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Found 8 results

  1. Hi All, More petitions to sign for those who are keen. NSW residents here: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/la/Pages/ePetition-details.aspx?q=KuLkNQ93wTbaGTWOKjJCCA== Federal here: https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN3044 Peace, RC
  2. Hia! So in the last few days i've had a run in with two Sydney Funnel Web spiders. I live in rural Sydney near the coast. The first of the two i got on camera (See video) the other ran down my arm while i was outside my house after a short bush-walk this evening. After shitting myself i collected everything i threw to the ground and scooped it up. I'm going to give it to a local zoo for research/ anti venom. THIS IS A WARNING TO BE CAREFUL When on any bush-walk no matter the length or intensity especially in the evenings or early morning. Stay safe people Apologies if this post is all over the place- i'm pretty shaken up. video-1522138585.mp4 video-1522138585.mp4 video-1522138585.mp4 video-1522138585.mp4
  3. Hey! Found these in a coastal NSW national park this weekend! Pretty sure its all floribunda but i want to get the opinion of the masses If close ups are needed i got a few cuttings
  4. Hope everyone on the east coast of Australia is doing alright this morning. Lot of destruction. Had to empty water out a few pots. Lost a few peresk leaves that were outdoors. Come on sun!!! Dekeius
  5. Today I went hunting for the first time. I've done my research but better to be safe than sorry Ultimately, the goal was to find PS Subs. I also encountered other mushrooms on the way. Conditions: 5-10mm rain day before 90% Humidity Minimum Temp: 11 Degrees Celcius I suspected these to be Saffron Milk Caps. When cut, they secreted a bright orange. Found among pine needles. However, from being slightly crushed in my bag they attained some dark greenish blue bruising mostly on the gills. Is this normal? They also have the telltale irregularly spotted stem. Just wanna be safe Slippery Jack? I was going to take these home but I followed a different track back and missed 'em. Really nice spongy gills with slippery brown cap. Psilocybe Subaeruginosa!!!! (Hopefully my reading payed off! To the best of my knowledge they fit the profile. I got too excited and didn't take many pics at the site. Nearby was a suspected Galerina, Gymnopus, and other specimens with orangey cap and gill and a brown cap and coke bottle coloured stem. Other finds like the deathly beautiful Amanita Muscaria Attached Thumbnails
  6. Here we go. I'll just paste random entries in here, starting with yesterday: The day the largest Monitor returned after a three-month walkabout. https://psychaesthetic.com/05-01-2015/the-rainforest-journal-outing-17-day-10/
  7. Hi, I've have recently gotten into collecting cacti. Looking to collect and grow a few more so I took a peak online to see what I could get. I love the idea of growing a San Pedro, just knowing the power it possesses is enough for me to feed off it's energy. I no longer take any mind altering substances and I no longer want to be doing anything I shouldn't so..... With the new laws that came in regarding the analogs of mescaline and the new RCs that are floating around, I wanted to make sure that if I order some San Pedro cuttings from WA and they are shipped to NSW that I won't get in trouble. I've been trying to stay on top of the law but it's somewhat confusing to me who doesn't understand all the terms! Any help is grately appreciated. EDIT: I wanted to edit the title as I spelt it wrong but I can't find out how!
  8. I recently discovered that the New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service produced this cool online map. You can hunt for particular species of plants or animals, and you view a map of your chosen area with markers showing where various sightings of the things you are looking for are located. It even shows the exact GPS co-ordinates and the date spotted. I just did a search for Duboisia myoperoides in the Blue Mountains National Park, and there were six sightings. I thought it was a coastal species but it seems to extend inland further than I thought. I reckon it's pretty interesting idea to go and check out plants in the wild - perhaps as a control to see if it matches up to plants we already have in our collection, or just because we would love to see it growing naturally. But, I am a bit concerned that some people might abuse this cool tool. Please do not go out there and cause damage. Just because corporations behave like that, doesn't mean we have to follow in their footsteps. Our ecosystems are fragile and under enough threat as it is without us taking great care of what we have left. I think it might be nice to act a bit pro-actively with this stuff too, perhaps there is information we have on species that could be fed back to the Parks to help them come up with management plans for protecting endangered species. NSW Wildlife Atlas EDIT typos
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