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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by stavroski

  1. stavroski

    Looking for Bhut Jolokia seeds and sml B. Caapi

    don't know about WA trading but these guys have everything, http://www.thehippyseedcompany.com/
  2. stavroski

    mixed Trichocereus seedlings

    arrived yesterday in beautiful shape. cheers and thanks again. there's cactus in them thar hills!!
  3. stavroski

    mixed Trichocereus seedlings

    pm,d. nice work
  4. been waiting for photos of theflowers to help with this id. there's a couple of shots of the adult and a couple of the cutting. tried to find this one myself but cactus id seems to get pretty convoluted. anyway, would greatly appreciate help with this one please. thanks.
  5. stavroski

    unknown 10-15yr old cactus

    i agree. my pics could go with thread
  6. stavroski

    Dream Herbs

    i let it soak it in a wide mouth jar (big enough to dip a spoon in for the froth) for at least 24hrs. didn't smell the powder so can't comment on that but when it's in water it's real mild. froth is like eating.....froth. give it agood soak and see how you go. keeps for months in the fridge,mine has at anyrate.
  7. was wondering if someone could help with this one please? have searched net but think i'm starting from the wrong kick-off point. the stems have a reddish hue and the leaves are rough/velvety. no tendrils/vines. can't find anything similar on neighbours properties.thanks
  8. stavroski

    mystery visitor - Convolvulaceae?

    thanks. just searched images. spot on.
  9. stavroski

    mystery visitor - Convolvulaceae?

    thanks, i had an idea i was on the wrong track.
  10. stavroski

    Dream Herbs

    first calea i had woked great. have always mixed it with cal poppy. long lasting mental calmness. days. just keep drinking it.i also add green tea, chamomile and earl to the mix. always cal poppy with the calea. anything that aids memry will definitely help also. another nice blend is calea, cal poppy, b.caapi (coupla leaves) brunfelsia, dagga, silene.