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Posts posted by Heretic

  1. love the fact it does not apply to tobacco products....

    Good point indeed .

    Curious how they stop the relatively benign things like naughty plants effectively , but meanwhile the place is flooded with ice , smack , and other nasties ....

  2. I like to use washed [ "coarse sharp " ] sand , with a little [ 10% or so ] topsoil or potting mix for a bit of humus . I add about a teaspoon of dolomite lime for calcium / mg , and a pinch of mineral mix every couple of years . They do well ...

    I think that a mix that retains water for longish periods is not so good . They seem to like wet-dry conditions .

  3. I think it is occurring more tan is realized ,with much going unreported .

    I guess there is no easy answer .

    Even though my brother and I were " fortunate " , every news report drags up memories , even almost 50 years later .

    At the time of posting a 3 yo girl had vanished from her bedroom in a nearby town , and I felt terrible for her and the family - so pleased she was found unharmed ; was not expecting that .

    I wonder if it occurs in tribal societies , or is more prevalent in industrial societies ?

    I went to a church-run school for many years . There were several mysterious incidents and sackings , and the school had to sell off land to pay compensation claims , according to my Ma who worked there . She says " damage control " rather than reporting to police was a school policy of the time ...

  4. I don't believe people should be locked away for life UNLESS they are re-offenders , or likely to do so .

    Ferguson was hounded out of one town after another - clearly an unworkable situation . Nobody wants sex offenders in their community if there is the slightest chance they will do it again .

    The states of Qld , Vic , and the NT were negligent and failed in their duty of care to protect Daniel Morcombe , Jill Meagre , and many others .

    Any risk of re-offending is unacceptable , imo .

    But once their sentences are served , these people have to live somewhere and in a degree of strictly controlled freedom . But where ? This is a problem - who wants them nearby ?

    Perhaps long -term strict supervision in isolated areas , until they can be trusted again ? Simply letting them out after time served is not only irresponsible , but is clearly not working .

  5. While i agree that sentencing is currently too lite, esp for repeat offenders, i am dreading the flood of "Cut there fucking faces off" too come.

    I would prefer a serious sensible discussion that reflects not only opinions , but suggests ways our society might better deal with very real problem - whereby it might be practical use to those in a position to do something positive . eg , lawyers , MPs , etc .

    At present the State are failing miserably to protect the most vulnerable among us ...

    I personally believe that some of these people have forfeited the right to live among us . Perhaps , after release from prison they could be housed in a specific village of their own kind , strictly monitored , recieve treatment , etc , but most importantly - live in such a manner where they are unable to do it again . Putting them back into society is a threat to their neighbours as well as themselves , as was demonstrated when Dennis Ferguson was no longer legally able to be incarcerated . [ he went on to doing some very sus charity work , if memory serves ...]

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  6. Greetings ...

    I am deeply apologetic for raising such a distasteful subject , but this is the only forum of which I am a member that might permit such discussion . Nevertheless , mods please remove it should it be beyond the scope of Corroboree .

    Australia is quickly getting a reputation for being a dangerous place - especially so for women and children ; victims of rapists and paedophiles who murder them afterwards to [ hopefully ] prevent later identification .

    Possibly the actual statistics for such crime might suggest that Australia is no worse than other countries , but even if this is so , any such crime at all is unacceptable .

    Furthermore , many of these appalling heinous crimes are committed by repeat offenders on parole or released from prison , having served sentences for similar attacks on vulnerable people .

    [ as I understand , Daniel Morcombe , Jill Meagre , and others might still be alive if the creeps involved had served their full sentences , originally imposed for their earlier crimes . If this is indeed so , surely the State must be accountable ? ]

    It seems that the current penalties being imposed for such crimes are of no deterrent value at all , for they continue to occur with monotonous regularity .

    And if / when these monsters are caught and convicted they are housed in protective custody , isolated from the general prison populations . This , of course , is no deterrent whatsoever because they know they will be protected from other prisoners , well fed , and enjoy the use of computers , TV , gymnasium , etc , while they comfortably serve out their sentences - and probably be released early if of good behaviour . Perhaps if these creeps are treated the same as any other mainstream prisoner , their sentences may have more deterrent value ?

    Both myself and my brother are very lucky to be alive today , having been grabbed as children by a notorious local paedophile and dragged into nearby secluded swampy bushland . His mistake , and our good fortune is because he had 2 freaking-out kids on his hands , and was unable to control both of us at once . We bolted in different directions at the first opportunity , despite a savage beating and threats of much worse . I have no doubt that had there only been one of us , we would have been murdered to prevent identifying the creep .

    This was long ago [ 1965 ] , and the Victorian police did not pursue prosecution because of lack of evidence [ multiple facial bruising ?? ] and " unreliable witnesses " [ kids ] ; and we suspect , influential relative ... However , surprise-surprise , he was later convicted and jailed more than once for the same things ... [ which no doubt should have not occurred , had he been previously prosecuted ].

    These appalling disgusting crimes should not be occurring in any society , esp in an advanced culture such as Australia .

    That many of these crimes are repeat offences is an indictment on the State for negligence , and failure to protect the most vulnerable of citizens - women and children .

    Personally , I believe that for such offences the punishments ought reflect the gravity of these crimes . In my opinion such creeps have forfeited the right to be members of a civilized society ; and where there is the slightest chance of sex-offender committing a similar type crime the State has a responsibility to protect citizens and prevent re-offending . Maybe , upon completion of their sentences , such prisoners could be made to live in isolated communities away from society .

    After all , who wants a convicted sex-offender or killer living nearby ?? I certainly do not ...

    Finally , where the murder of a victim in such or similar cases has occurred , the courts ought to be imposing sentences that adequately reflect the gravity of such crimes ... or is someone's life really only worth 12-15 or so years , as is suggested by current " life " prison terms ?

  7. :crux::bootyshake::wave-finger:

    I had the misfortune to be sent to a church - controlled school ; and it was a truly miserable experience ....

    " Educated " by sadists and paedophiles wearing collars and black [ fortunately I was one of the ' luckier ' students , and was only caned a few times - maybe because my Ma worked at that miserable place ]

    Mondays was " scripture " day , and Tuesdays was for Army cadets .... one day the New Testament shoved down our throats , and the next marching around with an old .303 , and practicing military skills ; and two weeks out of the holidays each year freezing while camping at Puckapunyal ...

    As for the New Testament - I reckon there is a lot more truths in the Old book ....

  8. huh.

    yeah they took their time with those nboms. i think in the states at least, folks would make 25I-NBOMe and use blotters, which many people associate with LSD,

    resulting in misinterpretation as to product.

    maybe it was the same here, don't know.

    Otherwise i can confidently say i have never heard of many of these, apart from methoxetamine and the synthetic cannabinoid guys... they've really dug deep.

    Lots of 25 I / C nboh fake blotters in Oz nowadays ..- seen photos of blotters on Bluelight of " best trip ever " , etc , of known to be 25 I / C blotters ...

    Be very cautious of any " Mexican Skulls " and " Alex Greys " going around lately...

  9. ZPG - interesting post ; I agree that Azures are unlikely to be a recent spontaneous evolutionary species [ as suggested by Stamets ] .

    More likely , I suspect , is that shrooms have an ability to travel and colonize new localities

    The Victorian coastal species grows on the litter of the coastal scrub , and appears from Autumn - Spring when the weather becomes cold and wet . Seems to be a case of the colder and wetter , the better for this species .

    My literature is quite dated - the Baltic grass notion was unknown to me , but makes sense .

    This mushroom is well known to the locals in the areas where it occurs . But I have no idea of it's true identity ...

    Would be interesting to learn more .

    [ it can be dynamite , esp the pins ... but also subjectively variable at times . ]

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  10. I have read in books by Stamets and others speculating that Azures are a recently evolved species that showed up in the late 1980s in the coastal hinterland regions of the USA Pacific NW , just behind the beach dunes , etc ...

    Which got me to wonder about the species known to me since the early 1970s that is found in the coastal dune forests of Victoria , just behind the beaches ...

    It is easy to imagine the Victorian coastal species finding its way to the U.S Pacific NW , for example , by spores unwittingly carried by back by visiting American surfers , or any number of other methods .

    Azures are reported to be exceptionally potent - as are the Vic coastal shrooms that I recall ...

    As soon as I read about Azures and their habitat I was reminded of the Vic coastal species - I know of areas where they grow in the dune scrub bordering beaches , almost on the beaches .

    I suspect that the American Azures may in fact be the Victorian coastal species , [ which I also suspect are closely related to subs ] .

    I am wondering if any mycologists out there can confirm or refute my hypothesis ???

  11. Several posts above referring to police corruption ...

    A couple of examples come to mind immediately [ and there are many , many more ....] ; and why prohibition is an exercise in futility ....

    [ 1 ] Barry Moyse - once head of the SA drug squad , and the creator of the Operation NOAH farce : convicted of recycling drugs seized in raids , inc heroin , amphetamines , cocaine , and cannabis ...[ bastard got off lightly with 8 years , if my memory serves ]

    [ 2 ] Mark Standen - Assistant Director of NSW Crime Commission , quite recently convicted of a huge importation of amphetamine precursor - as I recall , he received a long sentence , 22 years or so ...


    They were motivated by personal greed , and in no way were corrupted by OMCGs - [ who imo are in no way desirable , but the OMCGs are presently copping a huge amount of publicity for what is in reality only small fraction of the drug trafficking in Australia ; while elsewhere it is business as usual ...]

    As for cops of lesser rank that have been convicted of serious corruption , the list is huge ....

    Clearly prohibition is not only an exercise in futility , it also demonstrates that our most trusted law enforcement officials can an do succumb to temptation of greed , because of the vast sums of money generated by prohibiting what are otherwise virtually worthless commodities ...


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  12. I used to live in rural NT on a 20 acre property , and on one side had hard - core patch wearing bikers living next door .

    They used to party hard at times , but otherwise caused me no hassles whatsoever ; unlike the thieving scum children of my other very wealthy neighbors who eventually caused me to sell up and move away because of the constant and relentless thieving , to get something to hock for money to score ...but I was an easy target , and they knew when I was'nt at home - I worked for their Daddy .....

    As far as I am concerned , I would prefer OMCG bikers to rich folks for neighbors any day ....

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