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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by TheExplorer

  1. TheExplorer

    Ebay for cacti lovers!

    They say San Pedro, but I can't see any. It all looks to be Cereus and something else which I can't remember the name of. EDIT: Actually as dworx said, the one at the back with 4 branches might be a Trich. I'd go have a look first before committing. If it is a Pedro it would probably be worth the $80 on its own.
  2. TheExplorer

    Hunger strike postponed. For now...

    While I am a supporter of your cause, I am slightly concerned about the additional attention that may be received in regards to our plant friends.
  3. TheExplorer

    WANTED: Trichocereus sp.

    I'm pretty sure Hamiltons in Sydney has an AQIS Import Permit. Perhaps someone could organise a group buy through them. EDIT: Spelling.
  4. TheExplorer

    H.B.Woodrose competition

    We need answers!
  5. TheExplorer

    Life Cycle

    Cool vid. Thanks for posting.
  6. TheExplorer

    Cactus garden (pic weighty)

    Nice pics, thanks mate.
  7. TheExplorer

    H.B.Woodrose competition

    Ah, you mean just over .1g per seed. My bad, I was thinking you weighed a bunch and they were .1g per 9 seeds ( to me).
  8. TheExplorer

    H.B.Woodrose competition

    I think you mean 1g dude. EDIT: If pods are included.
  9. TheExplorer

    H.B.Woodrose competition

    Haha. I voted 333 because I think the seeds are heavier than most people think and 333 is a cool number. I am going on seed and pod weight as well, so I could be way off. But good luck with 334, hahaha . EDIT: Oh and this would be a lot easier if I had a scale. That's probably the reason why most people are guessing a lot higher than me.
  10. TheExplorer

    Post a random picture thread

    Damn, that's a good pic. I never realised how deep they went into the ground.
  11. TheExplorer

    Cactus identification needed

    Isn't Lophophora jourdaniana the only Loph that produces a purple flower?
  12. TheExplorer

    enjoy EGA everyone!

    I hope all the attendees have fun and learn a lot! Unfortunately it's not on next year .
  13. TheExplorer


    I don't think 10 kilos of pure muscle mass is realistic in 3 months. That's almost a kilo a week. Although if you want to get ripped, you are going about the right way: bulk up in overall mass and then cut down. Some people bulk with whatever food they can get their hands on, and probably end up bigger, but have a lot more work to do when it comes to cutting. Instead, you should follow a balanced diet and eat A LOT. This will increase mass but keep fat % down. Plus if you are working out you will be stripping fat anyways, and many professionals argue that strength training is more efficient at stripping body fat than cardio. Anyways, if you are serious, and have the money to invest, here's a sample diet that will get you to where you want: •Meal 1 – 6 boiled Eggs, 2 cups of Oatmeal and a Protein Shake (and multivitamin) •Meal 2 – 300g Chicken Breast (boiled) Broccoli and Brown Rice •Meal 3 – 200g Tuna chunks in spring water, mixed with Spinach Leaves, and Wholemeal Pasta Have your workout. Immediately post workout, consume your Whey Protein •Meal 4 – Stir fry Beef/Kangaroo Mince with some vegetables •Meal 5 – Steak or Kangaroo and Brussels Sprouts •Meal 6 – 4 scrambled Eggs and some Salmon •Meal 7 – One cup of no fat Cottage Cheese 10m before bed At first you will feel sick eating this much, but you have to force yourself to eat if you want to gain mass fast (as it seems you do). Having said that, the above diet is a pretty full-on example; you could probably get away with only having 5 or 6 small meals to begin with and then working your way up if need be. At the very least, take what you would normally eat in 3 large meals and spread it out to 6 meals over the day. In terms of training, if you are looking to gain overall size focus on the core compound exercises (squats, bench press and pull ups) and then use isolation exercises to work on weaker areas or areas that you want to gain more mass on. If you just want to look good so you can take your shirt off at festivals, only train upper body and completely disregard legs, as chicks do not care how big your legs are (and it's not like they support your frame or anything ).
  14. TheExplorer

    A Doof Not To Miss!!

    Here's a couple short vids that my gf took at Monster Mash: Lasers!
  15. TheExplorer


    $5 on ITEM 4
  16. TheExplorer

    What have i got here.

    I'm leaning more towards T.pachanoi personally.
  17. TheExplorer

    Today is my birthday

    Well the shape reminds me of a Saguaro cactus, but the spination reminds me of an Opuntia sp... Either way, Happy (belated) Birthday mate! You should have given me a heads up, I would have brought a beer around for you.
  18. TheExplorer

    Pet dogs.

    I didn't realise she was yours mate; I saw her at Monster Mash and couldn't get over how blue her eyes were. I was even telling people about how I saw a small horse with really nice eyes. She must have heard me as well, as she came over to hang out for a little while on Sunday morning .
  19. TheExplorer

    Free silene capensis seed

  20. TheExplorer

    Ebay cactus moral dilemma

    The price they are asking sounds about right for Sydney to WA (well I plugged in approximate dimensions and weight and it came up as $21.35). However, I don't think it's good etiquette to ask for additional money after the deal has finalised. Most people take postage into account when bidding on an item, especially when it makes up a large portion of the overall price. Legally, you would be in the right if you did not pay it; ethically, it's a bit of a grey area. Personally though, I would probably pay the additional postage but maybe leave the seller a less than perfect rating in the postage section of feedback. I wouldn't feel too bad about doing that either, as the seller had the option of getting a postage quote first, and then offering a refund if you didn't want to go ahead with the purchase. EDIT: Forgot to mention, IMO, sellers should list the maximum delivery price in their auctions. I don't think $13 would send a cut that size very far - maybe Melbourne or Brisbane, but not much further. If you are selling something and think a high postage price would turn sellers away, you can always say free pickup in the postage section and then offer quotes for postage if people want it sent out instead. That's just my 2c.
  21. TheExplorer

    RC's held by customs

    Thanks for your input Torsten, it's good to see you around again. For those that are interested, here's one case that fell under section 314: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSCA/2011/316.html
  22. TheExplorer

    Youtube vids

    ^ Cool vid. At 1.40 you can see 4 separate UFOs .
  23. TheExplorer

    A Doof Not To Miss!!

    I don't think I'll make it to The Dark Psyde. However, I'm thinking of going to the Banging Bush BBQ and I'll definitely be going to New Psycle. I'm sure we'll cross paths at one of those Hillbilly.
  24. TheExplorer

    Is it just me or is this a Gym rather than an Armillaria sp?

    I'm pretty sure those would be Armillaria luteobubalina (Australian Honey Fungus). They do look a lot like Gymnopilus spectabilis and other Gym sp. though.