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The Corroboree

Sun vs Shade


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Just for general interest,

Here are pics of 2 cacti. They are the same species and looked almost identical a year ago. I put one in the shade in a pot and another in the sun, unsheltered in the sandy ground, surrounded by rock.

Big difference. The shaded one grew fast and is very green. The unsheltered, hot, sunny one turned yellowish with tinges of red/brown.

Interesting for me since I thought they'd be a bit tougher than that and would like the harsher conditions.

Not sure if its heat, sunlight, exposure or nutrients which caused the difference but I'll be growing them shaded in future.
Feel free to identify the species please.









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Does that mean the top will stay thin now and later end up deformed with a thin section? ok so maybe a bit more light for the potted ones then..


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yeah id say the thin section will remain that way forever, even if the new growth fattens up, could be wrong though. I don't like to say anything with %100 certainty lol. what ratio is the shade cloth, 30%should be fine.

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Long spined Peru. 


The one in the rocks looks like it got sunburnt. Probably when it was first planted there. If you're putting into full sun, the plants need to have roots already, and should be aclimatised in the pot before putting into the ground. I like to put them in the ground early spring so they can toughen up before the summer sun... always plant into the ground when they have roots though...

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Yep, they both had roots and were transplanted at the same time, with no acclimatisation. Sunburn sounds likely. It's quite an open, hot position and maybe the white rocks reflect extra heat and light.

I'll leave the one in the ground and see if it recovers by next summer.

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as mountaingoat said you can't just go from shade to full australian sun/summer over night. all my plants during summer get as much sun as possible and they're thick and healthy, but I always put them out at the start of spring to give them time to "warm up" so to speak. plants i've put from primarily shade to full sun overnight always end up with blotches. we need to remember that australia has a very different climate to tricho's native homelands and full oz summer is pretty harsh even for oz natives. but cacti are adaptable and will thrive if given time to adjust.

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