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The Corroboree

Halcyon Daze

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Posts posted by Halcyon Daze

  1. As an edible fruit enthusiast, I've been super keen on edible Tricho fruits for some time, but never really got anywhere with it. Over the years I remember some posts mentioning some awesome spachiana and some good quality icaro fruits. Well anyway never got hold of any cuts or anything, but finally I've stumbled upon some awesome fruits of my own and it has reignited my zeal to breed these fruits. 


    Mine are a peruviana type, and are quite large and sweet. Crunching up the seeds was not so good as they were a littler bit bitter. But I was surprised just how good these fruits were compared with the other tricho fruit I've tried over the years. If a good quality dragonfruit was a '10'  for sweetness and flavor, these would be an '8'.


    So anyway I'd love to hook up with any other like minded people to share these great genetics and hopefully do some hybridizing in the future to develop a superior fruiting tricho. 


    Lemme know if you have a good fruiter. I'd love to get a cut.




    Halcyon fruiter la,..jpg

    Halcyon fruiter la,..jpg

    Halcyon fruiter la,..jpg

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  2. The hybrid name and the clone name are 2 distinct elemements of any official name. For example an orchid may go by the name Dendrobium speciosum X Dendrobium tetragonum Hilda Poxon 'Measles' . So in this name, there is the botanical parantage, the registered hybrid name (Hilda Poxon), and the clonal name ('Measles').


    When we name new seedlings we are actually skipping the 'hybrid' part and giving each one a 'clonal' name. Despite the fact they may or may not be a hybrid at all. Despite this I think we should retain as much parentage info as possible in names and labels.  


    So naming cacti will prolly never fit into the same official system as other plants as the 'horse has already bolted' so to speak, but we can still retain as much info as possible.  


    Some hypothetical examples may be Echinopsis hybrid 'Yowie' X Echinopsis peruviana 'Unicorn '




    Echinopsis pachanoi 'OP' X Echonopsis bridgesioid 'Lumberjack' 'Superspine'




    Echinopsis unknown X Echinopsis peruviana  'Norma' 'Bluey'


    Echinopsis unknown X Echinopsis peruviana 'Norma' 'Michelle'


    Echinopsis unknown X Echinopsis peruviana 'Norma' 'Fred'




    The only other thing I'd like to add is that I think it's important not to name them after potency etc. The pioneers have done a good job keeping a lid on this, so lets keep it that way, even if it ever becomes a ridiculous new craze to do so.

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  3. A nice plant-related place is the Scented Gardens in 'Laurel Bank Park'. From there it's a short walk to the Community Organic Gardens at the other end of Kenric Street. There's also the Botanical Gardens on the corner of Campbell and Lindsay. Also check out Webb Park, Picnic Point, Bill Gould's lookout, Mt Lofty lookout (really good at night) and Boyce Gardens. There's also the Japanese Gardens at the uni. That oughta keep you going for a while. :)

    • Thanks 1

  4. The zero alcohol beers are great. I just finished a 12 month stint helping a mate to not drink. Actually I still had the odd middy here and there at home, but whenever I went to his place I only took the zero alcohol varieties, as that was all he was drinking for the year. I have absolutely no problem chosing them any time, they literally taste that good.

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  5. I really hope my trichos stand up to any fires. I know they can tolerate a little bit but it remains to be seen how well smallish plants can handle it. Lack of rain over the last couple years has meant my cacti have'n put on as much growth as I'd have liked.


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  6. Cheers to all the firies, doing an incredible job. Saved me and my neighbors so far, but some nearby homes have been lost. Even looting has been taking place in some areas, so it's a very sad situation for some. Pretty soon we'll all have to join them on the allied front, I can't see the situation getting any better in the coming decades.


    • Sad 1

  7. Hey mate nice to see you back. Why did you leave bro!? Whatever it was I'm sure it wasn't that bad. People who get too offended online should stick to their televisions LOL. They prolly aren't even here anymore anyway. 


    Were you that guy with the huge cacti garden who was gonna do a big I've-Returned giveaway competition and shout everyone free tricho cuts? Yeah you were definitely that guy, hey? :)

    • Haha 3

  8. It'll be fine. Raise your garden beds, and grow them together, They will both grow fine. But over time take over the space until she is left loving the cacti as much as you do



    There are some nice metal brackets for making raised garden beds with sleepers. You just join the sleepers with the metal brackets like a big rectangle, and screw it all together using a cordless drill. They are available from Bunnings. The great thing is that you dont need to cement anything into the ground. You could even make your own brackets with sleeper off cuts, but the metal would last longer.


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