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Extrasensory Perception in Cats

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A FOAF has been noticing an unusual sleepiness in his cat during the flashes.

Anyone else experienced this with cats too?

What other unusual things have you guys seen with cats and other pet animals?

Today I saw the documentary "BBC - The Unseen Powers Of Animals" it's very interesting.

Please send your comments and personal opinions.


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i personally think that animals would have more psychic ability than humans. there are many stories that indicate this, especially involving dogs. sure, some ov them could be myths, but the fact that they exist at all reflects a recognition ov the idea.an example

as for personal experience, my 2 cats --which used to climb on my lap at any opportunity-- would very obviously be aware when i was tripping & would quickly leave the house--which was out ov character.

also, when i used to hunt rabbits i was taught that at the moment ov squeezing the trigger it was best to be thinking about something completely different to actually killing the rabbit in your sights. Otherwise, i was told, brer rabbit would pick up on my thoughts & scarper.

i never managed to shoot enough rabbits to confirm or deny that, i reckon they knew i was coming well before i got a bead on them--whether that was psychic or i was just a poor stalker, i dunno. ;)

Edited by nabraxas

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It's strange because the cat not only sleeps but appears to be in deep REM state.

And once the flash is fadding away he starts to stretch and wakes up. :unsure:

An experience was made in which the "tripper" was in a closed bedroom (and the cat in the living room) and the same syncronistic pattern was observed (by another person who stayed in the living with the cat).

Any guesses why this happens?

C'mon guys...

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My guess is they're either picking up on a change in electrical activity in their owners brain/body (a lot of speculation surrounds animals ability to predict earthquakes and the like through minute electrical, vibratory and air pressure perception) or they're picking up on subtle changes in mood and behaviour of their owner we might think are un-noticable.

Eitherway I dont think that's EXTRAsensory, just the normal instinctive arsenal of senses a predatory animal needs to survive, hunt and live with its human masters (or slaves depending on your point of view).

I read about some lady in Nimbin recently who found a dying old man, search and rescue couldn't find, in a lantana gully through a vision. Thats extrodinary!

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if you're into this sort of thing, i recommend books by rupert sheldrake. his book "the sense of being stared at..." deals at length with the idea of extrasensory abilities of animals.

for a long time i was interested in this topic, particularly instances of behaviours in animals learned within one lifetime being passed onto other animals of the same species at completely different locations (the knowledge of one individual in the colony is passed onto others in the absence of social learning). but i'd like to see something beyond anecdotes. my interpretation of sheldrake's "morphic field" theory is that if you made several clones of a rat and ran the first rat through a maze, there'd be an improvement in performance of each clone that ran through it.

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*resurrects an old thread*

What a fascinating topic. As someone who has grown up with cats from birth and has some very amazing relationships with them, including one for 12 years that I have felt closer to than any other being, I can certainly attest to their 'ESP'. Cats are very in tune with feelings and although I cannot remember tripping with my cat(although I did about 12 or 13 years ago), they are amazingly perceptive.

My cat Lucy used to be waiting for me everytime I came home from school, regardless of what time it was and regardless of whether the house was empty or if my mum was home. She would always pick up on my emtional state and react accordingly. She would lick away my tears, wake me up gently, make me smile when I found no other reason to in life. She kept me here when I was in my darkest states of mind. I have never felt love like that, even with the 'ones' in my life. Of course the relationship is vastly different but she was my healing battery.

When she developed brain cancer I asked her to stay around until my birthday which was 3 months away. I somehow though that this would make it easier for me if I had some time with her but all it did was enable me to see her decline to such a state that was very difficult to bear. She lived until 1 week after my birthday, when I realised that I wanted her here for me and wasn't thinking about her happiness.

I have no doubt whatsoever that she could read my feelings. My thoughts? Well I am not sure but she was a brilliant communicator and we had a phenominal link and bond. It took me 5 years to come to terms with losing her.

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