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Posts posted by karode13

  1. Hi sagiXsagi. I procured the seeds form somebody in Queensland, Australia. Whether or not that is their origin I'm unsure.
    Yes, these are autumnalis. I've yet to find out if that cutting took, it looks fine except it's grown no leaves yet. I'll know more once the weather cools.


    No seeds as of yet. Something keeps eating the flower. I'll keep you in mind if I ever get seeds.

    Thanks for your interest. I really enjoy growing these plants.

  2. There is some procedures online on how to inoculate Pinus species with mycorrhizal Lactarius deliciosus slurry. Here's one link>>>https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Production-of-Pinus-halepensis-seedlings-inoculated-Díaz-Carrillo/2c6252310cefe5bfef6330c1d72f027f041e8516


    Look into Blewits, or Lepista nuda. It grows among leaf litter, similar to the ingredients you have on hand and is a superior edible to the ones you're asking about. Also Stropharia rugosannulata.





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  3. Hi archigen.


    I'm quite sure that these ones are Panaeolus foenisecii. They will have Brown coloured spores. You can check this by doing a spore print.


    You do this by cutting the cap off the stem and then placing the cap onto some tinfoil or white paper for at least 6 hours. After this time you remove the mushroom cap and there should be a spore deposit left on the paper.


    Panaeolus cinctulus will have Black spores.

  4. Not sure if anybody turned up over the weekend? I got a few texts about it. I was away and didn't think there was a meet due to nobody confirming the date that was proposed.


    Sorry if anyone was put out.


    We need to organise another, confirm the date and then spend a lovely day together. You know you want it.


    Someone make a date and let's do the do-si-do.



  5. If you're a beginner then you can use Brown Rice Flour. Research PF Tek and you'll learn how to do that.


    There's other ways that require a pressure cooker, and various grains, like rye, oats.


    All I can suggest is research at this stage. Hard to give the best ways without knowing how much you know of basic cultivation.


    Good luck.



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