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Guest Warrioe-Sage

The new film ' 300 ' - just out in time for the war against Iran !

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

A new film has come out called ' 300 ' ( March 9th ) , which purports to tell the story of the famous last stand of the 300 Spartans under King Leonides at the pass of Thermopylae in 480AD. Basically the 300 warriors held up an army of up to 500,000 Persian warriors led by the Emperor Xerxes for 3 days , allowing the state of Athens to ready its forces and eventually defeat the Persians at the naval battle of Salamis and the land battle of Plataea.

Whereas the film is based on a graphic novel , can it be merely a co-incidence that its being released now , with US government sabre-rattling against Iran ( former Persia ) at its height ? The message is that the USA is the last bastion of Western democracy , the only thing standing in the way of a monstrous Eastern horde threatening to overrun everything good and holy thats in its path : isn't this film an attempt to manipulate public opinion like ' Red Dawn ', merely a bit subtler ?

The Iranians won't like the depiction of the noble King Xerxes - he appears as a giant bald man clad in chains and with multiple piercings , while the soldier-Immortals appear in silver skull masks , like an ancient version of Tolkien's Orcs. To re-inforce the Lord of the Rings connection still further , the Persians have War Elephants like Tolkien's Mumakil - yet there is no evidence that the Persians used elephants in battle for another 150 years.

In other words : Spartans=USA=Forces of Democracy=Forces of Good while Persians=Iranians=Forces of Evil.

Americans should be aware that this film seems to be a propaganda piece designed to convince them of the veracity for a war against Iran - watch out ! Theres also a video game going to be released , so you can get killing yourself ! !

The movie is about a fight between Ancient Greece ( the cradle of ancient democracy and Western values ) and Ancient Persia ( evil warriors from the East , Persia is present-day Iran ) ! Its easy to draw parallels , similarly its easy to compare the Persians to the forces of evil in ' The Lord of the Rings ' and so on.

In TLOTR, the evil has the All Seeing Eye. In our world, the eye belongs to the Illuminati, which would be the symbol of the the hidden power.

I see it that the Spartans symbolise the USA standing alone against the Persians ( read : Iranians ) while the rest of the world ( the other Greek states who symbolise Britain , France etc ) dithers about whether to support Uncle Sam or not

I just find it conspicuous how the movie is promoted while Iran is on the front burner of world wide tension. It cant be more blatant in propaganda value. It builds on getting the masses hysterical and on a better war footing for the coming showdown. You have to ask yourself...who does this movie benefit?

The violence wasn't even "brutal" but more "artistic"..

Anyways, when the movie was over, that was the first thing that poped in my head. This is propaganda.

People like you and me realize that we live in an Orwellian time where slavery is called freedom. Most people who watch 300 do not realize that and thus don't see that "free men" means "slaves" in this quote:


The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, that even a god-king can bleed.

the script included some really dangerous propaganda speeches surrounding freedom, justice, liberty etc. Several times, if I shut my eyes and listened to the rallying cries or speeches, it was like listening to a politician on the eve of a war.

Heres some examples from the film -

- This is where we fight! This is where they die!

- We did what we were trained to do, what we were bred to do, what we were born to do!

- Imagine what horrible fate awaits my enemies when I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory.

- The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, that even a God-King can bleed.

We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known.

Such messages clearly target people on a subconscious level. By rooting for the films heroes, peoples minds will be programmed to elicit the same response when we hear real politicians making similar speeches. Its a simple, effective ploy to condition people to accept war.

As has already been mentioned, the fighting scenes were filmed in a less gory, but more 'artistic' way. I expect this too was done to subconsciuously program viewers to think that real war isnt so bad after all. In the least it makes us desensitisized to the brutality of war. Potentially it can tell people that war and killing is an artform.

but Its the depiction of the Persians as the evil cousins of Tolkien's orcs that gets me , and the parallels between USA=Sparta and Iran=Persia that are annoying. The film is obviously anti-Iranian propaganda - and whereas any piece of propaganda will have its good points , its still propaganda !

In the film Sparta symbolises the USA , bravely defending Greece ( = the West ) alone from a huge monstrous Eastern horde that looks like it came from Mordor ( = Iran , Islam , etc ).

The heroic , handsome , superb , athletic , sexy good guys look Caucasian and the filthy , goat-shagging , treacherous , spawned-from-the-pit , obviously inbred , ugly bad guys look Arabic. Do you what I did with that sentence there ? Thats propaganda. Something similar happens in the film , but its a bit more subtle !

Every film has a subtext , every piece of art has a message that it wants to convey. Depicting the Greek-Persian wars in a film when the West is on the brink of war with Iran immediately sets my alarm bells buzzing for a propaganda piece and a slanted message.

It may be a better film for US cinemagoers if the great king Xerxes is depicted as a bald-headed evil giant covered in piercings and chains , but thats not the way the Iranians see it , they see it as disrespectful. Imagine if someone portrayed George Washington or Martin Luther King jr in a similar way !

Similarly look at the way the Soviets were depicted in 80s films such as ' Red Dawn ' or even some of the James Bond films. Vietnam films such as ' Platoon ' depict the ' loss of innocence ' on the US side of the war , but they don't say much about the damage done to the Vietnamese people or their country. The enemies of the US or Britain are often depicted as ' un-people ' , as faceless enemies who are just there to make up the bodycount like Imperial Stormtroopers.


3 00...is it "double O" orgasm, no-hold barred, illuminati blOOd-lust?

The 15th letter of the alphabet is O, x 2 = 30

There may be a connection here with a story about US Airways Flight 300 to Phoenix :

" In another incident on November 20th (2006) , Islamic clerics, one with ties to Hamas, disrupted a U.S. Airways flight by engaging in loud chanting, praying, and denunciation of U.S. policy in Iraq. The men got up from their assigned seats and sat separately in a pattern associated with the 9/11 attacks - two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear - giving them control of exit routes to the plane. They asked for seat belt extensions even though they were not obese, and placed them on the cabin floor in the aisles. In response to this disruptive and intimidating behavior, the captain, along with airport security, exercised their right to ask the men to leave the flight peacefully. The Imams refused. They were subsequently handcuffed, led off of the plane, and questioned by police. "

Link : Flight 300


This incident on Flight 300 looks like a set-up then , another piece of anti-Muslim propaganda designed to decieve Americans.

Illuminati + 300 = Committee of 300

The Committee of 300 is a secret society of top royalty, politicians, businessmen, economists, military commanders, intellectuals, scientists and religious authorities who work towards the Illuminati plan via another organization, The Round Table. This Arthurian symbolism suggests British influence, dating from the British Empire (which included such figures as Cecil Rhodes, H. G. Wells and the Fabian socialists) . . . which some hoped would provide the basis for a world government. Most people believe the British Empire is long gone, but Coleman suggests the Empire is still very much with us. Its overt power has simply been replaced by covert power, behind the scenes. The Round Table network of the Committee of 300 is made up of organizations like the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Rockefeller Group, the World Trade Organization, the 1001 Club of the Isles, the Club of Rome and the various international intelligence agencies - last, but by no means least, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

If you just take it as a movie , ' 300 ' is a pretty good film , its very gung-ho but I suppose thats to be expected.

If you know something about Persian history though , you will dislike the depiction of the Persians. I don't think any of the Persian characters even get a name ( apart from Xerxes ) - they are all grossly fat , ugly or effeminate.

Xerxes' tent is definitely weird - its full of naked lesbians and theres a black goat playing the lyre !

When you see the Immortals , you just can't help saying ' Orcs ' ! This film was definitely made to upset the Iranians !

Some people feel Miller is a racist , that he has gone very right wing after 9/11 and so on. But the filmakers could have identified offensive elements and removed them or altered them. This can be done as alterations were made in the films of Alan Moore's graphic novels ' V for Vendetta ' and ' From Hell '.

The very dark atmosphere of Greece in ' 300 ' is very unusual , in that its usually associated with the future - in that the future is supposedly polluted , troubled and so on. You can see this in the Terminator films , Judge Dredd , Blade Runner , V for Vendetta , Sin City etc so I think its fair to say that this idea may have been borrowed from the Lord of the Rings final part. That was a work based on a novel !

The real question lies here : why has this film been made and appeared now ?

Who has funded it ? Why does it paint such a negative and sinister depiction of the Persians ?

In contrast there was hardly any fuss when ' Alexander ' came out , another film which depicts a Greek hero defeating the Persians and taking control of their empire. The Persians here were depicted in a far more accurate way however.

' 300 ' was guaranteed to upset the Iranians with its depiction of their people as monsters. It presented the West ( Spartans and Greeks ) as right and good and the East ( Persians/Iranians ) as a terrifying Asiatic horde.

Since the original situation was more complicated , thats why the film is pro-Western propaganda.

King Xerxes I of Persia , reigned 485-465 B.C.


The depiction of King Xerxes I of Persia in ' 300 ' :

See how they made him look evil.


Imagine if the Iranians made a film depicting Abraham Lincoln or JFK as a perverted weirdo , the Americans wouldn't like it !

By basing the film on Frank Miller's graphic novel rather than on say the History of Herodotus , the makers of ' 300 ' are making a specific statement about the last stand of the Spartans.

Actual Persian Immortal :


Persian Immortal from ' 300 ' :


Orcs from ' Lord of the Rings ' :



When people start changing history for a film , thats when your alarm bells should start going off !

Mumakil from ' Return of the King ' :


Elephant from ' 300 ' :


But there were no elephants at the battle of Thermopylae !!!

Haradrim from ' The Return of the King ' :


Persian soldiers from ' 300 ' :


Notice any similarities ?

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

The Land of Mordor from ' Return of the King ' :


The land of Greece from ' 300 ' :


What the REAL Pass at Thermopylae looks like !!! :


Heres some stuff from the web that accuses ' 300 ' of being anti-Iranian propaganda :

Link : 300 is blatant propaganda


Link :300 is racist , also spots similarity to ' RotK '


Link : Rense.com - 300 is brainwashing and propaganda


Link : 300 is propaganda for Bush's invasion of Iran


Link : 300 - Triumph of the Vile


Link : 300 - it might be propaganda...


Link : 300 is propaganda - perceptive article


Link : 300 is propaganda - another article


Link : 300 is propaganda - a different article


So lets look at this all again. The filmakers could have decided to make a stylish and highly accurate depiction of the Battle of Thermopylae , or make a highly-stylised , pro-right wing film based on Frank Miller's Persian ass-whupping epic ' 300 '. They went with the latter option.

Its clear from the beginning that this film is biased towards the Spartans and biased against the Persians , the Spartans are the good guys in all this.

To emphasise this point , the Persians are shown as a huge faceless horde led by a monstrous King ; their elite troops the Immortals look more like Tolkien's orcs than their historical counterparts , the filmakers chuck elephants in as a parallel to Tolkien's mumakil , and the whole battle is dark and gloomy like Tolkien's Mordor. In short , the Persian army is being compared to the Forces of Evil from ' The Return of the King '. This is loading the odds a bit isn't it ?

If this film isn't propaganda - and remember it appeared in cinemas at a time of heightened tensions between the US and Iran - then what the hell is ??? They made it like ' Return of the King ' FFS only with the Persians ( i.e. the Iranians ) as the bad guys ! Tell me - is this film not anti Persian/Iranian ?

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Greencave, Have you seen it yet? On IMAX it would Fkn look fantastic.

Yea, there probably is an anti Iranian thing to it, but hell, i can sit here myself and write an anti anything movie and it doesent mean im prepairing for a war with em, and doesent mean the goverment paid me to write it up. Anyone remember rocky4?, in the middle of the cold war, now that was propaganda and a half, but still kicked ass. (and there was no war)

Its a good >movie<, though all the historical facts might not be 100 percent correct, i dont think it was ment to be..Eaither way my greek brothers kicked their ass, thats not a misinformation, and neather is the fact that some other greek states dident want war with em.

I AM SPARTAN! ( hopefully at least 5% :) )


just read the last part of your crazy long post,

Committee of 300, is that the new thing? where did the illumanati go? or did they merge with another secret organization? L o l



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it's not his post JoP ;-)

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WS The battle 300 is about actually did happen mind you. The persians greatly outnubered the Spartans but the spartans being highly trained and fighting again poor quality persians won as they used the reduced battle front tactic. If only 300 soldiers can fit shoulder to shoulder than 300 is all you need.

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-I just find it conspicuous how the movie is promoted while Iran is on the front burner of world wide tension. It cant be more blatant in propaganda value. It builds on getting the masses hysterical and on a better war footing for the coming showdown. You have to ask yourself...who does this movie benefit?

The viewers? Everyone i know thats seen the movie is far from hysterical and none have gotten their pitchforks to hunt down iranians. And i really dont think americans want to go to war any more since watching the movie..only the ones that had that opinion anyways aka evangelicals (Crackygelicals)

- We did what we were trained to do, what we were bred to do, what we were born to do!

If you knew anything about spartan history, then yould know they where bred as warriors, the finest in all of Greece,lest the world.

-We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known.

Thats what they believed,its was their historical "legend" so to speak... To put whiny american soliders who where bread to play video games and spend money, up against the grunt of the spartan soliders who where bred to fight and defend greece during a hostile time is kind of boobies..


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[edit] I was high when i watched it so nevermind my interpretation, also wtf WS, theres already been a thread about this, u shoulda posted this there!

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