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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by chnt

  1. chnt

    The Corroboree top 100

    if you want to rep me so bad you can always go to the previous page and do one of my other posts.. i cant remember if i've seen all the broken clips or not, i know my friend tried to download the short film but was unable to complete it, these two are my favourites though.
  2. chnt


  3. barman sips beer and mutters "fucking junkie scum."
  4. chnt, etherealdrifter, and thunderideal meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. chnt's eyes glow. etherealdrifter's beak glistens. thunderideal 's, nose drips.
  5. bar, man: get out of my fucking bar you chnt. chnt: can i have a glass of water? etherealderideal: you lack hatred.
  6. chnt

    The Corroboree top 100

    these have all been really great songs qualia. here's another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCOvBaN5od8
  7. chnt

    Who is profiting from "legal" incence blends

    very interesting thread. there are so many things to say, and i'm too ADHD to remember.. i am quite young and unlearned (22, uni drop out) my gf is a few years younger than me, and she has a close friend who is 16, that friend introduced her to "kronic", i'm really not interested in it, when it's more expensive than the real stuff, and it's not the real stuff.. my mother is a nurse and for years she worked in a public hospital in probably the 70's/80's, she saw how pharma medicine was over prescribed, so she raised us with homeopathics, and advised us against western medicine, and i agree with her outlook, it's insane what people put into there bodies every day, and i've become one of those people, after years of suffering chronic pain, i've succumb to pain killers, excluding the last 6 months, in the last decade i'd taken less than 10 paracetamol tablets, in the last 6 months i'd quickly moved from taking up to 8 paracetamol and 8 ibuprofen a day, to taking up to 6 over the counter codeine a day, to just this week getting a prescription for tramadol, which i've taken for the first time tonight, and the pain is still fucking here, right now, i see a chiro, get acupuncture, massage, etc etc.. i wish i didn't have to take these medicines, but fuck i dunno if anyway can relate to chronic pain, it's so exhausting, at times i want to die.. unfortunately weed never had a pain numbing effect on me, quite the opposite, (also never worked as a sedative for my insomnia, quite the opposite..) i started using when i was 20, to help with depression, but it was really life changing and now i subscribe to altered states. there's so much more i could talk about, but unrelated to OP. everyone knows the hypocrisy with this shit, pharma making billions, weed is safer than legal medicines and legal alcohol and tobacco, plants that have been used by certain cultures for spiritual and healing purposes for thousands of years are illegal, blah blah, it pisses me off as i'm sure it angers many on here. these factors make me reserved when it comes to synthetic substances, i dont really trust something so unnatural, yeah it might not be as bad as meth, but it's not like we have a complete understanding of how organic substances work and how they affect our bodies and how chemical substances affect our body, what we do know is that people have lived healthily for thousands of years using certain organic substances that have benefited their lives while western medicine and all these new chemical compounds are relativity unknown. yeah there are some benefits to these new legal weed substitutes as stated in previous posts, but i do agree with the OP, and drug culture among teenagers is fucking crazy, and now there's one more thing they can easily obtain and overuse, maybe if they substitute legal weed for alcohol or speed or what ever else they might take then i can say i think it's a good thing, but mainly what i disagree with is the fact that there has to be a synthetic substandard version of something so harmless in comparison to the likes of alcohol, tobacco and pharma products, so people have to turn to this substandard shit to evade drug tests or because it's all that's available to them or for what ever reason, it's fucking ridiculous. i just started a job last week, had to do a drug test on thursday, probably the 10th i've had to do in my life, it's so demeaning, and such an invasion of privacy, some fucking society we live in, and yeah i'm a corporate puppet too, though i like to think that i'm an activist in some regards, like faking drug tests, though the one i did on thursday had complications, my first sample was discarded for being slightly under temp. the lady said to stay in the building and wait a bit before trying again, but i had to go home to get another sample from my friend who was at my house, i mean how fucking demeaning that i have to resort to handling someone else's urine in order to gain employment, i could be stoned at work and still peform better than half the cunts at these shit holes, not that i do, because drugs dont control my life because there's simply not just a stereotype drug user and people who are against drugs are imbeciles.. fucking pisses me off. the lady went off at me for leaving the building saying it's against protocol and people use different samples from their own, which i was doing, i played the fool and passed the second test, fuckers. sorry for hijacking this thread, bad pain day.
  8. chnt

    The Corroboree top 100

    nice to find a fellow ambient lover on this forum so soon. i do enjoy fennesz, but stephan mathieu i have never heard of, i love finding new ambient artists, thanks heaps, one minute in and i love it, if only i didn't just start my "time off smoking" i'd be stoned right now listening to this. feel free to keep more artists coming, hopefully i haven't heard of them. perhaps you will get the reference, thank you for your attention, bye.
  9. chnt

    The Corroboree top 100

    another one.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHfnc4Sb7Pk pretty much every song by autechre, except fermium. and something else. thank you for your attention.
  10. chnt

    The Corroboree top 100

    hello everyone, new to the forum, glad to be here. here's some of my top tier collection: my favourite artist by far, autechre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fswGKEuTNEc i posted this more for the video as well as the music, good to watch/listen to while in an altered state, the song itself is far from my favourite autechre song, but i still highly enjoy it. second post coming soon..