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Found 1 result

  1. I've been stuck in hotels for three days, enduring endless sessions of happy clapping sales and management workshops. Before this ordeal, I was required to complete a series of 25 questions which were then used to create a profile of my personality, and character traits. During the workshops I was given a report on my "results". Much as I'd like to say it's all bullshit, I was actually surprised at the level of accuracy in describing my modus operandi. Shocked even. The whole point of this exercise was intended to display what type of behaviours I exhibit in defined situations, and then to explain how it's possible to use different behaviours in situations to achieve certain results. Normally I find this type of pigeonholing demeaning and reductive, however I've decided this is actually a valuable tool for self reflection and development. What was evident is that there was a "conscious" score and another score which showed the "unconscious" score. The difference between the two is supposed to demonstrate how we perceive ourselves vs how we may actually be. My score was exactly the same for both, so I guess that means I answered as honestly and openly as I could on the questions. I have felt like I'm a bit stuck for quite some time. I have known for some time that everything that happens to me is my responsibility, but also felt powerless to avoid some outcomes, because, you know, I yam what I yam. Maybe I'm not. I've revisited some valuable reading such as Dr John Lily's "Programming and metaprogramming: the human biocomputer" lately and maybe a few pieces are falling into place finally. Personality traits are a routine we use that we have learned over time. They don't define us, we can choose to use them in situations consciously or choose to use other "programs" that may actually serve us better. Its funny that normally I'd be highly skeptical of "insights" like this that came from such a corporate place. If this information came to me via a psychedelic vision in the past, I'd be sold. I think it goes to show that "the work" can be channelled via the most unlikely places sometimes, despite our best efforts to filter them out. Corny as it sounds. Keep an open mind, but not so open that the wind whistles through your ears...
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