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The Corroboree


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2023 in Posts

  1. The problem with a lot of these kinds of people who set themselves up as facilitators is they don't believe in traditional medicine so they thought they knew better than to call an ambulance. Nothing a little guitar playing and chanting can't fix... Criminally negligent not to be prepared for a medical emergency and act fast.
    1 point
  2. I've just been reading about this (in fact, it's my reason for checking SAB today). In both cases it is clear the organisers decided not to bring in medical assistance when they clearly should have (and were probably hoping these people would just pull through so they could avoid outside scrutiny and some difficult conversations). This Guardian report on Jarrad Antonovich is saying that after his death, one of the people involved told his partner that he died "beautifully" and that “the koalas were making a special sound known to the Elders when the land accepts a spirit”. Dickheads.
    1 point
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