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Interesting plants from Africa

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Dear community

I've been reading this book by H.D Neuwinger called "African Ethnobotany - Poisons and Drugs", which is quite a tome, with a wealth of information on a great variety of plants and their use as poisons and drugs. The pharmacology and chemistry sections of this book are especially informative.

Well, the following is a list of plants that I found especially interesting and I was hoping that some of you may have additional information on cultivation, uses and anything you find important.

Annickia polycarpa (Annonaceae) P. 39

A small forest tree that grows mainly in Sierra Leone, The Ivory Coast, Ghana, Beninb and Nigeria.

Active constiuents: Quinidine, Berberine, Palmatine, Tetrahydropalmatine, Columbamine, Corydine, Menisperinem, Lirodenine and (-)-Nucferine and Nornuciferine

An interesting set of alkaloids. Especially Palmatine, Tetrahydropalmatine and Nuciferine.

It is used as an alround medicine for everything from Ulcers to lepresy.

Rauwolfia vomitoria (Apocynacea)P.127

A shrub 3-6 meters high or a small tree. Grows in tropical africa from Senegal to Tanzania, Sudan, Angola , Malawi.

Contains a host of alkaloids, to many than I care to list (if you wish I can later), but it's main alkaloids are: Reserpine, Ajmalicine, Rauvanine, Yohimbine and alpha-yohimbine, Normacusine B.

It is used as sedative many parts of africa and I noticed it's seeds are available here on the page.

Erythrophleum suaveolens (Caesalpiniaceae)P. 300

Large tree, 9-30 metres high. Is found in tropical africa.

Some of the active constituents: Cassaine, Cassaidine, Coumidine, Coumingine, Erythrophlamine, Cassamine, Ivorine.

Cassaine has Digitalis effects, but is supposedly 30 times stronger than cocaine in it's mucosal anesthesia.

The plant is used as a trial by ordeal poison, a hunting poison and is general pretty poisonous, but nonetheless interesting.

Maytenus senegalensis (Celastraceae)P.342

Tree up to 8 metres high or shrub. It has pale leahtery leaves and spines.

Grows in savannah areas of tropical africa.

Active constiuents: Ephedrine, Norephedrine, Maytansine and other Maytanoids.

Maytansine is pretty toxic, causing chronic gastroinstestinal problems i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhorea, bone marrow depression. Nevertheless Maytenus is used in traditional medicine as a remedy for gastroinstetinal problems. It is also used as an antidote for snakebite.

The plant is used in Zimbabwe against bronchitis and pneumonia, probably because of the presence of ephedrine.

Mikania cordata (Compositae)P.369

A hairy liana growing to a height of 8 metres. It is widespread in tropical Africa.

Active constiuents: Mikanolide and Dihydromikanolide as the major constiuents.

Excerpt: "Bhattacharya et al. [1986, 1988, 1989] undertook neuropharmalogical studies with the root extract (India) on mice and rats... The results showed Mikania cordata root extract possess a potent CNS-depressant action, mostly similar to that of psychopharmalogical agents, but still impossible to catergorize conlusively...

The root extract was found to produce alteration in behaviour pattern... potentation of phenobarbitone-sleeping time... reduction in exploratory behaviour pattern and supression in aggressive behaviour... showed antagonism to amphetamine toxicity.." (H.D Neuwinger, African Ethnobotany - Poisons and Drugs, page. 371)

Prosopis africana (Mimosaceae)P.659

Tree 12-20 metres high. Can be found in west Africa.

Active constituents:

Piperidine alkaloids: Prosopine, Prosopinine.

Prosopine and Prosopinine both have CNS stimulating effect. Prosopine is much weaker than cocaine. Prosopinine is three times as active as cocaine. Both substances cause extreme irritation.

Securidaca longepedunculata (Polygalaceae) P. 743

A tree/shrub with bright purple flowers growing to a heigth between 2-10 metres. It is a widely known plant all through Africa, it is almost mythical. No shaman or witch doctor throughout Africa doesn't know of this tree.

Active constiuents: A whole range of extremely toxic substances, like Securinine, which has a LD50 in mice at 6,23 mg, but what is interesting is that Elymoclavine has been isolated from the roots. Elymoclavine administered to animals produced effects that is indistinguisable from LSD.

Was widely used as a trial by ordeal poison up until the 1930's and has many medicinal attributes i.e. an abortificant and to cure a number of different internal pains.


The book interestingly enough doesn't mention Sceletium or any of the other mesembs as potential drugs or additives to hunting poisons. I left out Iboga and Mucuna pruiens intentionally since there's probably a lot information on this site and on the net about these already.

If there is an African plant you find interesting and you have a hard time finding any information on it, I would be happy to look it up.



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have a look at the range offered by plants@trustme etc on this site and many others ie entheogen.com and ethnobotany australia. some of the things on his list are bound to turn up in that book of yours and i'd be keen to see the results you find.

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Guest Plantnursery


I know a place that sells -

Rauwolfia root 15 us dollar/kg

Rauwolfia root powder 20 us dollar/kg

Rauwolfia root bark 40 us dollar/kg

PM me for more info.

Hope this helps.

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