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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by glimpse

  1. I get quite a lot of sea ulcers from reef/rock cuts and they tend to get deeper and deeper every time i go surfing if all i use is betadine, but if after a surf i cover it with a slice of garlic and a bandaid it dries out really quick any infection disappears almost overnight and healing seems much quicker.

    edit:but that wound sounds pretty gnarly alt.....would need a lot of garlic

  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10697529/Prisoners-could-serve-1000-year-sentence-in-eight-hours.html

    Prisoners 'could serve 1,000 year sentence in eight hours'

    "Future biotechnology could be used to trick a prisoner's mind into thinking they have served a 1,000 year sentence, a group of scientists have claimed".

    "There are a number of psychoactive drugs that distort people’s sense of time, so you could imagine developing a pill or a liquid that made someone feel like they were serving a 1,000-year sentence,"

    "A second scenario would be to upload human minds to computers to speed up the rate at which the mind works"

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  3. Mr Nobody (2009)


    In the year 2092, one hundred eighteen year old Nemo is recounting his life story to a reporter. He is less than clear, often times thinking that he is only thirty-four years of age. But his story becomes more confusing after he does focus on the fact of his current real age. He tells of his life at three primary points in his life: at age nine (when his parents divorced), age sixteen and age thirty-four. The confusing aspect of the story is that he tells of alternate life paths, often changing course with the flick of a decision at each of those ages. One life path has him ultimately married to Elise, a depressed woman who never got over the unrequited love she had for a guy named Stefano when she was a teenager and who asked Nemo to swear that when she died he would sprinkle her ashes on Mars. A second life path has him married to Jean. Their life is one of luxury but one also of utter boredom. And a third life path has him in a torrid romance with his step-sister Anna, the two who,...

  4. you'd need some pretty serious vacuum to draw water through that 'xylem filter'. they never seemed to mention that in those recent viral articles

    "They then filled the tube with 5 millilitres of deionised water under 5 pounds per square inch of pressure, equivalent to a gravitational pressure head of about 2 m or so, and waited to see what happened.

    Sure enough, the water filtered through at the rate of 0.05 millilitres per second. That flow rate is equivalent to more than 4 litres per day, enough to keep one person in drinking water. That’s from a filter with an area of about 1 cm²."


    I'm not 100% sure what "5 pounds per square inch of pressure,equivalent to a gravitational pressure head of about 2 m or so" means but to me it doesn't sound like too much pressure is needed :scratchhead:

    • Like 1

  5. I'm vegetarian, well I try to be, so unless It's absolutely necessary no animal will be harmed by me

    I've been making jerky in my unused hydro grow-box, chicken just sucks, but would be fine rehydrated in soup or whatever, well as beef and pork.

    Beef is really the superior meat as far as dried "snack" meat goes, I'll assume that's the blood content gives it so much more "chew-life" in your mouth. But thepork's not bad, just loses flavour faster. All of these meats are far lighter dry of course, and although I've used marinades on the pork and beef for testing purposes (Hickory-Smoked BBQ), any I dry out to actually take with me would only have salt, and as little as possible, of course.


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