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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by irabionist

  1. irabionist

    New Trichocereus clone competition

    So the most successful propagation I've ever done would have to be slowly spreading TBMC around Aus. When one suddenly fell into my lap a while ago there were around 3 maybe 4 people I had heard of having a TBMC in Aus. After mutilating the mother and producing many grafts, there's around 15+ people who now have this sexy beast, and hopefully by the end of the season there will be another 20 or so more! Then there's the L. fricii crest, Myrtillo boobs, T. pach monstrose, L. williamsii minima crest, Myrtillo monstrose, L. schottii monstrose that are all also being propagated to spread around! These have been BAP'ed and sliced up and grafted using the sticky tape method (as rubber bands keep killing them from too much pressure). Although i realised that TBMC cannot be BAP'ed as it seem to burn the tissue, also i've never seen a TBMC pup... only grow... Anyway they weren't grown from seed though.... So from seed, I have some of Nitrogens crosses which I've grown and grafted and ungrafted. I have a TPQC that I've propagated with pereskiopsis grafts that I have sent to quite a few people, although that was sown and grafted by Mushroomman. But my fav is my TPM x N1 (I mean, look at that inermisness...) Otherwise, there's this cool fellow from the first batch of seeds I gone done ever sown! At first I though it was a crest (which I'm kind of still hopeful for...) but I do believe it to be a double conjoined twin. I've grafted him to a myrtillocactus and I have a few other pups on that specific loph that look like they could go a little funky that I'm hoping will come to this season.
  2. irabionist

    Meet up: Melbourne

    Nah, we just meet near the Tecoma Pavillion You'll see a wedding or something then most likely to the left a bunch of cool people with plants
  3. irabionist

    Meet up: Melbourne

    im ddodedddown
  4. irabionist


    Wow... nice! Haha nah, I can't be certain, it just seemed what was most right... The guy ins't putting up anymore clone numbers though that's why i thought it might have been from a poached pant. Did you sow the seeds yourself or grab it grafted from the guy?
  5. Alright so I've had this dilemma for a while. I use to get my soil, rock, etc. from places like Bunnings, Masters, local nurseries, but everything that was there sucks... The cactus potting mix has too much bark and organic matter in it, the propagating sand is too fine and solidifies into a rock when germinating seedlings, the scoria rocks are just a little to big for anything in a pot... Now, the soil isn't too bad for Trich's, the propagating sand is fine when mixed in with other stuff and i guess the scoria makes a nice decorative topping, so maybe I'm having a sook... Now when it comes to slow growing cacti and other sexy babies that I need to take care of, I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING I WANT, when it comes to specific media. I live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and there's jack shit up here and I sadly don't have a car to drive places or the money to get the amount necessary to have things shipped to me. Wondering if anyone here could point out great places to get great soil, that way we can compile a nice list of dope places around Aus for people to get fancy with their Cactus growing!!!! Personally, I'm looking for Coarse RIver Sand and Hard Akadama Soil in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne or even anywhere around the CBD!!!!
  6. irabionist

    Grafts -Photos & Updates

    Grafted: 4 x L. fricii cristat pups 1 x TBMC 1 x L. williamsii caespitosa variegate 2 x L. diffusa Also, I have a Eulychnia castena spiralis that doesn't have a tip, i want to graft a mid cut of it. That would work, correct?
  7. irabionist

    New Trichocereus clone competition

    lol this is cute but did it anyway....
  8. irabionist

    Fading labels

    hair spray over the tags should keep them from fading or maybe get some graffiti ink as it is made to last and to stain things and then put it in a small marker
  9. irabionist

    How do i grow this thing? Woody cactus

    idk, the wood may start to rot if it's put in water not sure tbh
  10. irabionist

    How do i grow this thing? Woody cactus

    haha finally got pereskia... i'd put it in soil and occasionally water. that hollow part is probably dead
  11. irabionist


    I don't think there are any valdezii that have been grown from seed collected in the wild that are for sale. All of the ones coming from Europe would be grafts from poached ones as a lot say (clone1 - clone 5) and if they don't say clone next to them, it means they were grafts of seedlings that were sowed. that rooted one is most definitely a poached valdezii, at the start of the year I was in Thailand and Deaw had bought six Valdezii from that famous poacher guy in Czech. Was willing to sell me one for $50, feel stupid to have not gotten one... They'll be flowing out of Thailand soon enough as well, heaps of seed going around.
  12. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    Just some small grafts (they're so cute and small) Aztekium reterii monstruosa I believe this to be Ferocactus macrodiscus now http://www.cactus-art.biz/schede/FEROCACTUS/Ferocactus_macrodiscus/Ferocactus_macrodiscus_mostruosus/Ferocactus_macrodiscus_mostruosa_cristata.htm Astrophytum asterias cristata Not sure what it is, but discussions has lead to it being something like Rebutia (possibly http://www.cactus-art.biz/schede/REBUTIA/Rebutia_krainziana/Rebutia_krainziana_inermis_cristata/Rebutia_krainziana_inermis_cristata.htm) Leuchtenbergia principis monstruosa and then there's this big baby fricii cristata sorry about the rotation, they were the right way up but went off to the side after i uploaded!
  13. irabionist


    SO has anyone scored a valdezii? There have been at least 20+ small grafts for sale on eBay, more keep popping up every 2 weeks. There's also been some seed going around, haven't been bothered to try score some myself though
  14. irabionist

    Where do I get my soil from?

    *reserve this for a sexy list on soil dealers*
  15. is there anyway to reserve/slowly pay off a ticket?
  16. irabionist

    Repotting Lophs

    You can transplant them a few weeks after germination but you just have to be ridiculously careful. If the pot isn't taking up space or anything like that, i would just leave them in there. probably need to grow them for around 6+ months to be able to transplant without needing to care too much about roots
  17. irabionist

    My mates released a rap CD

    haha full of cheeky one liners
  18. So my friend made a little rap CD for fun a year+ ago and I only recently rediscovered it. In my eyes it's good Aus Hip Hop so I hope you guys enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/baddarserecords/sets/wizer-youre-gey-promo-cds-2013
  19. irabionist

    Original Drawing Thread

    How about 60 drawings using 60 different mediums ;)
  20. irabionist

    Post EGA Super Plant Meet

    10/10 100%interested
  21. irabionist

    Quarantine naughty list?

    I would edit out the last part of the first sentence as it incriminates you It is illegal to import plants without taking the necessary steps in order to get them in legally GoT summarised it nicely: From the four people I know of that have been visited by customs/quarantine, three were because of eBay purchases and one was because of a snitch. When they did visit them, they had all their eBay, PayPal and emails and pretty much looked for the plants that they had imported and took them and all surrounding plants because they could've been "infected". They would have everything listed under the name it was imported by and the address. I'm guessing that they aren't stupid and can link different names to the same address, but I'm unsure. A friend of a friend who had received many letters from quarantine saying that it didn't meet the requirments, ended up getting a letter from them saying if he tried to import anything again (that was "illegal" to import) that he would be facing a $66,000 fine or a specific term of imprisonment. http://apps.daff.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_querycontent.asp <----- that's a link to the Import conditions search, anything you want to check out if it's legal to import or if you have to fill out a form or whatever, you can find out through there. Just search it up and click the appropriate usage for the imported material.
  22. irabionist

    Stimulant ideas/discussion

    I also suggest Modafinil, it like a subtle coffee high that lasts all day with a sprinkle of feel good. Enjoy my days so much more, although smoking cigarettes makes me feel really shit while on it. Also the first time I took it, I had a coffee 5 minutes afterwards and my concentration levels where as though I was on shrooms... nothing mattered except what was in front of me... it was weird...
  23. irabionist


    haha wow cooked -_-
  24. irabionist


    Alright so I have some seeds I found in my seed stash which were labelled 'Desmodium gangetiam' That doesn't seem to be a real plant... or Google doesn't know what it is, so I have come here to ask for someones help! Cheers!@!!
  25. irabionist

    Seed giveaway (& sub prints)

    Oooh, sub print please!