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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by glimpse

  1. Its been upright all summer :scratchhead: , do you know why it would sprout roots so high? did I maybe damage the roots at the base replanting?

    edit: mmmmmkay, moisture pipe??? replant on the side of a hill?? leave it alone??find an easier hobby?

  2. I got this recently rooted tip cutting that was a little neglected and maybe got a bit too much rain over summer.

    I have just repotted it in a nice indoors spot and it has something going on that has me a wee bit perplexed.

    I am fairly new to this obsession and any advice would be appreciated.

    is it the herpes? :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:


    sorry the pics pretty averag



  3. umm, I just tipped the hundred mark, could I throw my hat in the ring for these PH?

    I lurv SAB becoz: I rarely see anything anywhere else without wondering what SAB would think about it and then being thouroughly impressed by the well rounded conversations I find.

    edit: PM'd

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  4. I love sab :) mad talk!! I guess none of us really knows for sure, to be honest. we can only truly speculate until something proves itself true.

    sab-Its like the internet....only smarter (mostly, myself excluded)

  5. wondering what that rue dose would do to a nice strong damiana tea :wub: and also still a little unsure if this is a troll thread or not (thought maois mixed with caffeine was a big no-no :scratchhead:).....been a wee bit skeptical since the interweb told me an ounce of ground up heavenly blues seeds in a glass of pineapple juice would be 'fun'

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  6. wow! you smartypants, intellectual types really like to argue.....I love you all :)

    props to anyone raising awareness of sacred plants, including even the poor diseased miscreants like this ben lee chappy who as I ascertain from this thread has developed some sort of auditorilly contagious penis diminishing /clitoral engorging condition which he wishes to spread upon the general populous :scratchhead: ....sounds like quite a devious individual indeed..If this is true i for one believe this raises doubts in regards to the true motivations of any of his actions

    on a personal side note, someone told me once that sonic youth were the reason the ben lee music career started, i really like sonic youth and i hope this is not true for i care nowt for this benlee chappy and the ridiculousness he continues to pass off as music...perhaps the plants will have shown him the errors of his ways

  7. little flash of thought that went through my mind upon reading this thread:

    what if sleep is our TRUE energetic REALITY, where we are completely connected to the divine and this physical consciousness shit is just an illusion

    isn't sleep sometimes referred to as "the little death"

    what if sleeping dmt release (is there one?) breaks down the ego in order to establish this connection

    what if the ego takes control again just before waking and throws some random (mostly) disconnected shit together (dreams) in order to help clear any memory of the divine connection established during sleep and thus helps to make the waking reality a little more acceptable

    what if i have just become one of those keanu reeves, bill & ted internet memes :)
