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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Roopey

  1. Roopey

    My First Spring

    No room for it here, but we are moving next year and it will go in the ground in the new place. It'll be OK until then, I reckon. I'd put them in a jar with some wet paper towel, close the lid and wait about a week. They should pop out.
  2. Roopey

    Smoking Ornamental Lobelia's

    Skullcap is amazing for anxiety, stress, and irritation, as is the ganga. I tried smoking one of the little Lobelia's once, didn't have much noticeable effect though. SAB probably has the nicest Lobelia inflata I've come across, and it's pretty cheap. In terms of Rustica, from what I've read, you want to cure it for a week or so, then age it for months in a cool, dry place. I'm sure you can leave out the aging if you don't mind throwing up all over the place all the time.
  3. Roopey

    Various ethnobotanical seed for trade

    Most definitely. PM'd.
  4. Roopey

    Good humans

    The ego judges, not your Self.
  5. Roopey

    Want List

    Hey guys, I figured I put up my want list and hopefully some of you guys can help me gather everything I'm looking for. I have plenty of seeds or seedlings/cuttings to offer so PM me if your interested in a swap. Otherwise, I can obviously offer some cash to those who would prefer. Argemone mexicana Prickly Poppy seedling/cutting Acorus calamus Calamus seedling/cutting or seeds Banisteriopsis caapi Ayahuasca seedling/cutting X Barringtonia acutangula Freshwater Mangrove seedling/cutting or seeds X Calea zacatechichi Mex. Dream Herb seedling/cutting or seeds Dodonaea viscosa Sticky Hop Bush seedling/cutting or seeds X Heimia salicifolia Sinicuiche seedling/cutting or seeds X Ilex paraguayensis Yerba Mate seedling/cutting or seeds Panax ginseng Ginseng seedling/cutting or seeds Peganum harmala Syrian Rue seedling/cutting Salvia apiana White Sage seedling/cutting or seeds Tagetas lucidas Mexican Tarragon seedling/cutting or seeds Turnera diffusa Damiana seedling/cutting or seeds X Tribulus terrestris Tribulus seedling/cutting or seeds Zornia latifolia Machona Brava seedling/cutting Thanks guys!
  6. Roopey

    Good humans

    I think you'd rather enjoy the book The Philosopher's Secret Fire by Patrick Harpur. Fascinating read, he is very alchemical in his writing. Why are there only two options? Why can't you just not take a stance? Not judge the situation or people involved, and just take it in for what it is? Neither good, nor bad, right, nor wrong. Just reality in it's whole.
  7. Roopey

    WTB: Glaucium flavum & Loph Graft

    They have seed too. http://herbalistics.com.au/shop/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=glaucium+flavum&search_in_description=1&osCsid=ccf32afb6ff8c130fb22b897d9dbf97e&x=0&y=0 I only planted a few of them and got a couple sprouts now, interesting leaves. I can't wait to see them flower.
  8. Roopey

    Good humans

    No, not all of us do. I did at one point, as I was trained to do, but eventually my eye opened and now I can see that things are not so black and white. It's too vague. When I say, I think that apples are good, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Is it good because it's healthy? Is it good because it's tasty? Is it good because it's red? Is it good because I was told that they are good? When you ask if something is better than something else, better can mean anything! Does it mean more advanced? More convenient? Stronger? Faster? Harder? More beautiful? More destructive? More efficient? More eco-friendly? What are you trying to ask? Seeing the world as right and wrong, good and evil, left and right, black and white, limits your expression and limits your thoughts. Especially when you consider that everything is inherently contradictory. If someone breaks into my house and tries to hurt my family and then I kill him, is that right or wrong? If you see someone getting pummeled to death, and you are a father of three, is it right to run into certain doom to attempt to help and leave your three children fatherless? When it comes down to it, good and bad are opinions, and because of that are completely subjective; There is no one "good" nor one "bad." You owe it to yourself to stop being so vague, how else do you intend to find any clarity on these matters. If that is how you choose to see it, then by all means keep going down this destructive path and keep cutting everything right down the middle. Who am I to stop you?
  9. Roopey

    Good humans

    To those who see black and white, who are polarized, you might say that our technology is "better" than it ever has been, yet there are many other colors in the spectrum than just the two extreme opposites. What about the psychological implications of these technological advances? Plato warned against the use of the written word, because he saw that it would greatly affect our ability to remember, look around you now. What about the environmental implications of these technological advances? Nuclear fallout from testing done all over the world isn't going to be going away any time soon and has increased infant mortality rate exponentially, along with other things as well, obviously, oil spills come to mind. Which brings up another question, what about the energy requirements to run these technological advances? How long do we expect to be able to run these advances with finite resources? So when you say "better" you quite obviously mean "more convenient," and the sacrifice that we are forcing the planet to make for our convenience is repugnant. Comparing a whole species in the present to that whole species in the past is so irrelevant. Your questions are unanswerable, as none of us were alive 400 years ago so know nothing of what life was like then other than the second hand accounts that happened to be written down, and since most educated people in those days were educated by the Church, I'm going to largely discard most written accounts anyway due to their large bias. Words on paper are not people. I can sit here and type that I think that we should all just get along and love each other all the times!! Does that mean that I am practicing that philosophy, day in, and day out? Making people think that they are free and have rights, when they aren't, and they don't. None are more enslaved than those who don't even know that they are. To be truly ethical, to me, is to act only according to what the whole needs, to be truly humble and compassionate. Not just towards other humans, but towards every living being in the universe. Crucify the ego, before it's far too late.
  10. This is honestly one of the best reads that I've come across in years, and that is saying a lot. I've only read it the once, but the perspectives that it offers are truly eye opening. Thank you Synchro for pointing this out.
  11. Roopey

    Want List

    None of them have come up, but I only planted half. I'll give the other half a go soon. I'll keep you posted.
  12. Roopey

    Want List

    My biggest problem with Bunnings is trusting that they are actually giving me an un-tampered with plant. I'll check it out, though.
  13. Roopey


    Well you aren't really giving them away, are you?
  14. Roopey

    Want List

    Bump. I'm especially looking for some Yerba Mate and some Prickly Poppy cuttings. Seeds I have for trade: Acacia acuminata ---- Raspberry Jam Tree Argeria nervosa ---- HBWR Datura stratonium ---- Datura Ephedra nevadensis ---- Nevada ephedra Nepeta cataria ---- Catnip Nigella sativa ---- Black Caraway Nicotiana tabacum ---- Tobacco Papaver somniferum ---- Poppy Passiflora cinnabrina ---- Native Red Passionflower Peganum harmala ---- Syrian Rue
  15. Roopey

    So.. 7 Billion

    I completely agree. The amount of phenomena just on this planet, let alone the universe, that are "mind-boggling," and by that I mean not-well-known, is astounding. If people would only wake up to themselves. Like where was this research in the news?
  16. Roopey

    So.. 7 Billion

    Indeed, when I was referring to "mother" I was referring to the whole organism that is Earth, not just some spirit figure you've conjured up in your head. BTW, Kymatica is great, as is Esoteric Agenda, their other doco.
  17. Roopey

    So.. 7 Billion

    The truth is that we are disconnected.
  18. Roopey

    So.. 7 Billion

    I wasn't trying to be negative, just stating a perspective. A perspective that is more or less true of a large portion of the population. How can I go about fixing something when I don't even know what the problem is? I can't. I have to first accept the truth, however metaphorical it may be, and adjust accordingly. I work every day to reconnect, but that doesn't mean that I am connected. It is an ongoing process that is far from negative and full of light. If we don't accept the truth, then we grieve constantly. That is negative.
  19. Roopey

    So.. 7 Billion

    I disagree with the idea that humans are a virus. We are a cancer. Think about it, what is a cancer? A cancer is a cell, or group of cells, that have become disconnected from the communication system of the organism. This leads them to become rogue cells that have no interest in maintaining the whole. That is what we are, disconnected from our mother.
  20. Roopey

    Online plant database, where?!

    What kind of plants are they? I would just let them grow and when they flower, you'll know what they are.
  21. Roopey

    Stop Murdoch!

  22. Roopey

    Free to good home

    I would love to try Dang Shen, Ginseng is one of my favorite herbs.
  23. Roopey


    I don't know who has already seen this, but this guy is an Aussie that has been doing this for a while. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6526777574574871930 Some of you might enjoy this as well: http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress/ and their forums: http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress/?page_id=1076
  24. Roopey

    learning guitar as physiotherapy

    Yeah, that was a bold statement man, and an ignorant one at that. Eric Clapton has played a huge role in the guitar world for over 40 years. Whether or not you enjoy his music doesn't mean he wasn't horribly influential. In terms of the debate, I can see both sides of the argument, and somewhere in the middle is where I think people should be. Music Theory as stated before does allow for easier communication on what someone is playing, and learning how to read definitely helps you learn songs quicker, especially understanding rhythmic structure. At the same time though I can see how it would hinder one's ability to listen and feel the music at first due to your focus being purely on it, but nothing fully suppress your ability to feel the music. You make it sound like people who know music theory don't know how to put any emotion behind what they are playing, but this is obviously not true. You also make it sound like people who know their music theory are somehow being controlled, when this is clearly not the case either. Music theory is a tool, and like any tool when used properly, can help you get the job done more efficiently. This is not to say that there aren't plenty of people misusing this tool, or have become blind to other possibilities because of their reliance on the one tool. You are looking at music as solely a heart/soul function. To me, it is both heart and mind working together to create music. I feel the music, and I analyze the music.