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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by mira

  1. In the US its a strange situation. Our government never specifies whats a recommended Minimum or a recommended Maximum for dietary components so people eat just huge amounts of salt not realizing the recommended intake is the recommended maximum which we should stay well under.

    They don't?

    http://fnic.nal.usda.gov/dietary-guidance/dietary-reference-intakes/dri-tables [doesn't load properly in Firefox for me]

    DV and DRI are a more complicated issue, but they do represent an upper limit we should stay well under.

  2. Be careful! In the top pictures it looks like there are some spores indicative of Cortinarius (rusty orange instead of the white/very light blue of Clitocybe) on the stick. Cortinarius archeri is very common at this time of the year in Australia and it is of course poisonous.

  3. I thought Nitrogens was columnar monstrose?

    From what I remember reading at the nook, nitrogen's clone is synonymous with the short-spined peruvianus monstrose that MSSmith has and what is referred to in SC3b as the CCC TPM. That clone shows intermittent normal growth, monstrose columnar growth, and crested growth. It's one sexy beast. Nitrogen's flower came off of a normal growth section.



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  4. It's definitely a sub from morphology and the clearly visible stem bruising.

    I think from a scientific standpoint 10-20 g fresh would contain the concentration of psilocybin/psilocin to be psychoactive, but of course that would be purely hypothetical.

  5. I visited a once thriving but now decrepit nursery a couple of weeks ago just to take a peek. There were stands of rotting pachanoi and terscheckii, but in the rotting and bug infested mess I managed to find a couple of interesting things that were not there last time or were not for sale before. Unfortunately the knowledgeable owner is not longer there so I couldn't ask him about the origins of the plants.

    I'd love to hear the expert opinion on these.







    I'm almost 100% certain of the origin of this one: a California wholesale nursery which does a lot of volume. My best guess is T. peruvianus.





    No clue on the origin of this one. It was in the middle of a rotting stand (5 m x 10 m) of PC in a blistering greenhouse lying on the floor. A longer spined pachanoid?

















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  6. This reminds me I've been meaning to ask PH if he made anything out of Catha edulis when his mature trees were drowned by his neighbor. Some older references I found mentioned that it was prized for its dense wood.

    So how about it PH?

  7. Washington state is pretty cool and if you are going to be along the coast or in one of the big cities like I suspect you are if you are going to be programming then the atmosphere is quite liberal compared to the rest of the US. I suspect the climate wouldn't be too much of a shock for you either though it can be a little dreary at times.

    Culturally I can't really think of anything I'd warn you to be aware of. America isn't that scary/different. Crime will depend heavily on the city and neighborhood you live in. And you are right about the accent. Girls are complete suckers for NZ accents, but just realize you are going to be called British and Australian all of the time since most people over here can't differentiate them.

    The parks in Washington are stellar, and it's a good area for mushroom hunting too.

  8. I found several stands of these trees with extremely aromatic leaves reminiscent of some trees with volatile oils prized as synthetic starting points. I think they must be Persea sp. Literature makes it look like the aromatics are mainly just camphor and cineole.










  9. Speaking of overdosing: hxxp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/banker-kills-himself-with-caffeine-pills-755004

    Average 81 kg male has ~5 L of blood so 367 mg/L means 1.8 g of absorbed caffeine. My pharmacology isn't that great so I don't know how much caffeine you'd have to take to hit that blood concentration.

  10. 5 g of caffeine is a toxic dose and is approaching a fatal dose depending on body chemistry.

    1.5-2.0 g of caffeine is still pretty bad. Back when I was a teen I took doses around that mark and experience pronounced euphoria and auditory and tactile hallucinations.

    Stick to the 80-300 mg range for best results. I get mild euphoria from a really nice espresso or two especially if it is an afternoon one.

  11. Shruman got it.

    AQIS supposedly cross-references databases like Kew to find synonyms so even things labeled as Trichocereus which are listed as Echinopsis should (in theory) pass through, but it's probably best to have the sender label according to the ICON database.

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  12. It's legal to import most of the Trichocereus/Echinopsis species you grow into Australia. Trichocereus are not CITES - I so the trade of seed is unrestricted and most species are permitted by AQIS. Even hybrids can be labeled and imported the right way. Those few species which are not allowed or listed can be re-labeled as a species that is allowed.

    Amusingly it's harder to legally import Trichocereus seed into the US than to Australia.

    EG: How come some EU vendors won't ship any CITES I cactus seed outside of the EU except Lophophora?
