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The Corroboree

Trichocereus category information


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From trading on this wonderful site ive amased a good collection of trichocereus.

Its time for lotsa these to go in the ground, i'd like to plant them in an 'order' and have split bout half into 4 groups





From here theres lotsa other 'special' ones, x's and other names i cant fit into these 4 groups and i'd like to make sure everythings fully sorted and organised before planting.

Theres also lotsa seedlings that will need to be planted when they get a bit bigger and i need to leave room in the areas where they belong.

Maybe the 4 groups are silly?

I have been referencing the magnificent Trichocereus.net to get me this far though due to time constraints i fear it will take me till xmas to do this myself........so i thought its best to take the easy way out n see if someone would like to do this for me.

Looking for someone who definatly knows their shit as theres close to 200 names.

In return for your time and knowledge we'd work out a suitable trade <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Due to quarrantine its probardly best if its a member in Australia, but if you were to be happy with seeds and prints instead of plants and cacti then an OS member would be fine.

Please send me a pm.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Edited by pimento
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Hello Pimento, it´s sometimes not possible to classify every Plant. But the Categories you mentioned are have pretty broad definitions so you will probably be able to classify most of them correctly. That being said...why not posting Pictures of them to classify for them correctly. This way, you win because you have pretty accurate ID´s and the Forum wins because they can see Cactus Porn. bye Eg

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