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Russian Villager Turns Milking Machine into Drug Factory

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This is the best, id like to know how he did it, im puting my mind to it ask i write.

Russian Villager Turns Milking Machine into Drug Factory

Created: 07.10.2005 17:13 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:14 MSK


A villager from Russia’s Far Eastern Primorye region has been arrested for illegally producing drugs with an apparatus he had created of a milking machine, a blowtorch, an electric drill and a spin dryer, the RIA Novosti news agency reported on Friday.

Federal Directorate for Drug Control spokesman said the man had fitted out a mini-factory for making hashish oil, and even hit upon the idea to place it in a neighboring village, near his relatives’ house.

Police seized 20 liters of pot ready for processing and 22.6 kilos of dried hemp from the drug producer.

Heres the link

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There was a large scale MDMA synth posted at the hive (RIP) that involved temp. controlled milk vats , they even have built in stirrers :ph34r:

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20 liters of pot ready for processing and 22.6 kilos of dried hemp from the drug producer.

The report might be inaccurrate as far as a hash oil megaproducer as pot doesn't come in liters.

If he had 20 liters of hash oil he wouldn't be messying around with clothes dryer and milking machines.

Jet plane to Monte Carlo.

Sounds like a good rig for drying pot though. If slow revolutions of the dryer were used and not much heat.

Put in the dryer and then use a vacuum from the teat pulsating vacuum milker to pull out the moisture. Course the pot would fall apart.

Ultrasonic transducers to create molecular agitation without heat is unexplored territory for distillation.

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