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Neo-Psychoanalytical game of truth with rules: Say something good and something bad about yourself

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what's the game you ask? we dont know yet, but it's fucking exciting, isn't it?

[okey yeah, I am super excited today and I got a number of reasons]

the prize of the game is will be personalised for each winner


this game will try to experiment a bit on the notion of 'game of truth'

0. please read along all texts - respect the rules - talk about yourself and win in more than one ways - in fact in more than two ways

1. each member can and must initially post ONLY one reply to this thread, answering honestly about one thing he regards as a "negative" in himself, and one thing that he regards as a good thing, and these things either positive or negative can be whatever, from undesired physical traits to problematic character / personality traits

1.2 - I repeat! nobody can post anything unless he answers honestly in those two questions / tasks / challenges of RULE number 1 - this is my thread 0 respect my AUTHORITY - I am a trusted and respected member, heh

1.3 if one's person's initial response is not relevant enough, it might get few positive points. Consider the first response ntry a serious advantage into the game, if you play the card early...

1.3 The CAUSE

only I know about the cause

1.4 I rule the game , play with leo and you might be the winner

2. someone can invervene with a second reply or more in regards with someone's answer, as long as he has himself fulfilled rule #1, and had some serious arguement against some else's reply to rule #1. Arguements should better evolve around a 'neo-psychoanalytical' , character analysis oriented , and what's better , a "why is that" mentality, or at least a philosophical or otherwise researching / observing point of view thing. Since its a forum, one can use arguements from what the person in debate has stated in the forums, and from his overall attitude but it's also welcome and (might add extra points) if someone knew another in person. Like in all serious arguements, you have to present facts, factual data and points to the essence, or what you might consider proof to get some real points.

2.1 You are supposed to get on with doubting other one's statements, if it's appropriate, cause doing well so will get you points, and will set the essenence more into play and make stuff more interesting. this is a debate game, but keep it neo-psychoanalytica and try to keep your thoughts in one and solid post instead of 2 or 3 short wow posts. you get extra points for this.

2.2 You might want to make an additional post related to your first reply to obligatory rule #1 AKA talking about what you're good at or what your bad at. You can do this, at any time, and you can get extra points by talking about these new things, BUT you should explain why you are posting, and what changed after you initial post.

2.3 You might not want confront others, but still want to participate, so you can gain extra points if you explain why you dont want to confront others in a character analysis way. you can still debate peacefully and sensual and emotional characters are needed here!

2.4 one very valid and wanted stance to the game is to act like the finest and obedient 'patient' of a psychotherapist, and / or be a point-maker . But you have to be true in what you say, especially as a confronter, because you have to also submit to analysis as much as you confront others.

3. RULES about points ....

points given for "positive character traits" reply is less evaluated than points given for "negative character traits" ]- talking about your negative traits is rewarded in this game.

you get negative points if you fuck up with rules and the answers.

you might get one point for one trilling attempt, if its really good, but that's it, even as a troll you have to obey to rule #1

you get positive points


*offering honest posts early, with bonus extra points for the first five true replies to the game (the sooner the better)



*relevant content (neo-psychoanalysis, AKA character analysis)


*fluency (more words please)

*self sarcasm



EXTRA SUPER POINTS for connecting successfully two pre-discussed subects/persons/concepts whatever into one argument about characters

4. RULES about trolls ....

well , sorry, I have no rules about trolls

but you're not encouraged to troll in my thread and you're unlike to win the super duper prize trolling

4.1 RULES about "why the fuck should I care about your shit, I will keep trolling anyway"

get a life, or else .... you will get fucked .... game-wise

5. RULE about "who decides about all this fucking shit?"

me, only me. I decide about humour, relevant content . this is my game and by the time I finish writing this thread I will have finished weaving off another fine experiment. Fuck no, I hope and I will yield a lot. A promise! And maybe, excuse my leo, an innovative one, might I say... asI am really making the post on the go of my mind....

or maybe it's only gonna be a little exciting and this is all there gonna be

but, when we have enough players, RULE#5 is the only fucking rule open to debaters with 2-3 successful posts.

6. RULE about "what the fuck do I win" part

well I honestly did not programm it this way, in fact I honestly did not plan this at all,

but the winner of this game will win something awesome. me says. depends who you are and where you are.

7. RULE about new rules or canceling old ones

well you can shoot away your propositions... but this thread encourages the use of thes initial rules, unless other wise stated. e rules un

8. RULE about "hey this is getting weird, where the fuck are you getting this at ?" part

stop being a pussy and get on with playing the fucking game

or say why you dont think all this is of any use or importance - you get some points by that...

9. RULE about my posts

I cannot win the game, obviously, but I can dictate , judge and even make up new rules if needed for the the game .

my posts should point out the direction I would like all this to take

Edited by mutant
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something good:

I am good at many things. I am good at so many things that I am not sure if its it I am good at many things

or is it I am good at doing many things. in fact that's what I am saying: what I am good at is that I am so versatile, that I can be good and learn and talk with anybody and all.

a bit like god you know understanding it all, grasping the whole picture/plan, but in human version ,

something bad:

there's something inherently bad with watching so many horror movies

I am a long-time horror fan

I am atttracted to negative concepts, stories and shit

I talk to much, sometimes I try to force my way into the others way and point of view

but most of it , I am an obsessive debater!

Edited by mutant

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Alright, this sounds like fun. I'll bite ^_^

Something good :

I have a lot of determination. A few years ago I was in an awful situation due to a severe anxiety disorder. I had no life to speak of, no social life, no work life, no academic life, nothing at all. It was a mindless fearful existence that was self-reinforcing. I climbed out of that hole bit by bit and made my life the complete opposite, I've done so many things I never thought I'd be able to do and had so many experiences I never thought I'd have, while many people I know are still in that same hole.

Something bad :

I'm too critical of myself. This is the flip-side of the determination that made my life what it is, I'm constantly seeking to improve and to better myself, but I am not good at appreciating what I've done and what I am. I denigrate my achievements and measure my worth based on what I haven't accomplished, but when I accomplish those things I never appreciate myself. In my heart I still feel like I haven't done anything and I'm not anywhere close to where I should be and that there's nothing about me that's good or worthwhile. Like I'm a pale imitation compared to other people.

This is all so personal, the fine folks of the Corroboree will know more about my inner life than most people around me. I'm curious to see what this thread will turn into - it's such an interesting concept.

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