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Fatal Shooting in Vic

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That's my opinion anyway. I don't condone the overthrow of the government, and who's to say that what replaces it won't end up becoming as morally bankrupt and corrupt as our present leaders...power corrupts, as they say. Some demented Christian group might seize power, in which case we are in for a a whole UNIVERSE of insanity and hurt.

Humanity makes me nauseous.

Kind ofg makes me th ink of the DK lyrics "seems like the more I think i know , the more I find i don't , Every answer opens up so many questions, Anarchy sounds good to me , then someone asked 'who'd fix the sewers' ? , would rednecks just play king of the neighbourhood. how many liberators really want to be dictators , every theory has its holes when real life steps in"

The thing I don't understand in relation to this whole incident is where the hell are the police batons , It seems illogical that 4 police officers who I imagine each had a batton resorted to the use of guns to disarm a person with knives ,

Now if someone broke into my house and ii gun them down because they are weilding a knife , when i also had a baseball bat or something of the sort at my disposal if the person was half my age , I have no doubt that I would be charged as this is not reasonable force . I'm at a loss why he could not hav been disarmed by two officers with a swift batton hit to the wrist or forarm the lengeth of the batton should have allowed police to keep out of the knife reach and execute such a technique. Considering a full grown male would more then likely have a longer ereach then a 15 year old and the length of a fully extended batton in comparison to even a large knife

After reading a report which surfaced this morning written by a shopper , who was actually confronted by the boy I am very strongly of the opinion the police actions were beyond the use of reasonable force

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Relating to the pics of the greek riots, well, I mean it is good to see that the people there care about their freedoms and rights, burning down the businesses, cars and homes, and looting the property of other civilians, is a fairly pointless excuse to incite more violence really. The non violent protests are great, and the symbolism of burning the parliament christmas tree is cool, as well as some of the other my symbolic vandalism, and even some of the violent clashes with the police particularly outside parliament I can show a bit more support for.

The pics are wicked though.


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If someone ran at me with a knife and said they were going to kill me... and i had a gun i would probably put the whole magazine in them... within reason... i believe in self preservation... at first when i heard this story i was a little peeved at the police... but put yourself in their shoes... im sure they will be in serious mental pain at the moment... and as i said they were most likely just trying to stay alive!

Anarchy gets you nowhere... if your into that type of thing move to the middle east... plenty of it round there!!!!

Edited by Mr Stay Puft

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The non violent protests are great

When was the last time you noticed a non-violent protest effect any change in THIS country, never mind a troubled, corruption riddled nation like Greece?

We don't have any freedom, our opinions mean nothing, corporations control eveything, it's 1984....i could upload a scan of the intro of a childrens libary book i borrowed the other day...it would blow your mind... :wacko:

It was written by this piece of shit:


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