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Sceletium info

Guest reville

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Guest reville

Im looking for some basic info from those growing this plant

As planthelper has said it does use a fair bit of water when actvely growing - which seems to be now

What im wondering is whether it goes dormant in winter or grows whenever there is water in a warm climate - like the Pigface and aptenia species

What happens to it if you deprive it of water in summer? dpes it die or assume dormancy?

Any idea of what amount of frost it can take?

these are all things i hope to find out over the coming year - i have my sacrificial clones in preparation

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i tryed to stress them into flowering in summer, but i had pitty with those little rascals and could not stick to it.

on the net are pics of (flowering)kannas from russian

glasshouses, no idea how cold it is in there but: short internodes, lots of sceletonised

leaves and fat (waterstoring) leaves can

be observed from those photos.

i found those sites using only the term


and bye the way i could have taken an other

hundred cuttings with ease.

so probagation is swift and easy...

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mine were dormant in winter but it gets very cold here, haven't subjected any to frost yet. if i deprive them of water they wilt, they're in pots and the temp gets to about 45 during the day - i'd guess that planting in soil would be much more forgiving. my mother plant has about 14 flowers and wasn't stressed beyond being potted.

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Guest reville

Thanks guys

I recieved this plant while i was away and so im just now 'getting to know it'

My girlfriend has been looking after it from several touch and go cuttings (spent over a week in the postal system) to one sprawling plant and one fat stumpy one that cant make up its mind

As you say they like plenty of water and 1/4 strength liquid fertiliser every week

Im experimenting with little cuttings - one node - they look fine so far- will ahve to read up on what others have done so far

If they dont strike relaibly as is i might try root promoting mixes. so far so good.

Im flying blind here. Eschelle says they like extra humidity when small (soft drink bottle) and that tip cuttings will work and she suspects that leaf cuttings might too given more time - which would be good given that they always fall off when handled

Im also interested in another succulent (new thread)

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I would suspect a single node stem section to work if it is in active growth and has two healthy buds.

Plant them out in the ground if you can as they put on amazing amounts of growth. Water well in the hot weather and add some fertiliser to give them a good boost. They (from a cutting) should easily cover a 2 meter diameter circular patch in a year. Keep pinching/munching the tips to get it thickening up.

Loads of sun as well.


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white flowers, flowering now, no seeds yet formed. i accidently broke off one of the earlier flowers and after i'd had a tanty and stamped about i put the flower in potting soil, i don't think the thing even knows it was broke off - still behaving like all the other flowers despite not having much/anything by way of roots.

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I have seeds forming on my pink Aptenia - i thought this was a hybrid? seem healthy enough- ill see if the germinate.

I also have some old old sceletium seed ive unearthed. Ill try an aseptic germination around march to see if they can be ressurected

any idea on viability lengths?

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