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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by tipz

  1. I have some awesome photos to curl your toes after my five day stint in hospital with the plastic surgeons this week from what turned out to be a cactus spnie infection B)

    five days on four different iv antibotics and im stll a mess.... nasty fkn things !

    Hopefully upload them tomo... not for the fainthearted !!! but it is not going to stop my cactus fetish.... nothing can.

    happy days :rolleyes:

    • Like 1

  2. Ill still be showing up... dont wanna miss this one.

    Just going to be a little bandaged up that's all B) .

    Cant get better healing than hanging out with a bunch of plantheads in the botanic gardens on a spring day.

    Moses... let me know if your coming, if you are I shall bring you that cut.

    Ill bring along as many giveaways as i can with one hand :wink:

    See ya's there

  3. quick update.... just discharged myself this morning against nurses will ( im expecting to be flamed for doing this.... bring it on... I kinda deserve it... but when you hear the story you will understand).

    They actually think it was a cacti spine in my thumb as it was too quick for a 24 hour infection to infect my tendons. will update when i can type better and explain why i discharged myself. all orders will be sent tomo and gory hand photos for the cacti enthusiasts and for any doubters( hopefully of which there are none :unsure: ). - 23 stitches ( they butterfly lanced my thumb !)...

    im going to be getting home nursing to continue my three varieties of antibitotics intravenously at home and get them to dress it here, but am in the process of organising that and pankillers and e.t.c e.t.c. right now. Extras will be sent to all those who had to wait.

    many many apologies !


    Edit: for my shit left handed spelling - and to say to all those pm's give me a day or two to reply.... i swear 'on my love of plants' everyone will end up more than happy with late trades. And for those of you you not busting my balls ... your patience will not go unrewarded !

    • Like 1

  4. They are still in there, because i barefoot it so often my feet are so calloused i dont have much choice. the pain is slowly receding. Now im off to hospital again !!!! :BANGHEAD2:

    went fishing last night and got a fish spine snap off in my thumb knuckle... woke up and it's severely swollen and hurts more than the f^%$*&g cactus spines did, and the infection is moving down my forearm.

    The cosmos must not be happy with me at the moment.

    Thanks again for all advice.

  5. ill take 100 mate. Can do payment any time after Monday.

    Are they from your own stock? or if from a vendor which one? i have a couple more LW on the way, and looking for diversity.

    :D this is going to be fun...graft comp here i come.

    Thanks tipz


    Pm me mate

  6. hate that bro try some realy sticky tape prob wont work but worth ago i reckon :-)


    All the spines that i didnt manage to pull with tweezers are not protruding man, otherwise would have used that or a special glue if seen mentioned.

    I think im just gong to have to let it ride. It will probably fester and work themselves out much like a splinter. I just hope the nerve endings affected switch themselves off.

    Thanks for the advice guys.. Maybe a glass of harden the fook up is in order :rolleyes:

  7. I concur on this one... There are bound to be issues in the future that will require mediation.

    Im a pretty diplomatic fellow with a knack for conflict resolution... Still no SAB veteran, but i would be happy to help mod this forum.

    Just an offer :)

    • Like 1

  8. But there are so many of them and they are so deep, And you simply cannot see where they are, especially as they are so small and brittle. Fuck i would have rathered a shitload of one inch peruvian spines than this :angry: . They would literally have to peel my skin off or criss cross my whole soul with a razor. :ana:

    I once had hundreds of minute pieces of glass in my feet and went to the docs, and they said it would be best left in.

    From utse Most spach injuries spoken of here have been in the hand, involving knuckles, tendons e.t.c and only one or two spines.

    As mine are just in the flesh, will they get infected and eventually push their way out ? Only thing is though i suppose constantly putting pressure on my foot will just embed them further.

    My bro is a nurse... if worse comes to worse I will strongly self medicate and get him to absolutely butcher my foot, He is pissed off with me atm, so it would probably give him great joy. :devil:

    And sir jeans that, and the other threads and google searches I have read do have me a lil worried !

  9. Last night I got home from a pretty big night. I lost my keys at the party (which have since been recovered)

    Anyway long story short I had to jump my fence to gain entry. I did not realize i had a giant log of spachianus on my decking, which i skillfully landed upon from six feet high "barefoot" :BANGHEAD2:

    Anyway... its only my right foot but there must be over sixty spines embedded in the sole of my foot. I managed To pluck maybe 10% of them out, but the rest are so deeply embedded I cannot get them out with tweezers. My feet are very well calloused as i often travel barefoot.

    I seriously cant walk.... Its agony ! Can anyone gve me a magic solution ? I really dont want to get a sharp pin and painfully hack deep into my feet in thirty different spots :excl:

    As painfull as it is, if i leave it, will the body desolve the spines ?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  10. Try talk him into rehab, I have been there some years ago, and did 6 months rehab after my detox.

    My vice was benzo's but, same shit different smell.

    It was the hardest but also the best thing i have ever done in my life, And i am quite sure i would not be here if i had not of taken such drastic measures.
