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Posts posted by withdrawl clinic
best title for a topic ever!
next title suggestion, sell vintage bike, now into sailing my windjammer.
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looking for cat's claw and rauwolfia.
i got very high blood pressure, and have taken at least 5 different pills for this condition.
they all gave me bad side effects, with coversyl, the one with least side effects.
i am on maximum dose of idosyl, and it gives me bad side effects, dizzy head, muscle weakness, pale fingers, specialy in the heat, more sensitive to heat, slight swallen ankles...
as well they change the apperance of the pills and now i feel they are worse than before.
saw my doc about it dozens of times...
so i strted to research herbs:
i ask for your input, as i know some of you practise tcm and ayurverdic (i'm dyslecic).
the list mentiones peganum harmala, so i gues caapii would be good as well.
iam now looking sa well for uncaria rynchophylla cat's claw herb.
anybody got experience with bp reducing herbs?
i would still take the coversyl but want to reduce it back to halve what i take now.
i still had often hypertension even taking indosyl....
my dad had a stroke and the clot buster gave him a heart attack....
one of my mates aged 68, just had a stroke, active one day, the adult diaper the next day.
i want to avoid this, but the pills hamper my active life style.
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gomaos (spell) once told me maybe 15 years ago, that he germinated the seeds of his rifat clone.
i have inspected the seed pods of this tree, since years, and do remember some detail of some posts, regarding this subject.
i assume as followes:
the spheres which display, tiny "hollow spikes" emerging of the spherical seed capsule, are pollinated.
when the sphere is dried up, shrivel the sphere, and use a strong magnifying glass to inspect the "teardrop" shaped seeds.
some will be more swollen than others, they are the good seeds.
i sprikled many seeds on top of some seed raising potting mix, and use a humidety dome.
i report back with the proress.
most so called "plant gurus" would say damping off is caused by soil pathogenes, and too much humidety.
so people sterilize soil and seeds, air the growing area, check for perfect light levels, and THE SEEDLINGS STILL DAMP OFF.
than there is the "plant hippy", he's using 3 times already recycled soil, and shows little thought, for what he is trying to achive.
actual outcome might vary, compared to this mentioned suggestion.
the author never grew recognita from seed.
i am happy to donate, but don't want to fill out a questionare.
pm me with a postal, if you want a donation.
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i replied to all messages today!
gardening is causing my chronic pain to get a bit worse, so i reduce my workload even more.
i want to sell 2/3 of my cacti collection, but can't upload pictures (last time i got an upload error and it never got fixed by the admins)
this is how it works:
i got lophs many years old, and some monsterous pedros, and some btrue blue pedro.
all parcels will be of similar configaration, say one very big loph, some medium and some smaller.
i let you know the sizes, and quanteties via privat messaging.
minnimum purchase is 200aud, plus postage.
send me a pm, if you are interressted, they will be cheap and of very good quality, and ready to be repotted.
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thx, for the excellent link, fyzygy!
this is exciting and opens up, a new door. at my locations, sally can be ok, for years, but if i get, hot (desert) westerly winds they die, of heat stress.
i think this wind and heat wave only comes in el ninjo years, but i'm not sure.
there are tropical locations above 400m around, in oz and they would be ideal...
as well, once sally seeds become available, we could try to induce mutations, but i forgot the name of the chemical.
idealy would be a climat controlled area, where the temps dont go over 30 deg or so...
as well, i want to mention that there are posts around, of growers in mexico, and there sally's are 3m monsters!
just to fatten up this topic, allowe me to sidetrack, a lil, topic: "plants which get too big near structures or in a small yard".
please add to the list.
HBWR, Argyreia nervosa
CEBIL,Anadenanthera colubrina
KRATOM, Mitragyna speciosa
CAAPII, banisteriopsis caapii
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i'v never grown it, but have seen a few plants.
it's quite normal for them to almost look dead, and than once it had a good shower they jump back to life.
if it rained only a bit than the growth spurt will, just prematurly end.
i would not water the, plant over the dry spells, but if there was ample rain, water on top of the rain.
they are monsters, and have taken over large parts of north queensland, basicly a pest.....
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operation will take place after oct 3, no date has been yet set.
i will update the exact time, once it becomes available!
sending good vibes to cristy.
will think of her when surgery takes place.
hi, all!
a young woman, CRISTY, i know will undergo surgery, to remove a growth from close to her pituitary gland.
i hope many of us can send her good vibes!
i will post more info once available.
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very good info, if a colubrina gets to big and cut down, the roots ought not to get wasted....
there are only a few reports of peregrina, growing in oz, some people doubt it's peregrina.
it could be partly my own fault because, at times my dyslexia, make me mix up the two, haha.
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Climate or location:EARTH
we try to be strict here, and kindly ask members to fill out the climat field (you can still protect you anonymety, sorry im dyslexic), as it helps us to help you.
some members here refuse for good reason to give plant advice, if the climat field is filled out in a larconic way.
do help with good advice, a person needs to know more than the plant grows on earth....
thx, alchemica!
adelaide is much cooler, and your plant looks lusher than mine, your input supports my, idea, this plants go into heat dormacy.
i will experiment with the leaves as well now.
i found this link, researching plant used to induce fermentation, i think you might like it, it inspired me to say, whay about withania kefir, or kiwi fruit to start fermentation? one lifetime is never enough...
the list it gives, Leontopodium as a fermenting help, wau edelweiss, it helps to know latin names...
late edit:
only few people grow this plant currently, send me a pm if you want some seeds, but only if you will grow it!
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i can't obtain lab grade ethanol, most spirits are ~33% alco so i go for that, i would have tried stroh rum with 80%, but i learned 50/50 seems better.
i hope, non chemists are not put off by the sience talk, and those herbs mentioned are all legal to experiment with, and the process is very simple.
i hope many readers get inspired to, do there 1st extraction!!
i add one more question, about withania. i have seen it cultivated in cold central europe and it grew in the outdoor fields, to a height of 2m. i never seen the roots of those plants.
i cultivated withania, around byron bay, and at my current location, both times the plant seemed to go into heat dormacy, and my current plants died down over summer and re shooted once it got cold. my qustion to people in vic or tas, 1, how tall does your withania get? 2, does it grow over summer where you live? 3, are there different strains around, which affect height of the withania, or are my plants stunned by the heat?
i only bio assayed the root i grew in around byron, and it was a small, struggling plant, but i boiled the root in water, and had good effects.
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i want to add a plant which we havent mentioned yet, a very, very good anxyolitic, Lagochillus inebrians!
this is a fantastic thread!
i want to add, that i have a book, which is about kava, before the pharma companies stuffed this herb up (by not lisening to the pacific islanders, and than when they realised ther mistake, thru the baby out with the bathwater). than stupid ill adviced howard made it illegal....
waka grade kava is very expensive, if you get 1kg for 180aud it's cheap.
i go into more detail what according to my knowledge happend with kava. and it left a stain on kava, where still some health care proffessionals think, kava is bad for the liver and dangerous. the greedy pharma companies bought kava the islanders don't use, i mean above ground parts of the plant, and used this for ther kava boom.
the islander knew, above ground kava is not good to use, but the pharma companies found good ammount of bioactives in thos parts so they were happy.
only years later they conceeded that above ground kava, does contain as well, unwanted active substances. the same happend with pituri by the way....
i like this stroy because it tell us, "traditional use, knows sometimes more than, new studies with sience equipment"!!!
so kava is save and good, and this book i mentioned, earlier mentioned that kava was extracted with water and with alcohol, same a alchemica said.
now i don't understand some things as well as alchemica so i ask you to spoon feed me.
subject: withania root.
methode: dry root or use fresh wet root? first simmer/or boil in water, than take leftovers and extract in high proof alcohol. than combine extracts?
i only had a quick read over the whole thread...
all the herbs mentioned are very effective, and combos as alchemica mentions, i find more effective.
i have a severe anxiety dissorder, and feel better since i stopped using pot.
i think most if not all anxiolitycs, should be used only occasionaly.
kava, scullcap, withania are my favorites but, the problem lies that, in herb form the quality varies enormisly, and in a capsule most of the brands are crappy as well.
the effects of one small withania root, home grown, was not be able to match by pharmacy products.
many years ago, (but i could sleep much better, than now) i used a incarnata, hops, damiana, and what else product which was quite good, but recent similar products were inferior.
when it come to kava, most companies by cheap kava and sell it expensive for maximum profit.
i suggest as followes, i know there is very good instant kava legally available, if you know good brands, please post about them here (ther would be old posts regarding this as well)
as well please post herbal blend brands (a tounge twister), that you were happy with. the kava and withania from chemist warehouse is close to useless, even if you take 5 of them.
i work rather on acceptance, anxiety can be only helped occasionaly, as everything leads to tolerance and addiction.
my condition worsens with age, but i learn to deal with it much better. meditation, walking to a save place, visualizing one of your most comforting experiences of your life, that all can help.
say to yourselve in a caring mothers voice, i understand that climbing up the high ladder makes you anxious, or abusive neighbours and noise.
don't feel bad about your anxieties, say they have a good reason to be there, because of evolution, and try to help and warn you.
anxiety can as well be positive, like when you go for a field trip which poses some risks and similar.
allways take a risk assesment, i new i was sure to die, because i took a big risk...once, long time ago.
try to find the first event, the source event for you anxiety, being bullied, held over a ledge as a todler, lissenig to very bad news as a child, feeling the fgamilies anxiety....
this helps to not bash youreselfe up for your anxiety, IT'S VERY NORMAL TO FEEL THAT WAY!
that all supports the story how the goat farmer from yemen, observed his flock eating it and as such thought, it has to be good for me as well.
i got possums and catha, but the trees are fine, the possums hardly go on the ground here because people have so many dogs.
possums move here using the electric wires.
obviously a learned behavior, and thought to the offspring.
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i want to add here that, the rifat clone produces viable seeds, on it's own, but it helps if the tree is happy with it's enviroment.
i can't rule out that, seedling trees, produced by a rifat sole parent, produced a kratom tree with red veined leaves?!!
On 28/06/2022 at 4:31 PM, SirLSD said:
was there anything about different stages of leaf growth? ie newly sprouted leaves from tips that didnt exist a week ago, vs leaves that have been on the tree for weeks or months vs leaves that fall off the tree naturally in winter when they go dormant?
also does anyone know what the major bulk producers do for their international exports to the US etc? do they have people picking leaves like the tea industry does for tea leaves which are then dried and ground into a powder? do they remove the leaf vein/stem, or just grind everything to save time? i am interested as i believe they export thousands of kg of dried powdered leaf to the US and around the world.
yep, i would like to know more details regarding this as well. which leaf type is said to be the most potent. or say, stored for months old leaves, are better at night time.
which leaves are the best to pick, would be cool to know, because the rifat clone, does feature many different seasons at the very same time. it produces, flowers, mature seed pods, young small leaves, and big leaves at the same time. this makes me think, it's an advantage to have a tree, which doesn't obey the seasons.
On 19/06/2022 at 12:14 PM, niggles said:
It's kind of a happy problem to have.. The mango tree is a pretty easy climb. My friend actually climbed the vine into the tree!
i swing like tarzan, on this vine to my corner shop, nup this is..... a lie.
but picking mangos with the help of the vine, is awesome!
Legality Of Papaver somniferum in Victoria
in Ethnobotany
i hope some of you manage to find old posts regarding this subject.
even poppy of flanders contains alkaloids, and so does californian poppy....
i posted once a topic called home milking of poppies, meaning cut the stems, and lance them at home out of sight from, preying eyes.
emerging the stems into hot water helps.
even in the gardening australia tv show, one can often see papaver somniferium, so as long you make it a gardening delight, you could be ok.
one a sight note, the northern terretory farmers wanted to grow poppy and the tassy people stopped them, crazy if you think not enough legal poppy is produced world wide.
i suggest to give, "illegal poppy growers" (say in afghanistan) the right to grow legal poppy!!
it's all a world conspiracy, haha.