To celebrate the coming of spring I am offering up some acacia seed packets. 10 x Acacia Acuminata (narrow phyllode variety) 10 x Acacia Floribunda 10 x Acacia Neurophylla subsp. Neurophylla All seed packs will contain roughly 20 seeds. For now I am going to say one per member but if there isn't much interest then I will happily change that. Please post in here first it's first to post best dressed and then PM me with some postage details and I will get onto it as soon as I can. Take care SABers! May these humble acacia's gift you in all their acaciay goodness EDIT: As of 10:55am AEST 12/09 this is what is left: 4pk Acacia Neurophylla 7pk Acacia Acuminata 8pk Acacia Floribunda Shamanistic