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The Corroboree


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About MikeyMagic

  • Birthday 06/26/1976

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    Earth, plants, fungi, creating, music, subtle energy management, breaking expectations, defying reality.

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  1. An optimist would say the future is uncertain. We have no control over the future. We cant change the past. We can make a difference now in every little thing we do.
  2. ^^^ <<<Living inside a hippy's dreams of reality. I wish he'd wake up I've got shift to do!
  3. ^^^^ Too right! Be your own Shaman! Learn how to listen to your-self!
  4. It is my perception that the "little death" would pertain to the death of the "Little will" or ego of a person and the submission to the "Greater will" of God.
  5. The human body, regardless of skin colour is an amazing thing. Unfortunately (or fortunately if we consider the fullness of time and what will eventuate as a reaction to evolutionary circumstances) WE have been plagued by parasitic programming which has undermined our conscious perceptions of reality. Some people need the help of 'Spirit molecules' to shake off separative programing from the Divine truth, some people have so much damage they choose to never see the Divine truth, others have avoided most of the programming and naturally gravitate to what FEELS right. (hint! hint! ) Letting go of pain can be hard when it seems to be the thing that defines you. But time and time again 'I' have taken that heart wrenching dive into the unknown (and I know there is more to come), yet invisible wings, hands and voices guide my way with a big golden smile in my mind. The human body is an amazing thing. ...or was that dogs I was talking about? I get 'words' confused sometimes...
  6. If people still had their natural 'child-like' curiosity in the world around them, and their emotions (how they feel about the world around them) were un-adult-erated (curious twists of words) so they found joy within themselves at the world around them, would they seek "to get out of it"(ie life) with any form of drug? Perhaps there should be more focus on emotional awareness and development in everyone? (Says the monkey hanging from the rafters screaming E! E ! Eeeee! EMotional gardening! WHeres the 10,000 hits of interest?!)
  7. Bloody oath! The cat didn't pay for it so he can eat that river rat that's been hiding in my roof. How many times have I broken your expectations so far?
  8. ^^^ I told you, I hate talking! Too many words! I prefer emotive sounds and gestures, I can get my point/stories across much quicker and more succinctly! I need more emoticons!
  9. Thanks Cheshire. <<<*shakes head with smile at self for thrice deleted reply attempting to describe my life journey* ha! Words! Ive always said to my Dream weaver "I hate talking!" When she first met me she was lucky to get more than a few guttural grunts out of me, but she opened my emotions up a lot, and now she just smirks whenever I say that as I flood the world around me with words! Every thread I open beckons me to write 3 more, there are now so many I am confused as to where to start. The 'mental health' facade? I have lots of experience here unlike the intellectualised pill proscribing so called professionals. This really 'gets my goat' so to speak (so as not to use bad words!). How to live a balanced life? I have a nice simple story on this. How to enjoy a lasting relationship? Had a funny example only yesterday. More emotion plants? Ive got a few of these, the next one Ive planned is 'forgiveness' but I would also like to cover anger and a few others. I certainly like writing, Ive all ways had a 'talent' for it as they say, I just find it fun. Writing on a forum, indeed even using the internet, computers, and these nifty new phones is a relatively new part of my life! (Believe it or not.) It baffles me that 'honesty' is such a rare thing! Why lie? You all ways give yourself away when you do, and suffer then consequences sooner or latter. Try lying to a dog! Or a child! (Or a Clair-sentient!) You might confuse them for a bit but they know when someones real. Consequently Im forever getting animals, children and often women subconsciously drawn to me without them knowing why. Some men, but not as much though, I presume this is because they actively try to disable their 'how they feel about the world around them' emotional/sacral energy. I will keep sharing my words both here and anywhere else people will give me their time to listen. I plan to start volunteering at life line and get sponsorship for a professional counselor course. Ive been living (hiding) inside myself so long I never realized how wide spread the problem of people dis-engaging their emotions is. Thats the key! Most of the problems in the world can be sorted out if people just react to them! Emotional understanding is needed, and very few people will grasp the nettle of this (even here IMO). I aim to write a book of emotional plants to assist in awareness for everyone. I will post them here because understanding needs to get out quickly to avoid compounding the damage already done. Hopefully, God willing, no parasitic A-hole rips me off before I get to the publisher. I'd all ways been given the perception that 'raising hell' meant causing trouble/anarchy, but I now see this is wrong. To me it means even Satan can find forgiveness in Gods love if he chooses to reconnect with his emotions, there by lifting hell into the realm of heaven. I will be a gentle soul, but a parent or a 'Shaman' or even a God that try's to be every child's best friend isn't doing them any favours in their conscious development. That's why the Shaman was all way the highly respected outcast IMO. Too many pouty faces, even though they knew he was right.
  10. Apathy is killing the world but then again who cares? I was going to write a thread on apathy seeds for your emotional garden but why bother? Its your garden do what ever, I don't care! ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... nt! O - K! if I have to! Someone collected these apathy seeds from their crop for me. They acted like they were really cool. Genetically Modified corn I think. They haven't sprouted yet though. Apparently they pretty much grow themselves...and you can get heaps of money if instead of supplying food to our growing population, you sell it for 'ethanol' so apathetic people can burn it by impressing no one with their hooning and endangerment of every ones lives. It destroys all hope for our kids future, but with the money I will make off it, my kid will be fine! (The false Angels told me so!) Beside.. they say kids are the future! Some one, some when, will work out a solution to solve the problems. Maybe if they increase the blend from 10% to 20%?!? That will give them money to eat! I've cleared all the other emotion plants of any value out of my garden. Actually I just stopped tending it till they all died. Then I razed everything left to the ground and planted my apathy seeds with 'the-fire, and-germ'. Some one said it was 'de-fiant, an-ger' but what would they know! Ive killed everything on site with emotion-cides like alcohol to maximise the apathy growth, but as I said nothing sprouted yet. I haven't bothered watering it yet. It looks like it might rain. Went down to the pub and burned some rubber in the mean time.. I'd tell you about that story but I cant be bothered.. I'm too cool.. G I'm glad I don't have any children! But that's...... make....whatever....!
  11. Silly man! Nothing is obvious! Neither good nor bad just 'I am'! People perceive good and bad as a result of their own personal emotional reflections. There is no "weak link to the story" It is what it is, a story from my life. Yes I was tired in the second account, but in the first account there was no driver error involved. I was traveling at the speed limit, I was awake and aware. The truck had jack-knifed only moments before, losing it's lights in the process. The other truck that had pulled over to assist the first truck had only just arrived and was turning on its lights to indicate a hazard as I approached it. Coming around a curve no one would have seen it. There was no "hooning" involved. Did I mention I drive a Hyundai Accent? A near death experience when some one "hoon's" dosn't equate to being saved by an Angel in my book, more like pushing your luck! The "something" that happened, on the other hand, perhaps that was an Angel telling you to be more considerate of the danger you posed to others. Angels never ever desert anyone! They stand back and allow you free will to believe any B/S you like! If you want their help you have to ask! The only time they are permitted to interfere is if some one is likely to die before their purpose is achieved. I do believe there is certainly a lack of common sense in anyone that thinks Angels will pull them out of danger if they risk their life and every other road users life by hooning. For many people their only purpose in life is to serve as an example of how not to be! The Angels will step aside and allow those people to meet their end. Regret plants are more useful than apathy seeds.. (Is that another segway Mikey? O I do believe so! I better get to it!) BTW everyone mistakes me for a "kid"! Very flattering but in truth I'm much older than I appear...
  12. Dear God, Are you sure your not a Vogan ordered to throw me into the void of space? Shouting, "Resistance is useless!" Yes, yes.. all things to all people I get that.. Thanks for the seeds of thought, and the understanding. Couldn't you just write it down on a bit of paper and hand it to me or something Omnipotent one? It really is confusing with all your 'mysterious ways'. But I get the point. "Tread carefully on those colourful souls", be careful with the sword, and be (a) gentle-man. Thanks for all the good you allow me to do. I am sorry for the bad stuff. Mainly due to me dragging my feet for so long. I will help them, 'for as long as it is your will'. The blood of Jesus protects me. Keep the metaphysical fridge stacked and stoke the bong for when I return to 9D, we'll have some laugh's together when I return.. Your faithful servant, Michael. (and all the people go.. )
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