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The Corroboree

European Trades


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I know I'm not the only EU member, and I couldn't find a thread for us Europeans to trade. Feel free to delete this thread if another one already exists or if such a thread shouldn't exist.


I'll start with what I have available for trades:


  • Cuttings & Plants
  1. Acacia confusa seedlings
  2. Argyreia nervosa seedlings
  3. Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)cuttings
  4. Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) cuttings
  5. Calea zacatechichi cuttings (on demand)
  6. Cissus quadrangularis cuttings
  7. Delosperma cooperi cuttings
  8. Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi) cuttings
  9. Mitragyna speciosa "Rifat" (Kratom)seedlings, cuttings coming soon
  10. Nicotinia rustica (Mapacho) seedlings
  11. Passiflora incarnata cuttings
  12. Pereskiopsis spathulata cuttings
  13. Phalaris arundinacea var. Picta variegata rhizomes
  14. Phalaris aquatica AQ-1 (the 1% DMT clone) rhizomes (coming soon)
  15. Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuqui)seedlings
  16. Salvia divinorum cuttings (on demand)
  17. Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna) cuttings
  18. Spilanthes oleracea seedlings
  19. Tagetes lucida (Mexican Tarragon) seedlings


  • Seeds

  1. Acacia acuminata var. narrow phyllodes
  2. Acacia confusa
  3. Acacia dealbata
  4. Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose, real Hawaii strain)
  5. Ariocarpus (mixed species)
  6. Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)
  7. Atropa belladona (Nightshade)
  8. Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola)
  9. Chamaemelum nobile (Chamomile)
  10. Coleus blumei "black dragon"
  11. Ephedra foemina
  12. Ephedra fragilis
  13. Ephedra nebrodensis
  14. Ephedra sinica (Ma-huang)
  15. Ficus religiosa (Sacred fig)
  16. Gymnostemma pentaphyllum (Jiaogulan)
  17. Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi)
  18. Hibiscus cannabinus (Kenaf)
  19. Incarvillea sinensis "cheron white" & "cheron pink" (opioid)
  20. Lepidium meyenii "red" & "black" (Maca)
  21. Lithops (mixed species)
  22. Lophophora williamsii (Peyote)
  23. Mimosa pudica (Sensitive plant)
  24. Mitragyna speciosa "Rifat" (Kratom, extremely fresh & viable seeds)
  25. Nicotinia rustica (Mapacho, Aztec tobacco)
  26. Nicotinia tabacum "virginia gold" (Tobacco)
  27. Papaver somniferum "persian white", "Tasmanian giant" & "Hen & Chicks" (Opium poppy)
  28. Passiflora edulis (Passion fruit)
  29. Psidium guajava (Guava)
  30. Peganum harmala (Syrian rue)
  31. Phalaris brachystachys
  32. Psychotria elata
  33. Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuqui)
  34. Rhodiola rosea (Golden root)
  35. Sida cordifolia (Bala, ephedrine-containing plant)
  36. Silene capensis (African dream root)
  37. Spilanthes oleracea (Toothache plant)
  38. Stevia rebaudiana
  39. Turnera ulmifolia (Damiana, very limited stocks)
  40. Trichocereus bridgesii (Achuma, Bolivian torch)
  41. Weed: "White Widow Auto F2", "Pure Power Plant F3", "Belize Sativa Landrace", "Martinique Sativa Landrace"


  • Microscopy
  1. Psilocybe Cubensis spore prints for microscopic study ONLY: Red Boy, Moby Dick (Albino Golden Teacher), PES Amazon, Ecuador
  2. Agaricus Bisporus spore prints (White & Brown varieties)
Edited by MeanGreen
Added more available seeds & plants
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice to meet another one of my fellow european SABers :)

My trade list here wasn't up to date, I updated the OP.

I'm looking for the following plants/seeds at the moment:

  • Acacia adunca
  • Acacia phlebophylla
  • Acacia simplex
  • Acacia victoriae
  • Alicia anisopetala ("black yage")
  • Banisteriopsis caapi
  • Canavalia maritima
  • Ervatamia orientalis ("Australian iboga")
  • Erythroxylum australe (and other species of Erythroxylum)
  • Diplopterys chupacabra (flat-earth yeti strain)
  • Galbulimima belgraveana ("Agara")
  • Kaempferia galanga ("Galangal")
  • Lagochilus inebrians
  • Macropiper excelsum ("maori kava")
  • Mitragyna hirsuta, javanica, parvifolia, africana or any other species
  • Pedicularis (any active species)
  • Phalaris named clones (Big Medicine, Yugo Red, etc...)
  • Piper betel
  • Piper methysticum ("Kava-kava")
  • Psychotria nexus
  • Sceletium species other than tortuosum
  • Trichocereus named clones or crosses
  • Virola
Edited by MeanGreen
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