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Zeitgeist 2 is out

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I enjoyed the first one. It had its flaws but it was worth a watch and got me thinking, which is what it was intended for. I think, just like any of the media's, you should not view the information given as law but more of a starting point for further research. The first Zeitgeist did a lot of giving "facts" but not actually going into to much explanation. This is the way it is, accept it. The same thing the government does :P

A heap of my mates, after viewing the first one, became very opinionated about the topics presented and acted as if they were an authority on the matter because they watched one doco. Take everything with a grain of salt untill you do your own research and find out what is really going on.

That being said the first Zeitgeist was a good starting point, lets hope the second is just as good.

Cheer for the post, am watching it now,


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It sure did have it's flaws, it was blatant plagiarism and much of it was bullshit. I haven't watched this one properly yet but have noticed the odd mistake, I guess we can forgive him for plagiarism if it's uploaded for free (although he does profit from DVD sales) but the mistakes discredit otherwise valid information and mean it gets laughed at which is not doing anyone any favours, in fact it is extremely damaging.

For those who haven't seen it, here's the real deal, the only real sanity & logic behind people like David Ike and movies like zeitgeist. The most important film ever made, 'The Money Masters': http://video.google.com.au/videosearch?q=t...emb=0&aq=f#

(This film used to sell for $500 for a VHS copy back in the day, before the internet.)

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Ah goodie, havent seen a doom and gloom doco for abit. i agree with Genisis.

Its a starting point, but anyone who takes whatever they hear from a single doco, is as much of a freethinker then jesus's apostles. (they dident think very much for themselves at all)

Plus,factor in the 500 vhs cost that bap said, and one can see many reasons for this being an INDUSTRY rather then a revolution. ah well, ill give it a watch like i do the others and ill probably be just as skeptical as i always have.

That said, any information is good information.. as long as people dont take these versions of events like its comming out of the mouth of jeebus himself. if you know what i mean.

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Yea I agree with genesis too, there was a lot of instant experts who swallowed the first one hook line and sinker. Perhaps I should have been a little more clear, it wasn't zeitgeist that sold for $500 for a VHS copy it was 'The Money Masters', that's what started all this shit and that was the factual information that the maker of zeitgeist plagiarised in the first one. Along with this he also "borrowed" heavily from the work of people like Jordan Maxwell and diluted the most important information ever put on film with the factually inacurate and just plain nutty shit of people like maxwell and films like 'Loose Change 911'.

Only seen 20 minutes of this one and it looks to be much better so far.

Edited by baphomet

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Yea, i just watched it all now..

Much better then the first, taking up more important issues.

worth a watch, but always cross check :)

I should check out the money masters.

I am sure glad im a bum and dont have credit cards,loans and other capitalist ideals.

quasi Commie at heart.

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A heap of my mates, after viewing the first one, became very opinionated about the topics presented and acted as if they were an authority on the matter because they watched one doco.

Yeah that's scary, especially when the info in Zeitgeist was so distorted, it was like Alex Jones, Michael Moore, and David Icke got together and smoked a lot of crack and then made a movie.

I'd like to see an episode of Bullshit! devoted to Zeitgeist, not that those guys are much better sometimes, but at least they don't take themselves so seriously and they swear a lot and have topless women.

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I just watched it too the tone of the first one put me off after about 10 mins so I still haven't seen that one. This one kept my interest (or maybe it's just a slow day) so I watched the whole thing. It's pretty heavy handed as has been said above, and contains a lot of "facts" without much backup.

There were certain leaps in logic that seemed to come out of nowhere. I'm also skeptical of their pretty massive claims about potential of alternative energy sources (not that I wouldn't like them to be true).

All in all I thought this movie belaboured its points to a degree which made me a little suspicious. I went hunting for informed discussions on the net but all I found were either sites promoting it or crazy christians with very poor video production skills claiming that the makers are going to hell. I was surprised not to find open minded discussion of the ideas presented.

To me these ideas presented seem fairly obvious and quite simplistic but I guess to a lot of people these ideas would really challenge their reality tunnels. It would be great if everyone turned around and realised we are all one (as said by the late great Bill Hicks in the film) but that is pretty unlikely to happen (although again I hope it does).

It seemed to have a strong Singularitarian bent without actually mentioning anything about it. The whole Venus Project thing seemed interesting but they didn't say how it would work just that it would work, which is kind of an odd loose end.

Maybe it seems suspect because the makers are clearly aligned with certain ideologies which they don't make at all clear. They make it clear what they stand against though, which is good.

I dunno I can't shake the feeling that I've just been propagandised even though I agree with much of what I saw. Maybe I'm just too jaded and cynical.

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"I'm also skeptical of their pretty massive claims about potential of alternative energy sources (not that I wouldn't like them to be true)."

I Still haven't watched all of zeitgeist so I'm not sure what your referring to but have you heard of Nikola Tesla? If not you really should watch this (the introduction is a little lame but the rest is very good):


Edited by baphomet

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