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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by chilli

  1. Wow I really love the second one in pics 4-7 and the group shot that follows it. I too am not convinced that the "hulk dick" which you have pictured from 12-15 and on the right in 17 is anything to do with a TBM, and lean more towards the idea that it is a different form of Lophocereus schotti monstrose. There seems to be a lot of confusion and different opinions on this though.
  2. Psylo these aren't BS, furthermore i think most of these are careful not to rearrange images but to keep them attached in their original positions.
  3. This black salve stuff sounds like quackery, and dangerous quackery at that. I would trust a doctor over someone selling a product over the internet anyday. Besides, even if it did work, which seems dubious, how is chemically burning your face any more 'natural' than having surgery?
  4. Nah stuff like seasol is great, who knocks it? I alternate fortnights with seasol and npk ferts.. been using carp fert but just started with 1/2 strength miracle gro. Every third day? wow, I would have thought that would have burned them for sure.. how much growth do you notice on your trichs on average per year with so much ferts?
  5. chilli

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    Yeah cheers forgot about that.. I actually bought some off him a while back which I have planted.. if nothing else comes up I will ask ethnodude if he has any more left as I am selfish and don't want to cut up my precious ones for my friend!
  6. chilli

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    I'm also looking on behalf of a friend for one or three fat cuttings of Eileen and/or Super Pedro from 40cm+ Don't need to be tips and don't need to be pretty. PM me anyone that can help out, cheers!
  7. I used to do 1/2 strength every couple of weeks.. I did occasionally get a bit of burn I recall but I might try cranking it up a bit after hearing that 2d2h
  8. chilli

    Movies that changed your life

    Ooh yeah Fight Club! Alien/s! Terminator! E.T.?
  9. chilli

    Movies that changed your life

    Yeah the TV talked to me sometimes when I got stoned too! Also sometimes synchs would happen where it was so weird that it felt like it was all live and there was someone backstage handing them impromptu scripts based around whatever I had been doing or talking or thinking about. Once when I was about 7 I was watching that show with that "Aggro" puppet and there was music playing and me and my sister were dancing in front of the TV.. the blonde woman who was the host turned to look directly into the camera and Aggro asked her what she was looking at and she said "there is a very cute boy and girl dancing out there"... I don't know if they were trying to make kids feel involved but it scared the shit out of me! The Nines with Ryan Reynolds is a cool, trippy movie... also Existenz by David Cronenberg is another one I really liked. Thunder you reckon Adapatation is not weird? It's good, but I thought it was pretty weird.. Another good Darren Aronofsky (Pi) one is The Fountain... excellent! Obviously Mulholland Drive and other David Lynch films should go in here somewhere.
  10. chilli

    just moved to Perth

    Well I just moved back to Perth myself recently so can't really help you out in that regard.. hope you get all your plants back and settle in nicely anyway, and catch you at the next meet if you make it.. it will be my first time too
  11. chilli

    just moved to Perth

    Hey man welcome to Perth! How is the quarantine stuff working out for ya?
  12. chilli

    SAB Signature, How To...

    I don't get the whippet good picture eatfoo..
  13. chilli

    WANTED: Grandaddy Loph

    Yeah I get paranoid enough even though they are legal and I only collect them ornamentally.. lophs I don't worry so much about because they are small and people don't recognize them, but how many people do you reckon recognize pachanoi? I always just feel like people look at so many cacti and think something weird is going on!
  14. chilli

    WANTED: Grandaddy Loph

    double post
  15. So how often do you give them miracle grow C_T?
  16. Yeah actually I remember miracle gro was great for stimulating pups! I couldn;t find any when I first moved back here, but I just realized last week it was because they changed packets so I got some and gave everybody a taste.. although I have always used it at half strength, how often do you give yours quarter strength? Bogan hey, must try and chase one of those down!
  17. chilli

    WANTED: Grandaddy Loph

    Yeah I think he's just a ntubag that like to put full stops after the word cactus.
  18. Anything special you;ve been giving that to get so many pups? Most of my stumps don't have more than one or two, although they were all planted and roted as stumps, rather than being cut while actively growing which I have noticed can make them pup more.
  19. chilli

    west aussie's trade and sell thread

    I am looking for seed and plants of L. williamsii that are not caespitosa, just plain old williamsii. Cheers!
  20. chilli

    WANTED: Grandaddy Loph

    That guy's prices are a joke, but yeah clever move on the full stop in the label.. although I notice there's another ad from someone else for cutton cactus without a full stop so maybe its another reason. Anyway, both of those prices are ridiculous!
  21. chilli

    mind worms

    My thoughts are with you nabraxas, I can't imagine how horrible what you are going through must be! Since your post a while ago, I think of my wife and what it would mean if she was taken from me, and I can't bear the thought, yet I force myself to think it through sometimes because I know this is something that, like you, I will one day have to face. How have you been coping? Having anything by Thomas Hardy stuck in your head must increase the sadness many times over! I read The Woodlanders a dozen or so years back when my wife and I were dating.. I compared myself and her to the characters and then the end was so tragic, which I hear is typical of Thomas Hardy.. typical of the end of just about everything I suppose. It seems trite to say "if there's anything I can do...", especially to someone over the internet, but if you ever want to chat about anything I am here. Hope you are surrounded by loving people and can find some little comfort around here. Love you man! (another trite thing to say over the internet) Anyway, thinking about you... It must seem impossibly overwhelming at times, but know there are more good things waiting for you in the future!
  22. It appears permission must be gained only when exporting raw pounamu over 5kg: Source: http://www.legislati...DLM3811707.html I have been reading about this because I am interested in getting hold of some raw greenstone (pounamu) for Amazonian to carve something for me, as I am of maori descent (Ngati Kuri).. maybe I should learn to do it myself, but I am pretty lazy! Also, as for whether it can be sold or not, greenstone is for sale everywhere in NZ, but there is a tradition that the mana increases with each successive generation it is passed down.
  23. chilli

    WANTED - Mango plant/tree!

    SALVO were you successful in getting the cuttings to root? Or did you graft them?