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Found 3 results

  1. Those who were at last year's EGA conference may remember my impassioned, impromptu "Something is actually happening, Reg" speech in which I said that I was considering doing a hunger strike in the Burke Street Mall. Given the off the cuff nature of the announcement, I received a surprising amount of support from attendees, but after discussing the issue with several of the other more experienced members of the EGA community, I decided to postpone the action, both so that I could seek to further engage with the Government, but also so that when I did go down that path, I would have more support behind me. 9 months later and the only thing that has changed is that the Victorian Government is now totally ignoring my requests to discuss the issue. It is now clear that without radical action, nothing is going to change. Ever. So, today, I am announcing that on November 14, I will be going ahead with the Huger Strike in the Burke Street Mall and that it will be running until December 21. This action will not succeed without the support of the broader Entheogenic Community, so I'd hope that everyone will help in one way, or another. I've created a Facebook event for it, and everyone is encouraged to invite as many people as might be interested. http://www.facebook....87789641289553/ There is additional information on my website: http://kasarik.com/Hunger-Strike-2012.php The Facebook blurb is below: The use of Transcendent Compounds is an ancient and valid form of religious and spiritual practice. As Transcendent Compounds are non-addictive, non-toxic and psychologically safe in an appropriate dose, set and setting, there can be no legitimate reason for prohibiting their use within religious and spiritual frameworks. Religious freedoms are protected within the State of Victoria by the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006). Greg Kasarik has been directly lobbying the Victor ian Government for around 18 months in order to ensure that these protections are formally extended to persons who use Transcendent Compounds as a part of their religious practice. Initially, the Victorian Government stated that the prohibition was required in order to protect "Community Health and Safety", but since being presented with peer reviewed literature that effectively debunks that claim, they have refused to even discuss the issue. Because of the intransigence of the Victorian Government, on November 14 2012, he will be commencing a hunger strike in Melbourne's Bourke Street Mall, in order to pressure the Victorian Government to conform with their obligations under the Charter. The demands are simple: "That the Victorian Government provide regulated access to Transcendent Compounds for religious and spiritual purposes, as per their obligations under sections 7 and 14 of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006)". This action is intended to pressure the Government into complying with the law and to provide an opportunity to educate the wider public about the reality of Transcendent Compounds and the fact that their use is a safe and appropriate form of religious, spiritual and mystical expression. This is an open event and everyone is encouraged to invite anyone they wish to come along, or to provide support. For further information: http://kasarik.com/Hunger-Strike-2012.php If you don't wish this action to go ahead, Greg is not the person to be speaking to. The person you should be contacting is the one who has decided that his religious freedoms, and those of thousands of other Victorians are not worth protecting. The Premier of Victoria, Mr Ted Baillieu, can be contacted thusly: Ministerial Office Address Level 1, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne, VIC Phone (03) 9651 5000 Fax (03) 9651 5054 Email Address [email protected] This action will happily be terminated the moment Ted Baillieu and his government demonstrate that they are willing to take concrete steps that will result in regulated access to Transcendent Compounds for religious and spiritual purposes within a reasonable time frame.
  2. From the album: Corpus Illuminata

    The planetary ascension is complete for Australia so here's a pretty pictogram to mark the auspicious date.

    © Xenodimensional 2012

  3. Just wondering everyone's thoughts on this video, it was taken early may this year and apparently there was 26 witnesses. Theres a bit on google about it, but here's the vid: The end was weird, two of the lights disappear then the last one bails
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