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invald windows XP damn

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Sorry? If you have a point to make I'd like to hear it.

Well, I guess my point is that as a programmer, after all the hard work I go through to complete a project, the last thing I want is for someone to steal my software, 'cos that's what piracy is. Microsoft, although being massively dominant and having made staggering amounts of money, I see as no different.

If someone pirates my programs, then it is up to me to try and defend and secure it - or my livelihood is at risk, and there will be no food on my table. It is a continuous process of one-up-manship. I know that no one is going hungry at Microsoft yet, but the point still remains (in my opinion).

It is indeed unfortunate that little old ladies getting cheap computers do not know about piracy...but it is only because others make pirate copies available that said old ladies get said pirate copies. Microsoft have the right to try and prevent this in anyway they can. At the end of the day, it is caveat emptor (buyer beware) - if you are getting a really cheap version, it's probably for a reason. If you know you have a pirate copy, you shouldn't really complain when Microsoft attempts to foil your pirate copy.

To be honest in the past, I used to, ahem, 'acquire' Microsoft products :devil::blush: . But even I can't be bothered now to continuously add patches and so forth to get around their new security. I've bitten the bullet and paid for a legit copy. And I get absolutely no updating hassles now, it was worth it. If you could see my software collection you would know I'm no :innocent_n: But I don't get upset when developer's try to stop me, it's their right and it's part of the game.

Flame war? I am sorry if what I said offends you. I was really expressing my dislike of Microsofts attitude regarding this whole WGA Tray thing, not you man..

No offense taken :) I concede that most, myself included, don't like some (or all) of Microsoft's business practices...but truth be told, I'd love to be as successful as Bill Gates. Oh, the parties I would have :shroomer::wacko:

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Haha.. Yeah about the time Windows 95 hit the market I was the biggest anti Windows campaigner on the central coast :ana::). However Windows XP has been a huge improvement on the old buggy 95a and it's the only OS I am running at home atm.

What I was getting at with the other post was more about how the WGA tray itself doesn't seem to be an attempt to prevent Piracy. I feel it is really just to get people who already have Pirated copies that they don't know is pirated (which probably means they may have already paid for Windows) to pay for a new License. I don't really see how this is going to stop much piracy, more just recover some money from the victims, because they can't get at the perpetrators. It would be more honourable for Microsoft to give these people free Windows licenses in exchange for the person who sold them the illegal copy.

And to make it a 'Critical Update' is really a bit rude I think. I think this is exactly what the 'Optional Update' criteria is for. For updates that are not going to be Critical to the safe operating of your system. But I guess that point is easily debatable.

Edited by Pelinster

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