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The Corroboree

Centella cordiolia

Ed Dunkel

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Does anyone have any information on Centella cordiolia (swamp pennywort) as a reliever of arthritis or any other info.

I have quite a few growing in my garden and I don't have arthritis.


[This message has been edited by Ed Dunkel (edited 17 August 2000).]

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I have heard this too, don't know much more about it than that. Gotu Kola (C. asiatica) seems also to be listed for arthritis and is also used to improve peripheral circulation and memory/brain function (probably by the same mechanism)... so maybe C. cordifolia would also share those uses with Gotu Kola.

A search of medline (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/ ) for Centalla yields a number of dry looking papers mainly on wound healing and also worryingly on contact dermatitis.

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