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The Corroboree

Looking for Mugwort st johns wart and possibly passionflower

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I'm finding it hard to track down anywhere that i can buy dried mugwort/SJwart, or fresh for that matter. i'm not to fond of buying from websites as most of them are from overseas and i cannot for the life of me find a shop that sells dried herbs in Canberra or here in Alice springs. it's ridiculous. does anyone on here have any of these herbs they would be interested in donating for a dream based art experiment?

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so where are you at the moment dude? the ACT or Alice?

if you are in the ACT I could probably direct you toward a lot of fields where you can collect your own st johns wort to your hearts content - but from your post it sounds like you are looking for Mugwort... not Mugwort and/or St Johns wort... the reason I figure this is because I did a three second google search and found that mugwort is referred to as st johns plant.

so are you looking for st johns plant i.e. mugwort? if so this took me a further 30 seconds to find... (oh and I didn't check the shaman-australis website first... soz torsten)


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if you like the look of anything on the xtream herbs site why not try looking here instead


90% of xtream herbs products (including there mugwort) are from medicine garden anyway all they do is put a dodgy xtream herbs sticker over the label they dont even re-package and by the looks of things the other 10% is from tribe earth and HHH

personally id go directly to the source to insure quality and save a few dollar$ xtream has sent me out of date kava tablets in the past so i no longer deal with them

not happy Jan :angry:

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go with what lofty says. like I said, i did a 30 second google search on it... no real experience on vendors.

Cheers for writing up whats what lofty


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G'day Dingo,l have got loads of mugwort living and dried,so if yo would like some l would be more than happy to send some your way if you like,other than that Happy herbs or mabe S.A.B? :)

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