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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by chilli

  1. what's your best lines to avoid having to talk to tele marketing people?

    the following is the best one i could come up with, and it has the advantage of feeding my ego aswell, a double win situation.

    phone rings, and i pick up, and say my family name, and residence, the butler of the house is speaking.

    most hang up right away!!

    sometime i say mansion, instead of residence.


    But how do you know it's a telemarketer? :scratchhead:

    I did telemarketing for a while, for a charity group. I don't remember anyone being particularly rude, just the occasional grouchy sounding old person. Actually I do remember one or two times people would become indignant and ask where I got there number and I said 'from the phone book' and they would get even more shrill, saying how dare I they were offended this is a private residence they just got home from work etc.

    I am hardly ever am exposed to it myself, so I don't find it annoying... unless they don't get pushy or shitty when I tell them a simple 'no thanks, not interested' I think playing with them a bit is fine, it is probably the highlight of their boring and stressful job, but I don't see any need to insult people. They are just people doing a job, trying to make a living.

    What bothers me a lot more is the ones who arrive on your doorstep from the mechanic or the video store. They always seem to be really offended that you are turning down their 'free' offers, or pretend like you are crazy... I guess it is just all part of the sales act?

  2. One of the main problems I have with all these kinds of claims to secret higher wisdom, whether it be through channelling or accessing these akashic records through astral travelling etc is that no one who gets in touch with this universal consciousness ever seems to come back with anything that could not have been derived from their own thoughts.

    If people claiming to be in touch with this higher wisdom actually came up with any original or unique insights and/or discoveries I would of course be impressed, but they always seem to come out of these experiences spouting the same derivitave new age concepts they went in believing.

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  3. You encourage me to 'be honest,' and urge me to admit to things i have already openly stated! Apart from that, your last post is a refreshing change of attitude, the signs of a latent martyr complex are still there, but I appreciate and laud your use of irony and self-deprecating humor. :)

    In no way do I expect you to change your plans for me or anyone else, and I am not demanding anything. Do what you want, but if you claim to be doing this on behalf of ethnobots, I think you would do well to expect and pay more serious attention to criticism. Instead of seeing people who question your methods or motives as incorrigible enemies, perhaps it would be wise to take what they say seriously rather than just writing it off as some kind of personal attack. Who knows, some of those you perceive as your enemies may be supporters with a few things they need to get off their chest first or feel like they are being listened to. With some of the things you are doing I think you should expect to be mistrusted, I just think you need to learn to take it in your stride.

    Who am I? The people who have earned my trust know me, and the ones who don't... well, they haven't earned the privilege yet :P Seriously though, I am quite cautious with my personal identity on the internet and this is the approach I like best, as I value my privacy and have had some run ins with weird types. I respect and admire people who use their real identity, but I like to think ideas and arguments should be appraised on their own merits, so it is irrelevant who I am in rl.

    Personally, I admire some of what you are doing, and have stated so publically. I admire your courage and willingness to take risks, but I have misgivings about how your actions will play out in reality, and how they will affect the rest of us. Don't take it so personally, I am merely stating my perspective and it is different from yours, believe it or not that could actually be a good thing.

    It is your attitude and not your actions that perturb me. If you had the same philosophy and praxis but a different temperament you might find you get different reactions. But it seems to be the nature of aspiring religious leaders to demonize opposition, flatter followers and glorify themselves, and as much as I wish it wasn't so, in my estimation you are following the pattern in typical fashion. Oh, and of course they always want money or as you call it 'meaningful, real life assistance' :P

    I am not unconditionally against you Greg, and you are wrong that I would twist whatever you did in order to complain about it. If you were a touch less defensive I think we would get along just fine, but instead you seem to enjoy playing the martyr and dismissing any and all criticism of as the mindless attacks of mindless cowardly internet lynch mob, or the envious twittering of slaves about the brave Roman Generals (that was bad, even for you :P)

    Anyway, I love being wrong about people and ideas! If you succeed I will happily tell everyone how wrong I was, and if you fail I will be very sad.

  4. As Greg seems to have ceased communicating with me directly, I will refer to him in the third person.

    Something about all this has never sat right with me, and these last couple of posts by Greg have made me really worried about the nature of 'his' campaign and it's 'Grand Conclusion'. My suspicions that this is quickly turning into a big Gr-ego trip are being confirmed.

    I hope he doesn't do anything too stupid. He certainly hasn't shown much respect for this community except for those who unquestioningly defend him and confirm him in his apparent desire to be some kind of a martyr.

    What worries me even more is the almost religious, blind devotion some here have shown to him and demanded of the rest of us.

    I hope I am wrong, but that's how I feel.

  5. Migraineur, the next meet is a bit different as it will be camping in the bush near Jarrahdale.

    I would jwerta, but in all honesty I probably won't decide for certain whether I am going or not until I actually arrive.

    Speaking of which, thanks for organizing all this Bush Turkey, but would it be possible to get a marked map for stupid people like me? I am worried if I go I may end up driving around on unmarked dirt tracks half the night.

  6. Glad you said all that shruman, because I was too lazy but it expresses almost exactly my thoughts.

    *edit* Greg, sadly it seems like you still haven't learned to accept criticism very well. :BANGHEAD2:

    One other thing: unqualified, the claim that that LSD, mushrooms etc are 'psychologically safe' is false and irresponsible.

  7. Ooo I'm so excited to hear what you sound like!

    When I read your posts I thought to myself 'I really hope he's not too serious' :P

    Looking forward to it!

    On a related note, you know what's annoying? John Safran did a whole series in the US that was never released and looks like it may never be. HOW FUCKING ANNOYING IS THAT??

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  8. I once bought a flash memory card from trademe (ssite similar to ebay in nz) and it never arrived, so i contacted the seller, who had very good feedback and he assured me he had sent it. I waited and it didn't show up, so I contacted him again and he said not to worry he would send another one out via express post. A couple of days later I got an express post envelope, with a flash memory container, and no flash card. The bag had not been tampered with, and I asked the seller what the story was and he promised andf assured me so politely that he had sent it, and it must have been styolen in the mail. I told him I thought he was a worthless low life and he could go to hell.

    Never had any other problems like that before or since, but it made me realize there are definitely people out there who are happy to scam you and then lie nicely about it to your face.

    anyway gl, hope you get it sorted, but sounds kind of dodgy to me, especially if he talked you out of registered post (what reasons did he offer?)

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  9. hey apoth, I hope you post more and bring a certain respectability the forums have been lacking lately (I'm looking at you chilli)

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  10. How can they choose not to do it? Should the individual police officer, as an individual, be allowed to pick and choose what parts of the law they will uphold and which they won't?

    The problem is not with individual officers doing their jobs. Their superiors in the force decide how their resources are best spent, and enforcing these kind of laws is a terrible waste of resources that could be used enforcing laws against people who are actually harming others. Individual police do have the responsibility to speak out when they feel what they are told to do is wasteful or harmful, and some do. The ones who choose the path of least resistance and don't speak out are part of the problem, and I don't see why you feel such a need to defend them.

    But besides all that, I do think individuals in any professions should refuse to obey unjust orders. If their superiors tell them to start firing into the crowd, would they be right to just blindly obey? This is not an idle rhetorical device, this kind of shit really happens. (edit: what Balzac said!)

    What if (and this is not the best example but the first that came to mind) some asshole raped your sister, and the cop chose not to pursue it because he knew the guy from high school and he was "really not a bad bloke, he just made a mistake". Is that sort of choice ok?

    You're right that is a terrible example. Violent crimes against others is exactly the kind of thing police should be pursuing, instead of putting all this effort into arresting teenagers for smoking a joint at a music festival.

    We as a society have told them what their role is and like it or not, the majority of people (myself and I imagine the majority of people here excluded) think that this "war on drugs" is a good thing. But we should not be putting our grief onto these people who are only doing their job. The job that "we", the electors, have given them.

    Wrong. Even in the US, polls show the vast majority of people think the war on drugs is a massive fail, and that marijuana use should be decriminalized. You say you disagree with the war on drugs, so why not have the guts to follow through on your convictions and actually criticize those enforcing and upholding these laws you think are wrong, instead of trying to appease them? I just don't get where you are coming from at all.

    Alot of the comments here just sound like anti-authority teenagers having a whinge. We are a public forum for all to read, is that how you want to represent our community?

    Your comments make you sound like a sycophantic slave of the state.

    I can think of more productive directions this discussion could be going.

    Please, enlighten us.

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  11. Everything that cop said is fair enough. Dont hate the police they uphold/enforce the law, they dont make it.



    Ohhh, poor cops. It's a sad day indeed when people on these forums are defending the poor misunderstood police.

    If they uphold and enforce unjust laws they are part of the system that oppresses us.

    Anyone that uses their power in this way deserves to be criticized and, yes, hated by those they persecute.

    Don't kid yourself, they love doing stuff like this, if they didn't agree with it they would speak out and say they think it's a waste of police resources (as some do).

    But really why would they risk chasing dangerously violent criminals when you can pick on a bunch of sexy kids having fun at a music festival?



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