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Found 19 results

  1. Hey all! I'm moving from NSW to the ACT and of course im taking my cacti seedlings with me. The room they are moving to is south facing and they have access to sun all day (They are currently taking off in a surprisingly shady part of the garden) Any tips to help the little guys take off in the new climate indoors? Most of them are still in take away boxes and doing better than ever a few monstrose too :D Thanks so much - you may have just saved 400 cacti
  2. From the album: Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus terscheckii

    Seedling Trichocereus scopulicola x T. terscheckii grafted onto T. pachanoi
  3. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    Yet another reason everyone should graft. The freaks come out to play and here we have yet another Trichocereus seedling that has decided to crest.
  4. From the album: Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus terscheckii

    Seedling Trichocereus scopulicola x T. terscheckii grafted onto Trichocereus hybrid seedling also recently grafted.
  5. Inyan


    From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    6 November 2017 Zelly seedlng as she looks today
  6. As you can see, the left side and I have only myself to blame for that as I know the easy fix for that one. As it is though, I am happy enough with this one. I threw in some extra eye candy just because. I tried to present enough pictures so that it could be replicated by the members here.
  7. From the album: Hybrid propagation via grafting or crosspollination

    Just another update on Trichocereus Peru2 x validus hybridized by Zelly. As you can see, she has a nice pup coming along at her base.
  8. From the album: Hybrid propagation via grafting or crosspollination

    Here we have (SS02 x SS01) mom x (red grandi) dad courtesy again of Zelly. Stock plant is Trichocereus pachanoi. I am hoping to get some nice flowers on these crosses asap. If these hybrids act like some of Zelly's other hybrids I suspect I will have flowers within 2 years on some of these and that is when the fun really begins. Again, I'm a little excited as these little seedlings represent a wonderful new direction of possibilities that I fully intend to explore.
  9. From the album: Hybrid propagation via grafting or crosspollination

    Hybrid courtesy of Zelly. Grafted cotyledon seedling are a few weeks old today so it look like 100% success here folks. This means the graft of either seedling to each other was a success as well as the graft of both seedlings to the stock plant was also a success. I'm frigging elated.
  10. From the album: Hybrid propagation via grafting or crosspollination

    Here we have (SS02 x SS01) mom x (red grandi) dad courtesy again of Zelly. Stock plant is Trichocereus pachanoi
  11. From the album: Hybrid propagation via grafting or crosspollination

    Zelly hybrid seedlings grafted to areoles of Pereskiopsis
  12. From the album: Hybrid propagation via grafting or crosspollination

    Cotyledon graft done between two seedlings and graft then inserted into wedge graft of mature Pereskiopsis.
  13. Got some trich seedlings which are nearly 3 weeks old. They were doing fine with just the plastic lid and were receiving sun protection from the soil mix and edges of germ box. However they are now a little red. So I have put a tshirt over them but fear this cuts out too much light. At the moment they get no direct sunlight but are outside. Unfortunately the image doesn't do the colour justice but they are red near the top especially. I was wondering about attaching a shade cloth directly to the top of the lid. Maybe starting with it doubled up. There is a lot of conflicting information on here about sunburnt trichs. Peace, Dekeius.
  14. greenman62

    calea seedling

    From the album: home-yard

    calea seedling
  15. I've been lucky enough to have one of my Iboga's seeds able to reach the seedling stage the other day i just have a few questions concerning the seed coat on the end of the seedling. Im planning on leaving it for the rest of the week to see if it will just fall off on its own accord but i have read on previous iboga threads that it may need a little help in getting off? so far im pretty confident that it should fall off by the end of the week as prior to planting my 11 seeds i got from SAB i took a sharp knife and went around the little crevice of each of the seeds a couple of times to help water to get past the hard seedcoat. here's a couple of pictures of it at the moment The soil mix used is 2 parts cacti and succulent mix (from Bunnings) 1 part fine silica sand and about 1/2 to 3/4 of a part of slighlty coarser silica sand. Thanks for reading hopefully will have a few more seedlings up when i get home
  16. hey all so on sunday i decided to do a loph seedling to peres graft test i only did the one single graft and to my surprise it seems to have has taken without a problem it was a little brown and stressed looking before i grafted it and over yesterday and today it has gone from its brown colour to a much greener healthier looking colour and is actually showing some signs of growth so im pretty happy and ready to graft a whole bunch more very soon heres some pics
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