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Guest Warrioe-Sage

Stargates are real

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

(Ancient) Stargates are real: either that or there's several ancient civilizations inside the earth or stuffed in some canyon on the sea floor. Personally, my research leads me to believe the former: et.al, stargates are real. Sounds crazy? Yes, it honestly does, but so does quantum cloning and teleportation, and yet it's happening as we speak. Science is the equivalent of the Twilight Zone, Star Wars and Star Trek, all rolled into one, these days.

Ancient history is a good place to start. Have you noticed how about 300 years ago or thereabouts, all our ancient history texts were basically ruled unreliable because they mentioned "supernatural" events? All religious texts, (many of which were historical texts that were simply labelled "religious"), except the hieroglyphs from ancient Egypt, were said to be falsehoods. Using the hieroglyphs, they attempted to set a timeline for ancient history, but ignored everything else. That was a big mistake.

Nearly every ancient civilization refers to a place called the "underworld" and a place called the heavens, both of which appear to be more than simply metaphors for the planets and stars rising and setting into and over the horizon. The ancient Hindus and some of the Buddhists, said the only way to access the upper levels of heaven was via Mt. Meru (also called Mt. Sumeru), which wasn't an actual mountain but a reference to a ziggurat in ancient Sumer (this is the pivotal point, but I don't want to overload your circuits with too much information if you aren't aware of any of these ancient stories). The ancient egyptians also believed in an entrance to the underworld and a boat which travelled on heavenly waters (et.al, a mode of transportation) which carried them into the heavens. The ancient sumerians referred to otherworldly places which were accessed via gateways into the underworld, and gates up to the heavens.

I guess it all depends on how much you know about ancient civilizations and their texts. Do you know anything about ancient Sumer?

Sumer is modern day Iraq. It was the first civilization, to date. Not the first people, but the first known civilization. The stories about ancient Sumer are written down in their cuneiform cylinder seals, which were really the equivalent of timeless history books. Other stories were found in the Hindu Mahabarata and the Hebrew Torah and Pseudopigraphia (the Book of Enoch, the Book of Giants, etc). Also, even some of the oldest stories (or histories) from ancient China have echoes of the events that happened back in Sumer and even describe some of the exploits of the biblical Nimrod (also known as the Egyptian Osiris and Chinese Emperor Shun)

Okay, if you know anything about ancient Sumer, then you would know Enki (or Ea, or Enki-Ea, all the same guy) . He supposedly built a ziggurat in ancient Sumer but the description of it is FAR from being a ziggurat. It's said to have been composed entirely of silver (not mud bricks covered in silver but entirely of silver). It's interior was a "tangled thread beyond understanding", the walls speak and give advice, it floats and hovers, and shines so brightly it lights up the area. Oh and it also "roars." I'm not making this up. It's in their ancient texts (see "Enki and the World Order"). This is not the description of a ziggurat. But if you were to see a depiction of Enki's ziggurat, it would be maybe four floors high, each floor a bit smaller than the one below it, with a glowing "Temple" on top, and have the appearance of a throne (such as the Emperor's throne in the Emperor's Palace, Forbidden City, China) or the typical UFO model (the saucer, but in this case, with squared corners and a lighted, glowing dome on top).

When Enki's "ziggurat" first came here, it emerged from the abyss, the underworld called the Abzu or Apsu, and landed in what was to become Sumer. He and his compadres then set about building ancient Sumer. This event is detailed briefly in Genesis 6:4 of the bible, the Book of Enoch and in Enki and the World Order.

What has so many confused is how it could come up from down. The answer is that the down it came from was a stargate.

Enki and Enlil were brother Anunnaki, yes. I interpret them to be the equivalent of the Hindu gods mentioned in the Mahabarata, the old gods of the Egyptians (meaning those that predate Osiris, the Falcon gods)

and the Angels of the biblical texts, albeit the fallen ones

Are you familar with the Abydos "Osirieon" of ancient Egypt? If not, check it out here: http://www.phouka.com/pharaoh/egypt...osireon-01.html . It belongs to a group of buildings I think of as the Anunnaki buildings. The reason I believe this will become apparent when you read the information on it. It's undecorated like the Great Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu. It definitely predates the Temple of Seti and it's built underground for a reason that relates directly to what I've already said in this thread.

I personally think there were more stargates, yes. For example, Tiwanaku (Tiahuanacu, by Lake Titicaca, Peru), not only hosts the Gateway of the Sun, but another "Anunnaki" subterranean building called "The Subterranean Temple", which you can see here (first picture on the top left): http://www.archaeology.org/interactive/tiwanaku/ The walls of the temple feature the faces of various "races" of humans, it's megalithic, very old. I think it housed a stargate at one point. .

All of these "subterranean chambers" are not only related to Enki's Abzu stargate but to the "bottomless pit" in the book of Revelation in the bible. (

Revelation 9 ) which is derived from the word "Abyss", which is derived from the word Abzu or Apsu. Read Revelation 9


Well the biblical account seems to indicate they were all buried under several feet of silt and rock, not to be rediscovered until the end times of planet earth. Enki's gate is still buried (at least until recently).

Something many people are not aware of: Enki's E.ABZU ziggurat was situated on the same exact spot as the later Tower of Babel, which is called the Etemenanki. You can read about the Etemenanki here: http://www.livius.org/es-ez/etemenanki/etemenanki.html It was built on the same spot as Enki's "ziggurat", which means it is the location of the bottomless pit of Revelation 9, as well.

The text actually says:

An artfully made bright crenellation rising out from the abzu was erected for lord Nudimmud. Enki, the lord who determines the fates, built up his temple entirely from silver and lapis lazuli. Its silver and lapis lazuli were the shining daylight. [...]

Its brickwork makes utterances and gives advice. [...]

He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold. [...]

As it has been built, as it has been built; as Enki has raised Eridug up, it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water. (Source is The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, University of Oxford, Oriental Institute.)


i believe the ancient texts were not religious in the same way as we view the word today. I believe they were first hand, historical accounts. In one such account, Enki's ziggurat is said to have an upper emplacement in the constellation "The Field," which translates to "somewhere in the Pegasus constellation." I kid you not..

"The shrine's emplacement is situated by the constellation the Field, the holy upper shrine's emplacement faces towards the Chariot constellation."

To translate that into english, consider that the second half of the sentence is a further clarification of the first half of the sentence and not two different places being referred to. The "shrine" is Enki's ziggurat which was sitting on top of a subterranean chamber called the Abzu. This quote is from "Enki and the World Order", an ancient sumerian text, translated by Oriental Institute, University of Oxford and listed on the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bi....1.3&charenc=j#

According to archaeological digs in the area of where Sumer sprang up, semites already were present in the area before the cities of Sumer were built. This essentially means, the hebrews were there as well, and have their own accounts of what they saw, some of which are oral histories as indicated in a few passages in Deutoronomy, where Moses is recounting the oral histories to the people. These oral histories speak of the Tower of Babel and the subsequent governments/nations that followed, information that isn' t in the bible but simply referred to as support for further information he was about to regale them with. The more indepth information was stuff that never made it into the bible because the bible was a condensed version of thousands of years of history and genealogies.

Let's consider the Akkadian mainstream version of the flood and compare it to the biblical and Book of Enoch version. In the mainstream version Enlil has a hissy fit, claims the people are too noisy, and decides to have a flood kill them all. In the biblical and pseudopigraphical version, the fallen ones had infected the populace, made hybrids (nephilim) that appeared to like human flesh for dinner. They had nearly wiped out the entire human population on the planet, thusly why it says Noah was perfect in his generations (he was fully human). The Akkadian version attributes the flood and the warning to Enlil and Enki. However, the biblical texts indicate that Noah was warned by Jehovah because he was one of the only humans left in all of mesopotamia.

(note: what that amounts to is, the anunnaki offspring were human hybrids. if you've heard that saying " Never meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup," then you have some idea of what I'm saying. they ate humans. the planet was completely polluted. crops wouldn't grow, there was some kind of nuclear exchange, which can be read in the hindu mahabarata which devastated whole cities. we began to look tasty with ketchup, hold the pickles hold the lettuce. this is why there was a flood, not because we were too noisy. btw, nibru is enlil's city of nippur. the etymology for it is pretty convincing: nibru became nibbur became nippur. nibiru the planet, doesn't exist, although the tenth planet may exist, it isn't called nibru. the heaven-earth bond, called the DUR.ANKI, was a stargate at nibru (nippur) and not solely a communications center

This is the Abzu entrance. Notice the water flowing around the door, with stairs leading upwards inside the door.


It's pertinent to note the image above is from a sumerian cylinder seal.

After the flood (which I theorize was caused by the destruction of the water planet -tiamat ) one of Noah's descendants, named Nimrod/Shun/Osiris and possibly even Marduk, was the first "babylonian" world emperor. He attributed to himself, all the deeds of the Anunnaki before him. He refers to Enki as his father (in other words, he was a hybrid), even though he was raised by one of Noah's descendants. He became a mighty man before the Lord. Mighty in this case, is attributed almost exclusively in biblical texts, to the nephilim hybrids.

Anyway, he carts off all his knowledge about the past to Egypt, which he reconfigures ever so slightly to make him the new god Emperor. So yep, there are definitely references to star gates in the ancient Egypt paintings. They just appear in heavy metaphorical , primarily because alot of what they were depicting, after several generations had passed, was based on Nimrod's semi-truths of ancient truths, which were themselves not entirely reliable.

1. Where does this technology originate from?

I dunno! One working theory i have is that the earth was inhabited by the something before humans. There's a gap inbetween Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 that basically states the earth was a frozen chunk of ice for awhile, even after the heavens and earth had already been created, which makes me think it's a reference to an ice age. Not all the information is there. Super condensed version.

i think they used them to travel between the sites here on earth where they had enslaved the local populaces, such as in Peru at Lake Titicaca. I'm still trying to track down what exactly the Osirieon in Abydos is actually about, but my working theory is that it either contained a star gate or was a model of the original chamber at Enki's ziggurat (in Eridu) that contained the star gate. The trail has thus far, lead me to Heliopolis, which unfortunately is mostly covered up by modern day Cairo.

2. Who is using it today?

Erm, would just be a guess, but I'm thinking this may account for why we had such an influx of UFO sightings following WWII. So let me theorize and say ..hrm...the USA? Germany? Iraq?

3. To what purpose is it being used today?

Whatever it is, if they are using it, it can't be good, because according to Revelation 9, when that thing is opened, all hell breaks loose.

9:1 The fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from the sky which had fallen to the earth. The key to the pit of the abyss was given to him.

This almost sounds like a reference for some one who came from space

The 'key to the abyss' was given to him.....access to the gate?

9:2 He opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke from a burning furnace. The sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke from the pit.

not sure what this would indicate, possibly side effects from using this technology,

9:3 Then out of the smoke came forth locusts on the earth, and power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

the nephhilim creatures?

9:4 They were told that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those people who don't have God's seal on their foreheads.

do not harm their food supply? do not harm the supply for humans or the humans marked for consumption?

9:11 They have over them as king the angel of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is "Abaddon," but in Greek, he has the name "Apollyon."

think this is a clue here to their leader....

scary stuff if you view it in this context....

connecting to my work on Atlantis, there is another component to this. In the ancient books, it is saying that some of the original alien masters --- they have very long lives but they do eventually pass away --- in ancient times, it turns out that some of these beings were actually interred in a sort of what you might want to call a suspended animated state. And, in fact, they can be revived. And so, some of the legends are saying that towards 2012, the dark side might stoop to awakening some of these true Anti-Christ Nephilim fallen-angel beings that are interred in the earth. And, the ancient legends are saying that some of these beings are interred in Iraq. Because, after all, that's where their empire's were first after Atlantis fell, that's where they set up shop later on. And underneath the soil there, hundreds of feet deep in underground caverns that the ordinary Iraqi Muslim people haven't the fainted idea exists.

From satellites, they know where these underground tombs are. So, just like vampires that are in a state of suspended animation, some of these old legends are claiming that these old Nephilim are still alive, and can in fact be revived. It's a very elaborate story on how they do that, that involves genetic hybridization and all sorts of genetic subjects. But, if they were to ever awaken one of these beings, and the bible says they will, we could be in very, very serious trouble. So, literally, there could be another war of Armageddon, in the sense that these beings are loose in the world. And then, we are going to find out something really interesting if that should ever happen.

And, this is one of the reasons why the museums in Iraq were looted during the first moments when the troops went in. We know that these sacred objects, very sacred ritualistic objects, were appropriated and stolen from these museums, that no one has been willing to explain why, not even William Henry and others. And I know why, and you will know why. Because in any kind of magical ritual, it is not only important to have the sidereal time right, but you must be dressed for the part, so to speak. Meaning that you have to have the right ritual objects, which are needed to perform successfully, these rituals. They have many of these, but they didn't have others.

And, they knew these were in the Iraqi museums, and they took them. There are going to be occult rituals of a massive magnitude being done, as they already have been throughout the centuries. And this could mean their arising, just like in Revelation 22 where it said 'those who were, who were not, and who will be again, will arise from the bottomless pit.' There is reason to believe that some of the original fallen angels will be revived to preside over a New World Order of terror and chaos.


by Kentroversy


i have heard of scientists plans to extract DNA from mummified Egyptian Pharoahs with intent to cloning them. It is said that this may be possible due to the ancient practice of mummification itself. Its almost as if those Pharoahs were aware that their chance of 'resurection' would come one day...

Maybe they knew...

yes, and this was funded from very very high up, many royal elites working through research institutes to make this happen...this is one subject to really keep and eye on...

If you read the Astro-Theology Page 1 on the Cult of Aton, you will know more about why their is so much necromantic interest in the dead of Egypt...

If the cloning of a pharoah was successful, do you think the developing form would also carry the memories of the previous life?

Or is this not about cloning, and that is not what they are doing? Is it something more necromantic that is going on far beyond our scope of knowledge at this time...

I would recommend you to the movie Lifeforce, and to the NBC Sci-Fi movie called "The Fallen"...which contain hints...

Is Cloning just now a media catch-all safe phrase that disguises something much more sinsiter..


TO LEARN MORE SECRETS OF THE STARGATE PLEASE SEND $29.95 to my palpal account for a copy of the best selling book "Stargates and You - What your mother never told you...."

If you are a nice chick mayby we can come to some arrangment (I give you knowledge and you can help me out in other ways)

Edited by Warrioe-Sage

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TO LEARN MORE SECRETS OF THE STARGATE PLEASE SEND $29.95 to my palpal account for a copy of the best selling book "Stargates and You - What your mother never told you...."

If you are a nice chick mayby we can come to some arrangment (I give you knowledge and you can help me out in other ways)

Has that been ur plan all along? to get people "converted" then start charging for information? i knew it!

Be gone heathen.

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TO LEARN MORE SECRETS OF THE STARGATE PLEASE SEND $29.95 to my palpal account for a copy of the best selling book "Stargates and You - What your mother never told you...."

If you are a nice chick mayby we can come to some arrangment (I give you knowledge and you can help me out in other ways)

Has that been ur plan all along? to get people "converted" then start charging for information? i knew it!

Be gone heathen.

haha nah its his attempts to get laid.. by being a conspiracy nerd, chix love it!

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the stargate theory has merits.... but the people that claim to hold the info do DEMAND payment for it, which is wrong as it keeps the real info about it for those willing to spend the $$ in the hope for real info but they end up dealing with a charlotan (poor spelling).

i nearly got involved with a stargate project over the net, but when i was presented with the statement " there is genuine interest and curious kids" as for justification for the fee, i declined.

one reference i didnt read above is accualy in reguard to Hatshepsut's mortuary temple in delhi barhi, somthing that could be described as a stargate as apparently discovered a few hundred yards from the entrance to the site..... tho i cannot find any references.

were from Pleiades people. but ive already said too much LOL

Edited by Amulte

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were from Pleiades people. but ive already said too much LOL


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