both the same to me , with one being smarter then the other. I actually want Bush to win now. America will continue on the same path so I think it is better to have a spokesman in charge who is incompetant. This way the world and the American people get to see what sort of agenda really drive their country. Also I would like to see Bush impeached and unfortunately for that he has to win again
  24. ramon

    Corporate disbelief

    I don't disaggree with the views expressed regarding the ' system '. However this does not lead me to boycotting the system, as my quality of life would be better within the system as opposed to outside it. I have the ideal of self sufficiency to guide me whilst still participating in our comsumer society. Being self sufficient means primarily to me that I should not be in debt, so these days most o my money goes towards paying off our mortage. I can happily do this because I can count the number of years left in one hand, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. essentially what I am trying to say is that you can identify the worst excess of corporate greed within the system and work towards insulating yourself from them.
  25. ramon

    Lagochilus inebrians bioassay

    I have yet to find a non-marijuana user who has experienced good effects with smoking I would say if you are looking for it, a pleasant heaviness which haves you drift off to sleep, is a good effect. I guess I wasn't precise when I mentioned smoking it as a joint. The was not other substance mixed with my intoxicating mint. If one doesn't mind smoking, then this is a very useful herb for then end of a long day. ( Based on one smoke thus far ) [ 20. August 2004, 14:19: Message edited by: Ramon ]