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The Corroboree

Ayahuasca and your state of mind

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Hi guys,
This is a question for people who've actually tried ayahuasca.

After many months of searching, I've finally been invited to an ayahuasca ceremony. However, after getting the invite (about two days later) some personal problems arose, and I now feel a bit down about them (and anxious here and there I guess).

I live in Australia and that's where this session will be taking place. Australian ayahuasca sessions are different to the South American ceremonies in that there isn't a shaman who's singing Icaros and calling on the tree spirits to deliberately bring up negativity within you so you deal with it.
There's ambient music playing (which I'm hoping will have a calming effect, conducive to spiritual exploration). There's a facilitator who basically ensures you're safe (who's usually completed an apprenticeship with a South American shaman), and leaves you alone in the circle to experience the ayahuasca without interference.
In your experience, if you've had ayahuasca in this setting, should I be worried that my current (sad) state of mind may deliver me a nightmarish five-hour experience?
I'm really mostly in this to finally see and feel the spirit realm for myself (beyond third dimension intuition) and to explore myself for spiritual growth. I know as part of this, negativity will be purged (and as I have mild OCD, I was expecting negativity anyway). But, should I avoid the whole thing for now if I'm feeling sad?
Edited by yvolution
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I think, maybe you should think about it more, because only you know what you can or can't deal with.

I'd be surprised if people would incriminate themselves hear if they are in Australia, but the first thing I thought when I read your post was "would you give acid to your friend who's just received bad news?"

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For me the thing that determines I have an experience of pure ecstasy or a nightmare is whether I am in 'the moment'. For example, If I'm 'ungrouded' ie. Sleep Deprived, technologically distracted, physically exhausted, mentally exhausted, frustrated, bored etc I generally have a horrible time. If I don't take the medicine seriously and give it the respect it deserved I get annihilated. It really depends on how YOU feel, because this can be central to your experience.

Approach it with respect, without judgement or expectations, be grounded and relaxed and let go of everything. You've really got to commit.

(However, this can be very dose dependent)

All my journeys have been alone.

Best of luck friend!

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