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The Corroboree

smoking brug

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I've smoked datura 2-3 times, I never noticed any effect from smoking flowers or leaves, other than it tasted bad.

I've eaten very small amounts in brews as an anti emetic also.

I know several people who were severely, negatively and permanently affected by eating datura.

They function, they read and write fine, in most cases actually there was one guy who lost his functionality for the most part but that resulted in a drug overdose death anyway. But the real evidence comes from before and after comparisons and it shows that with some people the price they paid for playing with datura was way to high.

Think about it, it was used as a rite of passage to destroy childhood personality, involving near total loss of memory of childhood. The significance of this use, which targets and destroys a persons very identity, appears to have been lost to many would be shamans.

The classic ethnobotanical use for datura and brugmansia is to destroy a persons personality in a permanent and irreversible way. Frequently it was used to intoxicate human sacrifices.

Having never met Torsten before and after his datura imbibing I cannot make any form of judgment about how it has affected him. However his present functionality cannot be a justification for the use of this plant.

Edited by Archaea

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