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Maybe australia needs to break away from the commonwealth and become Ecological Communists? Not commies in the Stalin sense but in the way it was written.

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Maybe australia needs to break away from the commonwealth and become Ecological Communists? Not commies in the Stalin sense but in the way it was written.

Comunism is at its essence contradictory, it aims to eliminate an aristocratic elite that rule over the masses by installing a tyrannical elite which rules over the masses.

Communistic Anarchy is the best IDEAL political system, provided people learn to get along and stop exploiting each other. This kind of political system can only become self realised when humanity as a whole cooperates, it cannot be legislated and enforced as this would never work.. and kind of goes against "anarchy" hehe. Point is, really we must evolve our own consciousness in order to no longer require rules, we'll be good to each other beccause of the inherent reward given from giving.

a it is now, the governments interests are in dividing us so that they have a reason to control us, we cannot control ourselves obviously. Howards divisive rehetoric comes to mind. It is in 'their' interests that we never learn to get along. Violent revolutions further entrench this idea of a required authority to govern... peaceful revolution anyone?

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

The schizoid person creates a schizogenic society

The psychotic person creates a psychotic society

The toxic person creates a toxic society

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place[d] under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality - Pierre Joseph Proudhon (General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century)

The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature, because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual – Mikhail Bakunin (God and the State, 1882)

We would rather forgive the evil proliferating all around us than the rebellion against it, which we mistake for the true evil – Arno Gruen (Betrayal of the Self)

War For Civilization?

President Bush, in his address to the Nation (on September 11th, 2006) made the following most interesting statement:

This struggle has been called a clash of civilizations. In truth, it is a struggle for civilization.

What this poor sick man's script-writers don't comprehend is that civilization is never built or destroyed by external, intentional action. After all, as the philosophers and psychologists know, the elements of civilization come into being organically as an extension of the mental, emotional and moral maturity of human beings. If those humans do not possess the inner maturity they will not give rise to a true civilization. In such a case the worst instinctual elements will prevail and men will act barbarically and without restraint. This is the uncivilized world that exists. It has merely a veneer of civilization, but it is not civilized.

Lacking the inner apparatus, the inner ingredients for civilization, we are promised an external simulacra by our cunning politicians who thrive off man's lack of psychic hygiene and integrity. And because we are empty, lost, and anxious; because we do not possess a strong center, we are subliminally in great desperation and will hearken to those voices which utter the right Talismanic Words - "A Stronger America," "Security," "Saftey," "Democracy," "Civilization," and so on.


We have lost our superstitious fear of evil spirits and things that go bump in the night, but, instead, are seized with terror of people who, possessed by demons, perpetrate the frightful deeds of darkness. That the doers of such deeds think of themselves not as possessed but as "supermen," does not alter the fact of their possession - Carl Gustav Jung

These politicians are less inwardly cohesive and clean than the people they keep tranquilized and sedated. Their main concern is to manufacture and ambience of chaos and death. They are creatures of death. They move from the Thanatos Instinct and crave morbidity, decay and destruction. They are necropiliacs, sadistic and unsane. We have allowed them to construct a world of fear and paranoia and, for the most part, we don't understand why. They have made sure that we are not taught correctly, and that we are not exposed to the work and theories of the masters.

Democracy and civilization are extensions of the architecture of the psyche, the personal one and the collective one. They are not erected and installed by force, from the outside, especially by parties that do not possess them in the first place, and who do not even know what they look like or are. Does this sound like some sick joke? Well, it is. It is the mindset of the mad. The unsane are leading us toward another crisis of culture. We live in times that parallel quite precisely the period of the Dark Ages and of the Inquisition. The fear, hate, paranoia, suspicion, superstition, conformity, lunacy, and turmoil are equivalent. Better look into it. Better recall the witch-hunts of the past, because the same thing is beginning to occur yet again right before your eyes. Here are some reminders...


We must remember that the main purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to achieve the public good and put fear into others - Francisco Pena (Vatican Inquisitor, 1578)

Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those whose are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God…But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God… (Peter 2:18-21)

After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the pre-eminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, "Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

Germany is almost entirely occupied with building fires for the witches...Switzerland has been compelled to wipe out many of her villages on their account. Travelers in Lorraine may see thousands and thousands of the stakes to which witches are bound - (Eyewitness Account. Recorded in the Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology)

Wretched creatures are compelled in the severity of the torture to confess things they have never done...and so by the cruel butchery innocent lives have been taken; and, by a new alchemy, gold and silver are coined from human blood - Father Cornelius Loos (1592. From Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology)

...she was stripped by naked and the executioner shaved off all her body hair in order to seek in the hidden places of the body the sign which the devil imprinted on his cohorts. Warts, freckles, and birthmarks were considered certain tokens of amorous relations with Satan - Walter Nigg (historian making an account of the Inquisition's torture techniques)

...frequent torture...kept in prolonged squalor and darkness of their dungeons...and constantly dragged out to undergo atrocious torment until they would gladly exchange at any moment this most existence for death...willing to confess whatever crimes are suggested to them rather than to be thrust back into their hideous dungeon amid ever recurring torture - (A physician's eyewitness account)

The horror of the witch hunts knew no bounds. The Church had never treated the children of the persecuted parents with compassion, but its treatment of witches' children was particularly brutal. Children were liable to be prosecuted and tortured for witchcraft...A famous French magistrate was known to regretted his leniency when, instead of having young children accused of witchcraft, he had only sentenced them to be flogged while they watched their parents burn - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

The Inquisition would claim all the money and property of alleged heretics...Unlike Roman law that reserved a portion of property for the convicted's nearest heirs, canon and Inquisitional law left nothing. Pope Innocent III had explained that God punished children for the sins of their parents. So unless children had come forth spontaneously to denounce their parents, they were left penniless. Inquisitors even accused the dead of heresy, sometimes as much as seventy years after their death. They exhumed an burned the alleged heretic's bones and then confiscated all property from the heirs - Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

Chloroform is a decoy of Satan, apparently offering itself to bless women; but in the end it will harden society and rob God of the deep earnest cries which arise in times of trouble, for help - (New England Minister's words)

Nothing is more poisonous, harmful or devilish than a man in rebellion - Martin Luther (founder of Protestantism)

...Get the picture?

The descendents of the Inquisitors have not gone away. THEY LIVE! Remember Abu Grahib? Well, that was a mere appetizer of what is to come. As if Chemtrails and the FDA were not enough.

The wolves of chaos and debauch are at the helm today. The Holy Roman Empire did not dissolve. The mad, bloodcrazed sadists of the Dark Ages have never left office. They have not changed their tactics, and are eager to stoke the fires and open the dungeons. They are eager to open courts and begin their prosecutions and persecutions. Everyone on earth, everyone sane and free that is, is an enemy to these "Doctor Strangeloves."

For Bush's Address to the Nation


Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch men. Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it, they do not defend the rights of the poor - Jeremiah 5:26

Woe to you who call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter - Isaiah 5:20

These high-priests of darkness and decay arise again like serpentine predators to devour the world and finally themselves. Theirs in the "War on Terror." Its another high-jacked term, a clever play on words. We should read through the Double-Speak and realize that it really means. It refers to an everlasting "media war" against YOU. The strategy is not to perpetually invade and make physical war, but to have us THINK that such things are possible. It is not that these demagogues dislike war or mayhem. And it is not that they would not, and have not, caused physical war. But the main agenda is a CLIMATE OF ANXIETY AND PARANOIA. We watch the right hand and don't see what the left is doing. It is an ambience of trepidation, fear, anxiety, and insecurity that Big Bro is looking for. And they know just how to get it. Drop a few bombs and cause a skirmish by design, and then threaten more. The same thing applied to the Soviet Experiment. Make it so that these "Reds" invade many European countries. Make it so that nothing can be done, and even though little in the way of a PHYSICAL confrontation occurred, millions lived in utter fear of "Reds Under the Bed." It did not matter that many researchers proved that it was London and New York FUNDING the Soviet Experiment. It mattered not that David Rockefeller used to get a standing ovation in Moscow when he visited his Bank there. It mattered not that F. D. Roosevelt stayed in the Soviet Embassy when there, not in the US Embassy. And now that the "Red Scare" is played out...a new one was concocted, to maintain Group Think, Consensus Trance, and a climate of anxiety and paranoia. They are dancing on their desks at how easy it is to dupe us - their gormless Under Classes. After all the words tell us - Its a war not against "Terrorism," or against "Terrorists," but against "TERROR," and there is a difference.

It's all being done to keep you in fear. Remember the story of the Wizard of Oz? The big fiery head "out there" that we all were to be afraid of that was being controlled by a little man behind a curtain? Remember when you were a child and used to believe there were bad things and boogiemen just beyond the darkness? Each and every one of us, no matter our age, still have inside of us this child. When you are feeling small, separate, alone and afraid by the illusion of big, scary "it's" out there in the world, then you take comfort from the illusion of having someone who appears to be strong protect you. And the powerful know this about you, and exploit that fear in you everyday with the CNN (Continuously Negative News), by keeping you trapped in the belief of a small you and a big it out there. And so does all of the world's religious cabals, they have you believing in a big bad evil "it" out there that you then need them to save you from.

This psychology for the control of your mind goes back thousands of years and is so simple, most can never see it. But you are truly weak in that place and have given up not only your power, but also your life.

The evil you believe in is not "out there", it is borne from inside of you, right alongside the goodness of the beauty and love that you truly are.

There is a passage that states, "the weak and meager shall inherit the earth" (that's you and me folks). If you pull back the curtain and see that G.W. Bush is being run behind the veil by a small cabal of power maniacs that he is the front man for, and that the "terror" and "tyranny" are all manufactured illusions (including 9-11, yes, it happened, but was not at all what you have been led to believe) to keep you afraid of the fiery head for its own evil gains, then each and every one of us starts to take back our power and become strong, substantial and abundant again.

Get this little truth, and the need for our current governments (which literally means to govern the mind) and religions will dissolve and we can move to commonwealth, community and spiritual brotherhood and the fascist hegemony (that Bush represents) ceases to have any power - the power that only we can give it by giving up our own. Our thoughts have power to create the world about us, and quantum physics demonstrates this. Don't give any power to the fear or the illusion of this group; simply know that they are out to control your mind as their power source. The movie "The Matrix" was clearly about this very point.

Know that the only terror and tyranny in the world is by those who declare it by projection, and that is those in this current administration and those who control them.

Take back your power, focus your attention on and stand fully centered in LOVE of yourself in every one of your thoughts and in complete appreciation for Who YOU Are, and see that same thing for all others in the world, and in a very short time, this nightmare that the Bushees are sowing will cease to be, almost as if by magic.

and we must now ask what it is in each of us that causes us to fall under this spell. What is that we desire consciously or unconsciously which leaves us open to this kind of manipulation? As it is said in the movie Zardoz..."Why have we conjured a monster in our midst...that is the question we must ask ourselves."

Quite right...it is!!!!

The time is coming for each person having to

wake up and take responsibility for their own

lives and consciousness.

The problem is that people live in


"If I rebel what will I


"I need to pay taxes or


People are brainwashed

and are like chickens in a

factory lined up for the

slaughter, they are just happy

to have LCD tv´s to watch and

all their other distractions

to distract them from


I have been a rebel all my

life, not even a rebel I just

try and be as honest as I can

with myself and honestly

Aliens, Illuminati, conspiracy

theory or no conspiracy theory

things just don´t really make

sense the way that our society

is structured.

Not even for

the very rich.

And you only have to look at history to see how nasty the elite are and how they have controlled us like slaves.

it can be a sick twisted world

Thankfully Pluto will enter Capricorn

soon ( I do Astrology too) and to me this sounds

like a massive transformation of exactly what Capricorn

stands for - it is structure itself.

I´m not so optimistic about the square

from Uranus to Pluto which is

too radical and destructive

for me to believe the

transformations to come will

be lovely and utopian as

religion or some new age

beliefs might like to sell us.

Any way we are but a tiny part

of the Universe and it is

doing it´s thing, it´s

cleaning the darkness and dirt

we have been living and have

accumulated in our souls. I

look forward to this even

though it is scary.

I guess the only way to help nature is

by trying to be as clean as

possible so that our great

mother won´t have to do the

job for us. The problem is our

potentially crystal clear

consciousnessess are filled

with muddy water and our

bodies filled with the

generations of poisons they

have fed us and our ancestors.

This is what we pay for not

being responsible for

ourselves for many

incarnations and for not

taking our lives into our own

hands. As I tell my friends

and family and those who

listen. Birds don´t need

insurance, neither does any

other animal think he needs

anything more then what nature

gives him. There is no

insurance for your safety and

that is what makes life such

an adventure. We don´t see

birds paying taxes or

following infantile double

sided beliefs, being governed

by maniacs. They are just

birds and they follow the

natural order and scheme of


I´m still optimistic nature

will find a balance soon.

After all isn´t that natural?

When u fall you stand up, if

you get sick you get better,

when you suffer you heal.

Thats the natural order of

things and I don´t think

nature will be missing that


the IRS, DMV, and paying bills

to the government are not a man's enslavement.

They come about because man is not free in his

head and heart.

These things do not enslave.

They are symptoms of slavery, mental and psychological.

None of that would last a second if man was psychologically hygienic, sovereign and free.

He is not, so every roach can crawl

into power and subjugate this strange

godlike creature without a clue to his own inherent power.

If one is free in his attitude,

then he is free, and he will

be guided beyond the crap.

This is a simple but profound law.

We have to investigate why we

imagine that our money-bags,

that is our prosperity, is in the

hands of some terrestrial corporeal source.

Is it? If one thinks that way then it will be,

and one not be in contact with

the real source of life and prosperity.

As long as one psychologically is in fear and lack, and as long as physical stereotypes are considered the source of one's merit and status, one will always have it hard, and will be part of the machine. If the machines were gone, with a magic wand, man would create them again, or some other kind of slavery. He has created all this. It did not come from some place by itself. But wearing that uniform gives a small man a great and erotic feeling. He is empty and has no power, but that uniform and the brotherhood gives him what his small ego needs. The clerk behind the desk, the teacher behind his position, the headmaster, the mayor, governor, all of them. Everyone guilty, no one to blame. Everyone with eyes, no one seeing.

man lives in an analog self, not his real self. And this he does to ostensibly avoid pain. But his analog self becomes a worse obscenity. His hyper-driven, over-achieving, manic, aggressive, wasteful, narcissistic, linear, irrational, materialistic, outer-directed nightmare far out does the affects of pain on the real self. One has to be a real self to feel pain. Get out Star Trek V (The Final Fronteir) and see what I mean. Pain is necessary. And one cannot avoid it, unless they shut down, or create steel-like mental walls within their emotional body which is what most people have done. I deal with extreme cases in this and can say that people go so far as to murder their own souls, certainly their emotional body. And to disguise this, they have an exceptionally attractive persona, or accomplishments, grace, charisma, etc,.

The mask is all there is for these people, so they dont spend a lot of energy in true or real self-development, just go through the moves as if they are, to give off a false impression. Most people dont observe others closely and so they get away with their charade. Until they meet someone real that is who does end up seeing through their mask into the mess and death behind.

Janov, Reich, Lowen, Freud, Jung, Laing, Gruen, Rand....the kings and queens of psychology. One needs to find out what they say about the real self and the false self, the analog self, the social self, the persona. Then we will make a lot of sense about this world and its strange inhabitants.

Pain is going to occur. It is inevitable. It cannot and should not be a threat, and as I have said, we need to change our attitude toward this dark guardian, as well as to others. Pain molds us in appropriate ways. When you listen to Beethoven's 7th Symphony, or to Chopin, or to a Largo by Handel. What do you FEEL. You feel an inner pang, a special kind of pain that only human beings can have. This pain connects all great men and women throughout time. Read the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C. S. Lewis. Read Cervantes, Bronte, Hardy, Byron's Prisoner of Chillon. Listen to the sound of the indian flute playing a raga or to the uillean pipes of Ireland played by a master. Look into the eyes of a tiger in a zoo cage, and feel the charge of pain within when you see an animal being beaten or trapped. Pain, like pleasure, is here.

One cannot change these realities, as one cannot change good and evil. All we have power over is our ATTITUDE toward these realities. And so this is the starting ground. But, if one is already cut off and has little to no deep experience of pleasure or pain, because they are in denial and escapism, then tell me how that person can do ANYTHING sane about them.

He cannot. His life is a sham, meaningless and empty. A tear is a miniture ocean, a part of the great ocean which carries all things, the planets, the suns, the moons and the galaxies. We dont feel that ocean's movement any more. We dont remember it, or think it is there, under all apparent reality. But it is there, ever moving all around us. Like a molten river of lava and light of all hues it moves silently and continually carrying us along to where we are to be.

Pain is a misused word. When pain is inflicted upon us from outside, by others, it is really sadism. But there is a pain that comes from within, a pang, a nostalgic pang, a sense perhaps of ennui, of longing, that the masters call "drishti." It is the sweet sadness that comes from reverence and gratitude, for beingness (Dasein) and for life and death, and everythig in between, for the blessing of music and art and poetry, and for silence. It is the pang of reverence and concern, that here we are, men and women, living for a period - Aware, or Unaware? - A part, or Apart? Are we conscious of our living? Are we here, present, attentive? Or is it just happening, passing by, casual, vapid. Are we an abscess of life, or a flowering thing reaching upward toward the stars? That concern, that call, or urgency to be always aware of the movement, and the preciousness of every moment, and of our Selfhood, without which nothing else can be.

Without Selfhood, man cannot know the Holy Spirit, and cannot find his salvation. He is "das man" inauthentic, shallow, pathetic, unwholesome, debauched.

Jung has said that we are doomed because we run from pain and from the darker emotions. We want a one-seasoned world, and edit all that does not correspond to our false self's image of reality, its IDEA of reality.

All around you hear people say that men are looking for meaning. Are they? Or are they looking to spread and infect others around them with their own IDEA OF REALITY. When they succeed, these Hitlers, they are content. They may call their idea "the" reality, but is it? Is meaning this then? Is it one man imposing, in various ways, his personal notions of reality on others? Is not this what tyrants do? Is this not what religions, and governments do? Is this not what parents do? Is this not what we all do? Some men help to deconstruct these unwholesome ideas seeking to free men from their mutal slavery to ideas which do not stand up to reason and truth.

But we shoot such men. We are toxic and cannot perceive the way they do. As we try to do so we feel existenially sick. It makes us nauseaus and discomfited, and we strike out. Leave us alone, with our comfortable ideas, we scream. I am busy finding people that corroborate my ideas of reality. They are my friends. Others are enemies, or fools.

So, we might say that thought is our enemy. Or at least the kind of thinking that we engage in is. So we are very primitive and we need to investigate ourselves and our ways more than ever before. We might be forced to do so soon.

But the search for meaning must go on regardless of the masses who could care less, and are doing no such thing, and despite the infections from false ideas of others. If one gets too jaded by these, they can give up the search. This happens to many. But I urge people to continue regardless. Dont allow the fact that fellow human beings are not so engaged, or passionate. Dont get alienated just because you cannot conform to the ideas of idiots. Carry on, and never give in. The Pain that comes is merely a flag, a sign that you are getting close to the force field, the boundary that stands between the land of the unreal and the realm of the real. Remember Dune, and young prince's pain test. Remember the Native American Indian Sun Dance rituals. Remember Alchemy and the 12 stages of maturation. Remember the Hanged Man. Remember Odin. To Live is to Die.

the smallest of people can change the world." Where the gods and princes could not go, Frodo could go, and he chose to go. What is Mordor, if not man's unconscious, the dark realm? Did not Christ descend into Hell, as did Odin, Orpheus, Tiresius, Dagda, Horus, and the rest of them? One must pass through the shadow to know the self. Aragorn had to descend into the realm of the dead to really own his kingship, as Elrond compelled him, laid it out, made it clear to him. You may want Shakti (Arwen), but you must first pass through Shiva. Only when all else is perished and gone, can one know salvation. I mean this psychologically, of course. Shaman do inwardly what the earth does inwardly. There are seasons of the psyche also. But just as we have built skyscrapers and cities to keep nature out, so within us we have similar obscenities, mental rooves and walls. Yes, some people can have a good-looking garden or some nice fascades to make your want to pause and take a look. But do you know the way they live behind those pretty walls? Do you know that people hide in the light?

Jung said that the unconscious takes on a threatening aspect only if we in our conscious setting have a negative relationship to it. It is a mirror which reflects back our own image. "...Its what people know about themselves inside that make them afraid."

Lets get our critical apparatus going. Lets show the children that we can be critics of our environment and not cynics, as they are fast becoming...

And the same goes for other areas of our lives, domestically and professionally. Can we say it slightly differently...can we ask


ha, ha...ever noticed that one????

Ever noticed how people subtly seek to make us dependent. Government does it sure, but it is not exclusive baby...

Get your magnifying glasses out....

I agree with what you said ...and rather than amplify the malevolent energies that surround us I suggest we take a moment to reflect upon events occurring today. Take a moment to consider just who benefits from the direction we are headed today and what we can do to turn aside that which seems inevitable. I believe there is another path we as people of the Earth and caretakers of Mother Earth can take, a road less traveled.

If we make an effort to send out energies that are beneficial to our survival and evolution then we will have made a difference. It doesn’t matter what Sect, Tribe, Religion or Belief one has when it comes to true desires and wishes for Mother Earth and Mankind as a whole. There must be some effort to move forward and let go of that which keeps us from finding a solution. We can and should unite in the vision of a World filled with Love and Peace. Yes, that may seem like an old worn out statement, but the essence of it hasn’t changed since the words were first uttered.

Look about yourself and the events currently unfolding and ask, “Who benefits from this?” “Why all the effort to keep us divided by religion, politics, social class and race?” These seen and unseen leaderships are no stronger than we allow them to be. Remove their ability to manipulate and divide us and they too shall fall by the wayside. Although the powers that be will do anything to keep their power in their hands, we can persevere.

If we could focus on one common thought, one common Dream that we can find a way to bridge that which divides us. A World where seen and unseen leaderships are no longer groups that separate us and leaderships are representative of our future success as a whole.

We need to create a place and time where each of us can put aside the issues of the day and ask whomever we pray to for a healing of the wounds and woes of each other. It doesn’t matter how one asks, just that they do with Sincerity and Hope. Whether it be by prayer or chanting or singing “Joy to the World” as long as we take time and are Sincere are all that matters.

It’s time for each of us to take back our divinity, our power and our future from those who have very little interest at all for us.

There are many ways we are seduced into being dependent. Yet it takes two to play that game. One has to be willing to be seduced as well as one willing to seduce. Always looking for a way to get something the easy way and paying a high price for whatever we were seeking. Especially when what we were looking for was inside us all along and we were not aware of it being there. Because no one ever showed us the way. Why? Because somewhere along the line we forgot our own divinity.

Forgot that each of us is a part of God or the universe. Take the time to ponder why so many are fighting to keep us apart and maybe it's because if find our divinity again, they lose.

That's just off the top of my head!!

Looking outside for what we possess within.

Like the deer seeking the musk it carries within itself. Result? We become prisoners in our own palaces. We become spiders caught in our own webs.

A Christ can even come and tell us that what he could do we can do and more, and we still dont get it. A Christ can say that the temple of god is not made with human hands, but is within, and we still dont believe so.


Becasue there is a covert operation to prevent man from such understanding...to keep him self-divided. So, naturally the self-divided man becomes a breeder of division elsewhere, domestically, socially and politically.

Then seeing this division outwardly, and not knowing the secret of its existence, he runs amok trying this and that to affect change. And he largely fails in this endeavor...but nevertheless remains true to his

"Anthony Robbins, pump it till it hurts" masculine, ego-driven, exertion-oriented strategies, his flag-waving and camera-eye posturing, loving the feel of the suits and ties and the walnut tables, and all the nonsense, assuming that man (the animal) has to be reigned in and taught to be perfect, because he is not already so...

These are the folks who desire to have everything because they have nothing and because they are nothing...

Jesus said: If you have gained this within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have this in you, what you do not have in you will kill you – Gospel of Thomas

When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty – Gospel of Thomas

And I believe that this is the same advice we need to apply the planet. We do not implement the solution, per se. And, that's why it has never worked. The human being, you see, is far too impotent, far too weak, far too backward, to ever enough waving of placards, and if he is trying to do this in the political arena, he is just wasting his time.

The earth itself is a living organism. The earth has a spiritual and a living power that knows exactly how to rid itself of any virus or disease that has infected it. But, the human beings of the earth are like the lymphocytes of the earth. The only trouble is, we have forgotten how to clean the earth. In the shamanic times, we knew how to bring healing to the earth. Because of all the massacres of all the shamanic peoples and the Gnostics, and of the Wicca, and the different oracles throughout time, these secrets have largely been lost. The homeopathic tradition has been lost, when we come to physical diagnostics and healing. So have these greater issues been lost, and they have been preserved by the dark side, so they're using it all the time.

KDB - As a matter of fact, what you were saying a moment ago about the strengthening of the immune system, I was supposed to be dead [of AIDS-related complications] fifteen years ago, and I did know personally thirty-five people who did die of AIDS. These were associates of mine, people who were [Hemophilia] patients from all across the United States. And the ones that believed in their souls that they were not long for this world, they died the absolute fastest.

MT - Sure they did.

KDB - And as far as I was personally concerned, I put myself into a program that involved many disciplines. I am here today healthy, and I have been in complete full remission for nine years.

MT - That's right. And that is because you applied the basic homeopathic truths, and these have worked for thousands of years, and they will continue to work. The earth is self-regenerating, ever-lasting, and eternal. One order of the world might pass away, and so yes by 2012, the Mayans may be right. The world as we now know it may pass away, but the earth itself will always be here. And those who are in alignment with its' laws will all survive.

So, we are coming to a point where there is a countdown, not to extinction like a lot of people think, but actually a countdown to enlightenment and to freedom. A lot of individuals are projecting their own fear externally, because they are riddled in fear, that's the whole plan. So, of course now we have the rise of the paranoid society. On television, everything is wrong with you, and everything is bad for you.

KDB - Yes, exactly.

MT - This is what we have, this paranoid culture where people are going to be afraid to go out soon. So, there is darkness before the dawn, but the storms that are coming are healthy storms. And, the solution is for individuals to discover again their shamanic tradition that knows how to empower the earth itself. The earth is the mainframe. The earth is the central computer bank that knows how to get rid of the problem. We are only part of that solution. But, the earth itself knows how to rid itself of the pathogenic forces. The dark side knew this, which was always why they have a campaign of genocide when they expanded their empires. Genocide always attends the expansion of empire, because of course, when they went to these foreign continents; Africa, India and America, they knew that the shamanic people there were doing their dances, doing their rituals habitually, at the right places of the earth grid, at the right sidereal times, to affect healing in the world.

KDB - Sure.

MT - And this is just one of the important components of the healing. But, on a lesser level, but still very important, is of course, just simple education. People need to study the enemy, find out what's going on, collaborate as much as they possibly can. And one of the most important things that I think you were hinting to earlier on, and this is on my DVD on this subject, it's the number one thing, and that is to make sure that a person's own emotional body, that's their own emotional and psychic body, is already exercised and clean and hygienic. Because the person who is not emotionally, psychically, and morally hygienic has no chance whatsoever, capital W, in affecting positive change outside. The politician doesn't understand that, and the well-meaning activist doesn't understand that, because they're not coming from the metaphysical tradition. They're just well-meaning good people who want to change the world, but unfortunately, they end up in the political pig sty to try to do that [affect positive change], which has already been created by the Illuminati by these dialectic master plans, and so nothing ever gets done.

If you however, like myself, come from the occult magical tradition, the mystical tradition, you do not even think to create change outside of yourself unless you have already initiated it within. This is the main issue why a lot of effort is being done by the Amy Goodman's of the world, and God love them, it is great to see that. But, the point is that the weapons being used against us are occult in nature. Therefore, we have to respond in kind, with occult weapons back. And, in occultism, in the mystical tradition, you cannot do that unless you have first been purified by fire and water. That means trial and tribulation, so you can withstand the kind of challenges that are going to come to you when you take on these forces.

KDB - Sure, absolutely. That's been my experience personally. I have been studying various kinds of magic for twenty-five years now, along with my other areas of research, and these trials can be very intense. I can relate to that.

MT - Absolutely, and that's why I believe we are talking, because to even be in the last thirteen years, to still give this information out to people it's absolutely vital, because if they arm up and head out against these kinds of forces, who are extremely matriculated on the spiritual path, they don't realize that the dark side is very powerful, because it has done its' homework. It knows every aspect of our nature, every aspect of our libido, every aspect of our drives, every aspect of our desires, our sexual nature, you name it.

They have a thorough knowledge of the species that they have actually once created. We have next to no knowledge of them. So, we're working at a massive deficiency here, we're working in the dark. But, that darkness can be lightened up, if we start to do our own spiritual homework. You become invulnerable! You have the best weaponry of all. Do not try to fight these individuals in the arena that they themselves have created!

KDB - Oh yeah!

MT - Unfortunately, the Western World has not understood this. Even though some fantastic activists are out there, I won't name any names because a lot of them are my mentors, but the problem with these individuals who work strictly in the political arena, is they are not going to see a modicum of real change because they are fighting with weapons that have been handed to them by their own enemies! It becomes a tug of war that has gone nowhere. In fact, the rope that you are pulling actually ends up strangling yourself!

The answer is the old Bruce Lee Zen Taoist way, and that is when you are so inherently strong that your enemy cannot destroy you, then, you have won.

KDB - Have you ever come across hostility to these ideas? And, how would I present this material to somebody who is stuck inside an organized religion structure?

MT - That is a question that is always on my mind, and of course, I have lived with nothing but hostility. It's not a question if I have received or met with hostility, because I've met with nothing but hostility since I was born. It is an extremely pleasant experience when I go on a show or speak with a group of people, which I must say does happen. Obviously, in America, I must say that I am surprised by the overwhelming interest in these subjects. But on the whole in ones' daily life, in ones' intimate circle, oh my God, there is nothing but all kinds of egoistic knee-jerk defensive reaction against any kind of light, any kind of truth.

So my answer to you, is exactly the same answer I've employed in my own life, and that is that I do not bother trying to ever engage anyone that I can see is lost in their own miasma, because it just wastes my energy. I have learned very clearly how to economize this energy. These individuals need to be where they are. When you see somebody in darkness, don't automatically rush out and try to save them. This is the old Good Samaritan lie, it's not needed. Individuals in this kind of mind-think, they need to be in that mind-think. That is where they are at this stage of their destiny.

I do not believe, you see, that we need to awaken all of the people all of the time in order to affect great changes in the world. This has no mystical precedence whatsoever, and I do not know where it ever came from. I know it's born of a virtue, I know that everyone wants to help everyone else. But, the only one you can help is yourself. When you then offer forth knowledge, you do so as a gift to humanity, not to human beings. There's a difference. Humanity is a concept, humanity is a thing that has not yet been born in the world. But, if you try to go out altruistically serving human beings, your life will be a perpetual tragedy.



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Warrio-Sage, could you please edit your post so that it is more in keeping with the original topic, and preferably shorter? This thread is about responsible living as it relates to issues of social justice and ecology. Cheers.

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